Equal Opportunity Office
Welcome to Equal Opportunity
The Florida Department of Transportation Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) was created to administer the Department's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Small Business Development Programs, and Civil Rights Programs [Title VI Program (Nondiscrimination in State and Federal Programs and Activities), and Internal and External Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Program. (Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws
Title VI | EEO Discrimination Complaint
Equal Opportunity Organizational Chart
- Conducts Title VI (focus on preventing discrimination and ensuring nondiscrimination in all programs and activities) and Title VII (internal and external Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action) investigations and monitors Contract Compliance (assures compliance of contractors), On The Job Training (OJT) and federal Wage Rate requirements.
- Supports the Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) through the Supportive Services Providers to increase the number of certified DBEs participating in the highway program and to contribute to the growth and eventual self-sufficiency of DBE firms. It also provides S/DBEs a way to monitor payments made by the Department through Prompt Payment and Monitoring.
- Assists the Department with meeting state and federal requirements through DBE Goal and DBE Reports/Letter Grades.
DBE & Small Business Development Programs
- Intends to remedy past and current discrimination against disadvantaged business enterprises, ensure a level playing field and foster equal opportunity and non-discrimination in DOT-assisted contracts, improve the flexibility and efficiency of the DBE Certification program, and reduce burdens on small businesses.
- Controls the Business Development Initiative, which is designed to support the Department's efforts to boost competition, lower prices, and increase support to meet its contracting needs. The BDI provides more opportunities and support for small businesses to move from subcontracting and sub-consulting to prime contracting and consulting roles.
- Assists the Department and S/DBEs with reporting through the Equal Opportunity Compliance Reporting System (EOC System), Equal Opportunity Reporting (EOR), and 90-Day Spending.
DBE Goal Methodology Documents
FDOT DBE Goal Methodology for Federal Transit Administration FFY 2024-2026
FDOT DBE Goal Methodology for Federal Highway Administration FFY 2024-2026-Revised
Recorded Goal Methodology Public Meeting FFY 2024-2026 Federal Hwy & Transit DBE Goals
2023 DBE Federal Highway and Transit: Explanation of Goals & Methodology
Office Manager
Courtnie Wheeless
605 Suwannee St, MS 65, Tallahassee, FL 32399
To contact anyone in our office, please refer to the Staff Directory
For assistance with the Equal Opportunity Compliance (EOC) system, please email EOOHelp@dot.state.fl.us