FDOT Travel Demand Model Manual

The Travel Demand Modeling Manual provides procedures and standards for the development and use of FDOT travel demand models. Archived guidance can be found at FSUTMS Online.

Overview of Travel Demand Modeling
This introduction will define a travel demand model and lay out the value it provides planners, engineers, and decision-makers. It also provides a broad overview of model types, uses, and requirements.
Part 1: Developing a Travel Demand Model
Chapter 1: Overview of Model Development Process
Chapter 2: Preparing for Model Development
The model development process ensures that a travel demand model accurately mirrors the observed travel patterns and needs of the area being simulated. This chapter discusses the early stages of the process including identifying stakeholders, establishing a collaboration plan, scoping the model development process, and drafting the scope document.
Chapter 3: Preparing Model Data
This chapter focuses on determining data needs, identifying reliable sources of data, and data collection practices including how to collect it, when to start collecting it, and steps for checking data for errors, reasonableness, and validity.
Chapter 4: Developing and Refining the Model
This chapter focuses on model architecture, calibration and validation, developing the base year scenario, and standardizing reports and outputs.
Chapter 5: Developing the Future Year
Chapter 6: Resources
Part 2: Using a Travel Demand Model
Chapter 1: Defining the Ask
Chapter 2: Accuracy and Precision
Chapter 3: Running a Baseline
Chapter 4: Modeling Scenarios
Chapter 5: Scenario Outputs
Chapter 6: Communicating Results

We Want Your Feedback

Please provide your comments on the available drafts of the Overview of Travel Demand Modeling and Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of the Development component. Other chapters will be added as they are ready for review.