Welcome to the Roadway Design Office
Office Manager: Derwood C. Sheppard, P.E. - State Roadway Design Engineer
Our office is comprised of four major sections: Standard Plans, Roadway Criteria, Drainage Design, Quality Assurance/Pavement Design and Landscape Architecture. We work together to develop, support, and disseminate policies, procedures, manuals, handbooks, guides, training, criteria, and standards for the design of Florida roadways. The Roadway Design Office is one of 3 divisions under the Office of Design, along with Structures Design and the CADD Office.
- All
- Standard Plans
- Roadway Criteria
- Drainage Design
- Quality Assurance / Pavement Design
- Landscape Architecture Programs
Need Help
Let us Help... Standards Publication - DOT Design Manuals - Florida Greenbook - Complete Streets - Innovative Intersections - Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities - Lighting - Roadside Barriers - Temporary Traffic Control (MOT) - Pipe Materials Selection - Bridge Scour - Coastal Engineering - Stormwater Management - Erosion and Sediment Control - Pavement publications - PCS Ride Rankings - National Pavement Rankings - Pavement Condition forecasts - Rubblization projects - Design Exceptions - Submittal Tracking - Design Exceptions - Quality Assurance Reviews - Engineering Research - Value Engineer
Links to: FDOT Offices - Office of Design - Production Support - Structures Design - Other Links of Interest
Our Mission:
To develop and provide policy, procedures, Roadway Criteria, and Roadway Standards
for the design of Florida Roadways; monitor their implementation, and provide training.
Our Vision:
Provide excellence in the products, services, and information we deliver to our customers.
Our Values:
Teamwork - Accountability - Respect - Integrity - Leadership - Service