Welcome to the Structures Design Office
Office Manager: Will Potter, P.E. - State Structures Design Engineer
The Structures Design Office provides design guidance and technical assistance for structural, geotechnical, mechanical and electrical issues related to structural design and construction. The Structures Design Office is 1 of 3 divisions under the Office of Design, along with Roadway Design, and the CADD Office.
Most Requested
Structures Divisions
Need Help
Let us Help... Structures Design Manuals - Structures Standard Plans - Design Software - Research Center
Geotechnical Office - Design Innovations - Plans Review
Links to: FDOT Offices - Office of Design - Roadway Design Office - CADD Office - Other Links of Interest
Our Mission:
To provide design guidance and technical assistance for structural, geotechnical, mechanical, and electrical issues related to structural design and construction.
Our Vision:
Provide excellence in the products, services, and information we deliver to our customers.
Our Values:
Teamwork - Accountability - Respect - Integrity - Leadership - Service