SR 9/I-95 from Linton Boulevard/CR 782 to 6th Avenue South
To kick-off this project, a project overview for the SR 9/I-95 from Linton Boulevard/CR 782 to 6th Avenue South Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study was presented to the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency (TPA) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Citizen's Advisory Committee (CAC) on Wednesday, December 6, 2023. The same project overview was presented to the TPA Vision Zero Advisory Committee (VZAC) on Thursday December 7, 2023, and to the TPA Governing Board on Thursday, December 14, 2023. A recording of each presentation is available for your viewing in the links below.
TPA Governing Board Presentation
We encourage you to be an active participant and engage through the entire study, and we welcome your feedback, questions, and comments. Please visit this website often to get the most up-to-date information on the SR 9/I-95 from Linton Boulevard/CR 782 to 6th Avenue South PD&E Study. Public meetings will be advertised on this webpage.
Project Overview
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has initiated a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study for the SR 9/I-95 Managed Lanes from Linton Boulevard/CR 782 to 6th Avenue South, a segment of approximately 13.5 miles. This segment of SR 9/I-95 is located within Palm Beach County and traverses the municipalities of Lake Worth Beach, Lantana, Boynton Beach, and Delray Beach. SR 9/I-95 is a high priority corridor important to the state’s economy and mobility, and it is also an emergency evacuation route. To address the project needs the PD&E Study will evaluate managed lanes within the project limits.
Why Managed Lanes?
Managed lanes are an innovative solution to congestion management. They are usually newly constructed travel lanes with access limited to specific vehicle classes by a toll or vehicle volume. Managed lanes are highway facilities, or a set of lanes where operational strategies are proactively implemented and managed in response to changing traffic conditions.
Managed lanes will be considered as an alternative to increase capacity on corridors to address existing and future congestion but shall not be implemented on existing general use lanes for limited access facilities.
The Department will prioritize this approach to deploy a safe, community-centric, resilient, equitable, and accessible transportation system.
Managed lanes:
FDOT Transportation Project Delivery Process
The Planning phase has been completed and we are in the Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study phase. A PD&E Study is FDOT’s process to evaluate the social, cultural, natural, and physical resource impacts associated with a planned transportation improvement project. The PD&E process is followed by FDOT to evaluate Engineering Alternatives and Environmental Impacts and comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). FDOT is consistent with all the Federal and State laws and regulation requirements.
At the end of the PD&E Study and following approval from the FDOT Office of Environmental Management, a preferred alternative will continue into the Design Phase followed by Right of Way Acquisition, if needed, and finally the Construction and Maintenance phases of the project.
To learn more about this PD&E Study, view the links provided under Study Resources to the right of this page.
For more information about the I-95 Corridor Master Plan and adjacent projects click here.
District Office
Steven C. Braun, District 4 Secretary
3400 W Commercial Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Follow Us
Facebook: MyFDOTSEFL
Instagram: myfdot_sefl
Study Start Date
Spring 2023
Study Estimated Completion Date
Spring 2026 (Subject to Change)
Study Limits
Linton Boulevard/CR 782 to 6th Avenue South - approximately 13.5 miles
Design and Construction are unfunded
FDOT Project Manager
Lance Kevin Jones Junior
Study Resources
Photos - Coming Soon
FAQ - Coming Soon