AASHTO Census Transportation Solutions (ACTS)The ACTS technical service program provides the Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP), which are Census data for transportation planning applications. It is the primary public source of journey to work data.
Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR)Housed within the University of Florida, BEBR produces Florida's official State and Local Population Estimates and Projections for cities and counties in Florida.
National Household Travel Survey (NHTS)Conducted by FHWA, the NHTS is the authoritative source on the travel behavior of the American public. It is the only source of national data that allows one to analyze trends in personal and household travel.
Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS)The Census Bureau's ACS Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files enable data users to create custom estimates and tables that are not available through ACS pretabulated data products.
Systems Forecasting and Trends Office Population and Census DataThe FDOT Systems Forecasting and Trends Office conducts demographic analyses and provides annual population estimates based on the population study of the Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR).
U.S. CensusThe Census Bureau is the nation's leading provider of demographic and economic data. The key population datasets provided by the Bureau are the style="font-size:15px;"Decennial Census and the American Community Survey (ACS).
County Business Patterns (CBP)CBP is a program within the Census Bureau that generates an annual series that provides subnational economic data by industry and employment size of establishments.
Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD)As part of the Center for Economic Studies at the U.S. Census Bureau, the LEHD program produces statistics on employment, earnings, and job flows at detailed levels of geography, industry, and for demographic groups.
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)The QCEW program publishes a quarterly count of employment and wages reported by employers covering more than 95 percent of U.S. jobs, available at the county, MSA, state and national levels by industry.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)An agency of the U.S. Department of Labor, BLS is the principal fact-finding agency in the broad field of labor economics and statistics and serves as part of the U.S. Federal Statistical System.
Dun & Bradstreet Employment DataFor access to Dun & Bradstreet Employment Data, please contact Terry Corkery at
As part of the U.S. Department of Transportation, BTS is a predominant source of statistics and resources on commercial aviation, multimodal freight activities, and transportation economics.
Freight Analysis Framework (FAF)The FAF database provides estimates of freight flows for all modes of transportation and 42 commodity types within the U.S. at the state and metropolitan area geographic levels.
Freight Mobility and Trade Plan (FMTP)The FMTP is a comprehensive plan that identifies freight transportation facilities critical to the state's economic growth and guides multimodal freight investments in Florida.
Macroeconomic StudyThis study estimates the effect of transportation investments on the state's economic competitiveness and compares the overall benefits and costs of FDOT's transportation investments.
Office of Economic and Demographic ResearchThe Office of Economic and Demographic Research (EDR) is a research arm of the Florida Legislature principally concerned with forecasting economic and social trends that affect policy making, revenues, and appropriations.
For software-specific resources, please visit the following links:
TransCAD by CaliperVisum & Vissim by PTV Group
Published by FHWA in July 2023, this flyer details the data and analysis methods for travel time reliability.
FHWA Transportation Performance Management (TPM)TPM is a strategic approach that uses system information to make investment and policy decisions to achieve national performance goals. This website provides a repository for all things “TPM” including guidance, a tool box, dashboards, and many TPM-related links.
FHWA Performance-Based Planning and Programming (PBPP) Implementation RoadmapThe PBPP Implementation Roadmap summarizes regulatory requirements, answers frequently asked questions, describes available resources, and recommends ways for FHWA Division Offices to enhance their planning oversight and stewardship activities, including document reviews, approvals, and planning certifications.
Performance Data Integration Space (PDIS)The PDIS is the hub for information, resources, and data produced by SFTO to assist department stakeholders with data-driven decisions.
Source BookThe FDOT Source Book tracks the performance metrics of Florida's transportation system. For more information on how the Source Book is compiled, review the Source Book Methodology.
MPO Performance ResourcesA repository of resources relating to performance management requirements for FDOT, MPOs, and providers of public transportation services.
The EDTM process incorporates environmental considerations into transportation planning to inform project delivery, supporting FDOT's environmental policy.
Sea Level Scenario Sketch Planning ToolThe University of Florida's GeoPlan Center provides a Sea Level Scenario Sketch Planning Tool to help identify transportation infrastructure exposed to current and future flood risks.
Resilience Action Plan (RAP)This web map identifies State Highway and Bridge segments that can potentially be impacted by water-related hazards, along with additional basemaps featuring flood/vulnerability zones and other transportation infrastructure.
FEMA Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool (RAPT)Developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), RAPT includes over 100 preloaded layers including community resilience indicators from peer-reviewed research, the most current census demographic data, infrastructure data, and data on weather, hazards, and risk.
Created by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the FIRST is a tool that lets users build custom queries of fatal/injury crashes and generate the results in the form of tables, charts, or GIS maps.
Signal Four Analytics Florida Traffic Safety DashboardThe Signal Four Analytics is FDOT's official crash data repository and the sole source of crash information for FDOT Safety Analyses.
State Traffic Safety Information (STSI)The STSI by NHTSA is an information portal for state or county specific data for the past 10 years for key safety metrics on belt-use, impaired driving, speeding, core performance measures through tables, charts, and GIS crash location maps.
Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) DashboardDeveloped by FDOT, the dashboard summarizes the quantitative VRU analysis, allowing for geospatial visualization and dynamic aggregation of key features, such as location, number of crashes, time of day, roadway characteristics, and demographics.
This handbook developed by SIO provides guidance on principles and techniques for preparing project traffic required by various stages of the project development process.
FHWA Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation Tools ProjectsAnalysis, modeling, and simulation (AMS) tools projects conceptualize and refine AMS frameworks and investigate the application of AMS methodologies to address transportation system challenges.
NCHRP 226 - Data Visualization Methods for Transportation Agencies
The NCHRP Web-Only Document 226: Data Visualization Methods for Transportation Agencies provides techniques for planners who have various levels of experience with displaying and reporting information in a visual format. The publication includes practices for developing visualization skills, enhancing transportation analysis, and improving public engagement.
The National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report Number 365 reviews the four-step travel demand process and transferable parameters that can be used in simple planning analyses.
NCHRP 716 - Travel Demand Forecasting: Parameters and TechniquesThe NCHRP Report Number 716 is an update building on NCHRP 365, providing guidelines on travel demand forecasting procedures and their application for helping to solve common transportation problems.
NCHRP 735 - Long Distance and Rural Transferable ParametersThe NCHRP Report Number 735 is an update building on NCHRP 716, exploring transferable parameters for long-distance and rural trip-making for statewide models.
Travel Forecasting ResourceA collection of best practices for travel demand forecasting and travel survey methods.
Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP)Housed within FHWA, TMIP conducts research, provides technical assistance, and delivers training to local, regional, and state transportation planning professionals. The TMIP Transportation Modeling and Analysis Toolbox provides an abundance of information on travel demand modeling methods and practices.
VISIT Florida studies global consumer trends and travel patterns to learn more about Florida's visitors and their preferences. Most notably, the VISIT Florida Research Department prepares the Florida Visitor Study which is the premier reference guide for statistics on visitors to the State of Florida.
The RITIS Tool Catalog is a data-driven platform for transportation analysis, monitoring, and data visualization.
Data Inventory Matrix
This document provides a data matrix designed to give transportation planners, modelers, and other professionals a comprehensive overview of the types of data collected by some of the most prevalent vendors in the field.
Short-Term Predictive Analysis
Short-term predictive analysis is most suitable for near-term decisions, where appropriate data sets are readily available, analytic tools can be developed quickly, and users can easily operate and understand the tools and outputs.