Schedule of Events

District 1 Events
Click the date below to view what Mobility Week events are going on in your region. To view additional events before and after these dates click here.
OCT 25 FRI |
OCT 26 SAT |
OCT 27 SUN |
OCT 28 MON |
OCT 29 TUE |
OCT 30 WED |
OCT 31 THR |
Saturday, October 26, 2019 |
MCAT's Free Travel Training Program TIME: Appointments available all day, every day! Riding the bus can be an intimidating experience for first-time riders or individuals with special needs. Manatee County Area Transit (MCAT) is making that experience easier with its free MCAT Travel Training Program. The fully personalized program helps riders understand how to use bus services, covering everything from navigating bus routes to purchasing a mobile ticket. Anyone interested can make a training appointment by calling (941) 747-8621 Ext. 7633. After scheduling an appointment, an MCAT travel trainer will meets with the future rider to discuss their needs and concerns. The travel trainer develops a customized training plan which typically includes riding the bus together. The training is self-paced and lasts as long as the rider needs to feel comfortable and understand the bus system. Learn more about the MCAT Travel Training Program at For more information on Manatee County Government, visit or call (941) 748-4501. You can also follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter, @ManateeGov. PARTNERS:MCAT • Manatee County |
LOCATION: Manatee County |
Punta Gorda Downtown Farmer’s Market TIME: 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Voted the ‘Best Small Market in Florida’ and 15th in the USA! There are over 50 vendors offering fruits and vegetables, dried fruits and nuts, Italian bakery, fresh homemade pasta, kitchenware, cupcakes, beef and fresh seafood, fresh citrus, jewelry, candles and soaps, dip mixes, Florida arts and crafts, cheese, French bakery, baguettes and olives, homemade pies, orchids, organic produce, personalized pens, kettle corn, coffee beans and drinks, native and exotic plants, and more! The Farmer’s Market has become a Saturday morning tradition, adding more vendors weekly. Live music from 8 am to 1 pm! For more information about this event go to PARTNERS:Punta Gorda Farmer's Market |
LOCATION: Downtown Punta Gorda |
Ridge Area Arc Halloween Run TIME: 8:30 a.m. Ridge Area Arc and MIDFLORIDA will host the 10th Annual Halloween 5K/10K and Mini-Monster Fun Run on Saturday, October 26 at 8:30 am at Highlands Hammock State Park. This event welcomes the serious runners, casual walkers, and the Arc’s special athletes. Early entry fee is $20 and includes a runner gift to the first 100 registered. Registration also includes admission to the park. For more information about this event go to PARTNERS:Ridge Area Arc • MIDFLORIDA Credit Union |
LOCATION: Highlands Hammock State Park |
Boo Run 5k and Boo Dash TIME: 8:00 a.m. Join us for the 16th Annual Boo Run! Part of the 2019 LWR Triple Challenge that includes the Boo Run 5k, Tidewell Turkey Trot 5k, Jingle Run 5k & the Wild Card – Life Story 5k. This is a family-oriented race with a costume contest and awards! Awards will be awarded for the following categories: Best Couple, Most Creative, Most Funny, and Best Male/Female Kids Under 10. Over 1200 runners and spectators are expected for this fun and exciting event! Register by 10/1 to have your Shirt size guaranteed. For more information please visit PARTNERS:Lakewood Ranch Running Club |
LOCATION: Lakewood Ranch |
Community Fall Festival TIME: 4:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. Be sure to stop in and join the fun during the annual Community Fall Festival in Downtown Wauchula! Be sure to dress in your best costume and hurry to downtown Wauchula for games, prizes, and fun! There will be a kids’ costume contest at 5:30 pm. For more information contact Main Street Wauchula. PARTNERS:Hardee County Ministerial Association • Main Street Wauchula • Peace River Electric Cooperative, Inc. • Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc. |
LOCATION: Downtown Wauchula |
Mulberry's Annual Harvest Festival TIME: 4:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. We are so excited for our annual Harvest Festival! We're going to have backyard games, a free trunk or treat (aka FREE CANDY), food vendors, retail vendors, a hay ride, LIVE music, and much more fun! You won't want to miss this rowdy event! For more information, visit our Facebook Page. PARTNERS:City of Mulberry |
LOCATION: Spence Park |