Moving Florida Forward Infrastructure Initiative

During the 2023 Legislative Session, Governor DeSantis proposed, and the Florida Legislature then passed the Moving Florida Forward Infrastructure Initiative. As part of the initiative, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) identified a selection of critical needs on state-owned roadways. Additionally, FDOT identified previously approved projects with broad community support that only lacked funding to begin construction. Due to Florida’s sound fiscal health, $4 billion from the General Revenue Surplus has been dedicated to the Moving Florida Forward Infrastructure Initiative to advance construction on these projects around the state that will address congestion, improve safety, ensure the resiliency of our transportation network, and enhance Florida’s supply chain and economic growth.

Florida is currently experiencing unprecedented population growth and is projected to grow by 1,000 people every day over the next 30 years – with some areas of the state currently experiencing more than 20 percent growth rates. As the state continues to experience rapid population and tourism growth, the Moving Florida Forward Infrastructure Initiative focuses on critical improvements to ensure that transportation infrastructure can meet the demands of current and future residents and visitors, including investments in major interstates and arterial roadways to ensure people and goods can move safely throughout the state.

With the $4 billion dedicated for Moving Florida Forward’s initiative and the Department’s work program, FDOT’s total budget for the next 5 years totals over $66.1 Billion in transportation investments. In addition to the priority projects included in the Moving Florida Forward Infrastructure Initiative, FDOT remains committed to simultaneously delivering projects in the existing FDOT Five-Year Work Program, which is funded by the Department’s annual budget. More information on Moving Florida Forward, including press releases, a statewide map, and corresponding list of transportation infrastructure projects, can be found below.

The Governor's Press Release announcing the Moving Florida Forward Infrastructure Initiative can be found here.

Moving Florida Forward Project Map

Moving Florida Forward

Congestion Relief Projects (Region)