Office of Environmental Management
Standard Scopes of Services
Scope of Services
A Scope of Services is an attachment to the contractual agreement between the Department and the selected Consultant that will perform services for the Department. Development of Scope of Services for a project requires input from and coordination with several offices within the Department. The Office of Environmental Management (in collaboration with other offices) has developed the following Standard Scope of Services:
- PD&E Scope of Services Information (PD&E Scope details currently found on the Production Support Office website)
- Transit Projects Standard Scope of Services (word file) - This file should be used for Transit Concept Alternative Review (TCAR) and Capital Investment Grant (CIG) New Starts Project Development (PD) for Federal Transit Administration led projects. The template can be modified or customized to suit project complexity or issues. Contact Central Office, Office of Environmental Management and Public Transportation Office for customization guidance.
- Alternative Corridor Evaluation Standard Scope of Services (word file) - This file should be used for projects that require preparation of Alternative Corridor Evaluation (ACE). Developers of the Scope of Services may customize the scope template to suit project complexity or issues. Use this file (Excel) to document staff hour estimates for ACE.