I-95 Corridor Master Plan from South of Linton Boulevard (MP 7.5) to the Palm Beach/Martin County Line
About the Master Plan
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Four concluded a Master Plan for the I-95 Corridor spanning 37.5 miles along State Road (SR) I-95 from South of Linton Boulevard (MP 7.5) to the Palm Beach/Martin County Line (MP 45), in Palm Beach County.
The I-95 Managed Lanes Master Plan stands as a pivotal advancement in the ongoing enhancement of Palm Beach County's primary and dependable transportation artery. The primary purpose of the Master Plan was to identify long-term capacity needs along the I-95 mainline and develop managed lanes design concepts to address any segments identified along the Corridor as operating below the Level of Service.
The primary purpose of the project is to improve traffic operations at the existing interchanges, cross streets, and managed lanes, address existing and future traffic demand, and enhance safety along SR 9/I-95 from Miami-Dade/Broward County Line to north of Griffin Road in Broward County, Florida.
The Master Plan aimed to create a collection of recommendations with phased implementation, to align the corridor with the Florida Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Standards, enhance performance, ensure travel time reliability, and pinpoint areas for improvement.
The phased Master Plan’s objectives revolved around the following.
- Addressing traffic deficiencies in key highway areas
- Analyzing three alternatives to tackle capacity concerns
- Converting the current HOV lane into a managed lane
- Adding an extra managed lane
- Incorporating additional regular lanes)
- Formulating a comprehensive execution plan for future improvements.
Benefits (Why we do it):
Managed Lanes are highway facilities or a set of lanes where operational strategies are proactively implemented and managed in response to changing traffic conditions. The goal of Managed Lanes is to improve operational conditions on a highway, improving traffic speed and safety. Also, Managed Lanes:

Steven C. Braun, District 4 Secretary