Financial Project ID: 444202-1-22-02

ETDM Number: 14508

County: Palm Beach

Proposed Limits: The project limits along SR 9/I-95 are from Linton Boulevard/CR 782 (MP 7.5) to 6th Avenue South (MP 21), a segment of approximately 13.5 miles. This segment of SR 9/I-95 is located in Palm Beach County and traverses the municipalities of Lake Worth Beach, Lantana, Boynton Beach, and Delray Beach. The Tri-Rail is adjacent to and runs parallel along the west side of the SR 9/I-95 project area.

SR 9/I-95, within the project limits, is functionally classified as an Urban Principal Arterial Interstate and is incorporated into the State's Strategic Intermodal System (SIS), a high priority network of transportation facilities important to the state's economy and mobility. Additionally, as part of the National Highway System (NHS), it is also an emergency evacuation route. There are eight interchanges within the limits of this project. Lantana Road is an urban principal arterial. The other seven, Linton Boulevard, Atlantic Avenue, Woolbright Road, Boynton Beach Boulevard, Gateway Boulevard, Hypoluxo Road, and 6th Avenue South are minor arterials.


Project Purpose: The primary purpose of this project is to increase capacity and have an adequate future level of service along the SR 9/I-95 segment from Linton Boulevard to 6th Avenue South, and to meet future travel demand. The project will also evaluate system linkage, modal interrelationships, and safety.