2024 Drainage Design Guide - Complete DDG Document
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Hydrology
Chapter 3 - Open Channel
Chapter 4 - Culvert
Chapter 5 - Bridge Hydraulics
Chapter 6 - Storm Drains
Chapter 7 - Exfiltration Systems
Chapter 8 - Optional Pipe Material
Chapter 9 - Stormwater Management Facility
Chapter 10 - Temporary Drainage Design
Appendix A - Data Collection/ Published Data
Appendix B - Hydrology Design Aids
Appendix C - Open Channel Flow Design Aids
Appendix D - Gutter Flow Using HEC-RAS
Appendix E - Partial Depth Pipe Flow Graphs
Appendix F - Application Guidelines for Pipe End Treatments
Appendix G - Risk Evaluations
Appendix H - Shoulder Gutter Transition Slope at Bridges
Appendix I - Inlet Efficiencies
Appendix J - Exfiltration Design - Hydro-Geotechnical Aids - K for Saturated and Compacted Lab Soil Specimens
Appendix K - Drainage Well Design - Reasonable Assurance Report
Appendix L - Exfiltration Design - Sample Plans
Appendix M - Pipe Corrosion Tables and Charts
Appendix N - A Rationale for Stormwater Rule Standards