Welcome to the Office of Design

Director: Will Potter, P.E.

Phone: (850) 414-4267

Design Office Manager: Ellen Sliger, CPM
e-Mail: ellen.sliger@dot.state.fl.us  Phone: (850) 414-4795
605 Suwannee Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, Mail Station 32   Fax: (850) 414-4791

The Office of Design leads, guides and supports the design community to deliver innovative transportation solutions.
Our Divisions are  Roadway Design, Structures Design, and  Production Support.

• Roadway Criteria
• Standard Plans
• Drainage Design
• Quality Assurance
• Pavement Design
•  Florida Greenbook
• Innovative Intersections
• Value Engineering

• Structures Research Center
• Structures Standard Plans
• Plans Review
• Geotechnical
• Special Projects
• Structures Design Software

• ADA/Accessibility
• CADD Office
• Cost Savings Initiatives
• Design Training
• Electronic Review Comments
• Landscape Architecture
• Project Management

Most Requested

Need Help

Roadway Criteria - Standard Plans - Drainage - Pavement Design - Quality Assurance - Value Engineering - Florida Greenbook - Complete Streets - Innovative Intersections - Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities - Computer Applications - Consultant Prequalification - Geotechnical - Structures In-House Design - Districts Plans Review - Research - Structure Manual - Structural Specifications - Structures Standard Plans - Post-Tensioning System - CADD Support - District Structure Design Engineers - Project Management Systems - Project Management Support - CADD Office - Landscape Architecture


Links to: FDOT Offices - Office of Design - Production Support - Structures Design - Other Links of Interest

About Our Office:

The Office of Design is dedicated to the production of the plans and specifications necessary to implement the Department of Transportation' s Work Program. As a part of this effort, the Office of Design develops policy, procedures, criteria, and standards for the design of Florida' s roadways, bridges, and other structures. This Office also provides technical assistance, training, and quality assurance to the Department of Transportation' s Districts, consultants, and other governing agencies in the areas of Structures, Roadway and Production Support.

Our Values:

Teamwork - Accountability - Respect - Integrity - Leadership - Service