Standard Plans - FY 2018-19

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Last Updated: 09/12/2018


Standard Plans for Road Construction

Standard Plans IndexInterim Revision, Errata, or Developmental (Dev)

  Index Title

Design Standards Index Standard Plans InstructionsDesign Tools

Support Detail

eBook  Standard Plans for Road Construction - Complete eBook    
Cover  Cover Sheet    
Abbrev  Abbreviations Sheet    
TOC Road   Table of Contents - Road  Construction    
Crosswalk  Crosswalk of Design Standards Index to Standard Plans   
RevisionsErrata Revision History Log  SPI 


000-506  Miscellaneous Earthwork Details506  
000-510  Superelevation Transitions - High Speed Roadways 510  
000-511  Superelevation Transitions - Low  Speed Roadways 511  
000-515 Turnouts and Driveways515  
000-516   Turnouts-Resurfacing Projects516  
000-525Errata Ramp Terminals 525  

General Construction Operations-Roadway

  Maintenance of Traffic
 Temporary Barrier 415SPIXLS
102-110  Type K Temporary Concrete Barrier System 414
102-120  Low Profile Barrier 412
102-600Errata General Information for Traffic Control Through Work Zones600  
102-601  Two-Lane and Multilane Roadway, Work Beyond the Shoulder 601  
102-602  Two-Lane and Multilane, Work on Shoulder 602  
102-603  Two-Lane, Two-Way, Work Within the Travel Way 603  
102-604  Two-Lane, Two-Way, Intersection Work604  
102-605  Two-Lane, Two-Way, Work in Intersection605  
102-606  Two-Lane Roadway, Lane Closure Using Temporary Traffic Signals606  
102-607  Mobile Operations607  
102-608  Two-Lane, Two-Way, Temporary Diversion Connection 608  
102-611 Multilane, Work Outside Shoulder611  
102-612  Multilane, Work on Shoulder612  
102-613  Multilane Roadway, Lane Closures613  
102-614  Multilane, Work Within the Travel Way-Center Lane614  
102-615  Multilane Roadway, Intersection Work615  
102-616 Multilane, Work Near Intersection-Median or Outside Lane616  
102-617  Multilane, Work in Intersection-Center Lane617  
102-618  Multilane, Work in Intersection-Two Lanes Closed-45 mph or Less618  
102-619 Multilane, Mobile Operations, Work on Shoulder, Work Within the Travel Way619  
102-620  Multilane Roadway, Temporary Diversion620  
102-621 Multilane, Undivided, Temporary Diversion Connection621  
102-622 Multilane, Work Near Intersection-Temporary Diversion Connection-35 mph of Less622  
102-623 Multilane, Work Within the Travel Way Double Lane Closure623  
102-625  Temporary Road Closure 625  
102-628  Two-Way Left Turn Lanes628  
102-630  Crossover for Paving Train Operations, Rural630  
102-631  Temporary Crossover631  
102-640  Converting Two-Lanes to Four-Lanes Divided, Rural640  
102-641  Converting Two-Lanes to Four-Lanes Divided, Urban641  
102-642  Transitions for Temporary Concrete Barrier on Freeway Facilities642  
102-650  Two-Lane, Two-Way Rural Structure Replacement650  
102-651  Multilane, Divided, Maintenance and Construction651  
102-655  Traffic Pacing 655  
102-660  Sidewalk Closure660  
102-665  Limited Access Temporary Opening 665  
102-667  Toll Plaza, Traffic Control Standards667  
102-670  Motorist Awareness System670  

Clearing Construction Site

  Clearing and Grubbing
110-100  Tree Protection and Preservation 542  
110-200  Mailboxes 532  
  Earthwork and Related Operations
120-001  Embankment Utilization 505  
120-002  Subsoil Excavation 500  
125-001  Utility Adjustments thru Existing Pavement 307  
141-T01  Settlement Plate 540  

Bituminous Treatments, Surface Courses and Concrete Pavement

  Concrete Pavement
350-001  Concrete Pavement Joints 305  
353-001  Concrete Slab Replacement 308  
370-001  Bridge Approach Expansion Joint Concrete Pavement   With Special Select Soil Base306  


  Concrete Structures
 Cantilever Retaining Wall (C-I-P) 6010SPIPGM
400-011  Gravity Wall 6011SPI 
400-021  Concrete Steps 521SPI 
  Inlets, Manholes and Junction Boxes
425-001  Supplementary Details for Drainage Structures201 XLS
 Structure Bottoms - Type J and P 200  
425-020  Curb Inlet Tops - Types 1, 2, 3 and 4 210  
425-021  Curb Inlet Tops - Types 5 and 6 211  
425-022  Curb Inlet - Type 7 212  
425-023  Curb Inlet - Type 8 213  
425-024  Curb Inlet Top - Type 9 214  
425-025  Curb Inlet Top - Type 10 215  
425-030Errata Median Barrier Inlets Types 1 and 2 217  
 Adjacent Barrier Inlet 218  
425-032  Curb and Gutter Barrier Inlet 219  
425-040  Gutter Inlet - Type S 220  
425-041  Gutter Inlet - Type V 221  
425-050  Ditch Bottom Inlet - Type A 230  
425-051  Ditch Bottom Inlet - Type B 231  
425-052  Ditch Bottom Inlets - Types C, D, E and H 232  
425-053  Ditch Bottom Inlets - Types F and G 233  
425-054  Ditch Bottom Inlet - Type J 234  
425-055  Ditch Bottom Inlet - Type K 235  
425-060  Back of Sidewalk Drainage 282  
425-061  Closed Flume Inlet 216  
425-070  Skimmer for Outlet Control Structures 240SPI 
425-080  Utility Conflicts thru Drainage Structures 307  
425-090  Safety Modifications for Inlets In Box Culverts 293  
  Pipe Culverts - End Treatments
430-001  Miscellaneous Drainage Details 280  
430-010  U-Type Concrete Endwalls With Grates - 15" to 30" Pipe260  
430-011  U-Type Concrete Endwalls - Baffles and Grate Optional - 15" to 30" Pipe261  
430-012   U-Type Concrete Endwall - Energy Dissipator - 30" to 72" Pipe264  
430-020  Flared End Section 270SPI 
430-021Errata Cross Drain Mitered End Section 272  
430-022  Side Drain Mitered End Section 273  
430-030  Straight Concrete Endwalls - Single and Multiple Pipe250  
430-031  Straight Concrete Endwalls - Single and Double 60" Pipe 251  
430-032  Straight Concrete Endwalls - Single and Double 66" Pipe 252  
430-033  Straight Concrete Endwalls - Single and Double 72" Pipe 253  
430-034  Straight Concrete Endwalls - Single 84" Pipe 255  
430-040  Winged Concrete Endwalls - Single Round Pipe 266  
430-090  Safety Modifications for Endwalls 295  
  Structures-Miscellaneous Drainage
 Trench Drain 206  
440-001  Underdrain 286
440-002  Underdrain Inspection Box 245  
443-001  French Drain 285  
443-002  Skimmers for French Drain Outlets 241  
444-T01  Deep Well Injection Box 288  
446-001  Concrete Pavement Subdrainage 287  
  Structures Foundations - Sheet Pile Wall
455-400  Precast Concrete Sheet Pile Wall (Conventional) 6040SPI 
455-440  Precast Concrete Sheet Pile Wall (CFRP/GFRP & HSSS/GFRP) 22440SPI 

Incidental Construction

 Traffic Control Devices for Movable Span Bridge Signals 17890  
509-070  Railroad Grade Crossing Traffic Control Devices 17882  
509-100  Advance Warning for R/R Crossing 17881  
  Metal Pedestrian/Bicycle Railings, Guiderails and Handrails
515-052  Pedestrian/Bicycle Railing (Steel) 852SPI 
515-062  Pedestrian/Bicycle Railing (Aluminum) 862SPI 
515-070  Pipe Guiderail (Aluminum) 870SPI 
515-080  Pipe Guiderail (Steel) 880SPI 
  Concrete Gutter, Curb Elements and Traffic Separator
 Curb and Gutter 300  
520-005  Concrete Shoulder Gutter Spillway 284  
520-010  Median Opening Flume 283  
520-020  Traffic Separators 302SPI 
  Concrete Barriers, Traffic Railings, and Parapets
521-001Errata   Interim
 Concrete Barrier 410SPIXLS
521-002  Pier Protection Barrier 411SPIXLS
521-010  Opaque Visual Barrier 461  
521-510  Concrete Barrier/Noise Wall (8'-0") 5210SPI 
521-511  Concrete Barrier/Noise Wall (14'-0") 5211SPI 
521-512  Concrete Barrier/Noise Wall Junction Slab 5212SPI 
521-513  Concrete Barrier/Noise Wall T-Shaped Spread Footing 5213SPI 
521-514  Concrete Barrier/Noise Wall L-Shaped Spread Footing 5214SPI 
521-515  Concrete Barrier/Noise Wall Trench Footing 5215SPI 
521-600  MSE Wall Coping (Precast or C-I-P) 6100SPI 
521-610  Concrete Barrier/Junction Slab - Wall Coping 6110 
521-620  Concrete Barrier/Raised Sidewalk - Wall Coping 6120 
521-630  Parapet With C-I-P Sidewalk - Wall Coping 6130 
521-640  Drainage Inlet Openings In Junction Slab - Wall Coping 6201 
521-650  Light Pole Pedestal - Wall Coping 6200SPI 
  Concrete Sidewalk and Driveways
522-001  Concrete Sidewalk 310SPI 
522-002Errata Detectable Warnings and Sidewalk Curb Ramps 304 
  Ditch and Slope Pavement
524-001  Ditch Pavement and Sodding 281  
  Noise and Perimeter Walls
534-200  Noise Walls (Precast) 5200SPI 
534-250 Errata
 Perimeter Walls 5250SPI 
536-001Errata Guardrail 400SPIXLS
536-002 Errata
 Guardrail Transitions and  Connections for Existing Bridges 402SPI 
  Crash Cushions
544-001  Crash Cushion Transition Details 430SPI 
  Rumble Strips
 Raised Rumble Strips 517  
546-010Interim Ground-In Rumble Strips 518SPI 
  Retaining Wall Systems
548-020  MSE Retaining Wall Systems (Permanent) 6020SPI 
548-030  MSE Retaining Wall Systems (Temporary) 6030SPI 
550-001  Fence - Type A 801  
550-002  Fence - Type B 802  
550-003  Cantilever Slide Gate - Type B Fence 803  
550-004  Fence Location 800  
  Performance Turf
570-001  Permanent Erosion Control 104  
570-010  Shoulder Sodding and Turf on Existing Facilities 105  
580-001  Landscape Installation 544  

Traffic Control Signals and Devices

 Conduit Installation Details 17721  
 Signal Cable and Span Wire Installation Details 17727  
634-002  Aerial Interconnect 17733  
635-001  Pull and Splice Boxes 17700  
639-001  Service Point Details 17504  
639-002  Electric Power Service 17736  
641-010  Concrete Poles 17725SPIPGM
641-020  Concrete CCTV Pole 18113SPI 
649-010  Steel Strain Pole 17723SPIPGM
649-020  Steel CCTV Pole 18111SPI 
649-030  Standard Mast Arm Assemblies 17743SPIPGM
 Mast Arm Assemblies 17745
653-001  Pedestrian Control Signal Installation Details 17764  
659-010  Span Wire Mounted Sign Details 17356  
659-020  Camera Mounting Details 18110  
660-001  Vehicle Loop Installation Details 17781  
665-001  Pedestrian Detector Assembly Installation Details 17784  
671-001  Standard Signal Operating Plans 17870  
676-010  Cabinet Installation Details 17841  
695-001  Traffic Monitoring Site 17900SPI 

Signing, Pavement Markings and Lighting

  Highway Signing
700-010Errata Single Column Ground Signs 11860SPIPGM
 Single Column Cantilever Ground Mounted Sign 11861SPI 
700-012  Single Post Bridge Mounted Sign Support 11870SPI 
700-013  Single Post Median Barrier  Mounted Sign Support 11871SPI 
700-020  Multi-Column Ground Sign 11200SPIPGM
700-030  Wind and Hanger Beams for Overhead Signs 11300SPI 
700-031  External Lighting for Signs 17505SPI 
700-040  Cantilever Sign Structure 11310SPIPGM
700-041  Span Sign Structure 11320SPIPGM
700-050  Free-Swinging, Internally-Illuminated Street Sign Assemblies 17748  
700-090  Dynamic Message Sign Walk-In 18300  
700-101  Typical Sections for Placement of Single and Multi-Column Signs 17302  
700-102  Special Sign Details17355  
700-103  Tourist Oriented Directional Signs17354  
700-104  Signing for Motorist Services 17350  
700-105  Welcome Center Signing 17351  
700-106  Rural Narrow Bridge Treatment 17359  
700-107  Bridge Weight Restrictions 17357  
700-108  Typical Signing for Truck Weigh and Inspection Stations 17328  
700-109  Traffic Controls for Street Terminations17349  
700-110  Mounting Exit Number Panels to Signs 13417  
700-120Errata Enhanced Highway Signing Assemblies 11862  
  Pavement Markings
 Typical Placement of Raised Pavement Markers 17352SPI 
711-001Errata Pavement Markings 17346  
711-002  Bicycle Markings 17347SPI 
711-003  Interchange Markings 17345  
  Highway Lighting Systems
715-001  Conventional Lighting 17500  
715-002Errata Standard Aluminum Lighting 17515SPI 
715-010  High Mast Lighting17502SPIPGM
  Railroad Crossing
830-T01  Railroad (Grade) Crossings 560  




Standard Plans for Bridge Construction

The Standard Plans for Bridge Construction shown on this site are for designers to use in preparing contract plans only and are not for direct use by the contractor. The required Standard Plans for Bridge Construction for projects are included in the Structures Component of the Contract Plan set.

Standard Plans IndexInterim Revision, Errata, or Developmental (Dev)

  Index Title

Design Standards Index Standard Plans InstructionsDesign Tools

Support Detail

eBook  Standard Plans for Bridge Construction - Complete eBook   
Cover  Cover Sheet    
TOC Bridge   Table of Contents - Bridge Construction    
Crosswalk  Crosswalk of Design Standards Index to Standard Plans    
Revisions  Revision History Log  SPI 

General Construction Operations

  Maintenance of Traffic
102-200 Temporary Acrow 300 Series Detour Bridge General Notes and Details21600SPI
102-220  Temporary Detour Bridge - Timber Pile Foundations 21610
102-220  Temporary Detour Bridge - Steel H Pile Foundations 21620
102-230  Temporary Detour Bridge - Steel Pile Pipe Foundations 21630
102-240  Temporary Detour Bridge Thrie - Beam Guardrail 21640


  Concrete Structures
400-090  Approach Slabs (30 ft.) (Flexible Pavement Approaches) 20900SPI 
400-091  Approach Slabs (30 ft.) (Rigid Pavement Approaches) 20910SPI 
400-289  Concrete Box Culvert Details 289SPIPGM
400-291  Precast Concrete Box Culverts Supplemental Detail 291SPI 
400-292  Standard Precast Concrete Box Culverts 292SPI 
400-510  Composite Elastomeric Bearing Pads - Prestressed Florida-I and AASHTO Type II Beams 20510SPI 
415-001  Bar Bending Details (Steel) 21300SPI 
  Precast Prestressed Concrete Construction
450-010  Florida-I Beam - Typical Details and Notes 20010SPIPGM
450-036  Florida-I 36 Beam - Standard Details 20036
450-045  Florida-I 45 Beam - Standard Details 20045
450-054  Florida-I 54 Beam - Standard Details 20054
450-063  Florida-I 63 Beam - Standard Details 20063
450-072  Florida-I 72 Beam - Standard Details 20072
450-078  Florida-I 78 Beam - Standard Details 20078
450-084  Florida-I 84 Beam - Standard Details 20084
450-096  Florida-I 96 Beam - Standard Details 20096
450-120  AASHTO Type II Beam 20120SPIPGM
450-199  Prestressed I-Beams Build-Up and Deflection Data 20199SPI 
450-210  Florida-U Beam - Typical Details and Notes 20210SPI PGM 
450-248  Florida-U 48 Beam - Standard Details 20248
450-254  Florida-U 54 Beam - Standard Details 20254
450-263  Florida-U 63 Beam - Standard Details 20263
450-272  Florida-U 72 Beam - Standard Details 20272
450-299  Florida-U Beams Build-up and Deflection Data 20299SPI
450-502  Beveled Bearing Plate Details - Prestressed Florida-U Beams 20502SPI 
450-511  Bearing Plates (Type 1) - Prestressed Florida-I and AASHTO Type II Beams 20511SPI 
450-512  Bearing Plates (Type 2) - Prestressed Florida-I and AASHTO Type II Beams 20512SPI 
  Structures Foundations
455-001  Square Prestressed Concrete Piles - Typical Details and Notes 20600SPI 
455-002  Square Prestressed Concrete Pile Splices 20601 
455-003  Square Prestressed Concrete Piles - EDC Instrumentation 20602 
455-012  12'' Square Prestressed Concrete Pile 20612 
455-014  14'' Square Prestressed Concrete Pile 20614 
455-018  18'' Square Prestressed Concrete Pile 20618 
455-020 20'' Square Prestressed Concrete Pile20620 
455-024  24'' Square Prestressed Concrete Pile 20624 
455-030  30'' Square Prestressed Concrete Pile 20630 
455-031  30'' Square Prestressed Concrete Pile - High Moment Capacity 20631 
455-054  54'' Precast/Post-Tensioned Concrete Cylinder Pile 20654SPI 
455-060  60'' Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pile 20660SPI 
455-101  Square CFRP and SS Prestressed Concrete Piles - Typical Details and Notes 22600SPI 
455-102  Square CFRP and SS Prestressed Concrete Pile Splices 22601 
455-112  12" Square CFRP and SS Prestressed Concrete Pile 22612 
455-114  14" Square CFRP and SS Prestressed Concrete Pile 22614 
455-118  18" Square CFRP and SS Prestressed Concrete Pile 22618 
455-124  24" Square CFRP and SS Prestressed Concrete Pile 22624 
455-130  30" Square CFRP and SS Prestressed Concrete Pile 22630 
455-154  54" Precast/Post-Tensioned CFRP and SS Concrete Cylinder Pile 22654SPI 
455-160  60" Prestressed CFRP and SS Concrete Cylinder Pile 22660SPI 
  Bridge Deck Joints
458-100  Expansion Joint System - Strip Seal 21100SPI 
458-110  Expansion Joint System - Poured  Joint With Backer Rod 21110SPI 
  Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals
460-250  Access Hatch Assembly for Steel Box Sections 21250SPI 
460-251  Access Hatch Assembly for Concrete Box Sections 21251 
460-252  Access Door Assembly for Steel Box Sections 21252SPI 
460-470  Traffic Railing - (Thrie Beam Retrofit) Typical Details and Notes 470SPI 
460-471  Traffic Railing - (Thrie Beam Retrofit) Narrow Curb 471 
460-472  Traffic Railing - (Thrie Beam  Retrofit) Wide Strong Curb Type 1 472 
460-473  Traffic Railing - (Thrie Beam Retrofit) Wide Strong Curb Type 2 473 
460-474  Traffic Railing - (Thrie Beam Retrofit) Intermediate Curb 474 
460-475  Traffic Railing - (Thrie Beam Retrofit) Wide Curb Type 1 475 
460-476  Traffic Railing - (Thrie Beam Retrofit) Wide Curb Type 2 476 
460-477  Thrie-Beam Panel Retrofit (Concrete Handrail) 477SPI 
460-490  Traffic Railing - (Rectangular Tube Retrofit) NEWSPI 
462-001  Post-Tensioning Vertical Profiles 21801SPI 
462-002  Post-Tensioning Anchorage Protection 21802 
462-003  Post-Tensioning Anchorage and Tendon Filling Details 21803 
  Fiber Reinforced Polymer Fender Systems
471-030  Fender System - Prestressed Concrete Piles and FRP Wales 21930SPI 

Incidental Construction

  Navigation Lights for Fixed Bridges
510-001  Navigation Light System Details (Fixed Bridges) 21220SPI 
  Metal Pedestrian/Bicycle Railings, Guiderails and Handrails
515-021  Pedestrian/Bicycle Bullet Railing for Traffic Railing 821SPI 
515-022  Pedestrian/Bicycle Bullet Railing Details 822SPI 
515-051  Bridge Pedestrian/Bicycle Railing (Steel) 851SPI 
515-061  Bridge Pedestrian/Bicycle Railing (Aluminum) 861SPI 
  Concrete Barriers, Traffic Railing and Parapets
521-404  Guardrail Transitions - Existing Post and Beam Bridge Railings (Narrow and Recessed Curbs) 404SPI 
521-405  Guardrail Transitions - Existing Post and Beam Bridge Railings (Wide Curbs) 405SPI 
521-422  Traffic Railing - (42" Vertical Shape) 422SPI 
521-423  Traffic Railing - (32" Vertical Shape) 423SPI 
521-426Errata Traffic Railing - (Median 36" Single-Slope) 426SPI 
521-427  Traffic Railing - (36" Single-Slope)427SPI 
521-428  Traffic Railing - (42" Single-Slope)428SPI 
521-480  Traffic Railing - (Vertical Face Retrofit) Typical Details and Notes 480SPI 
521-481  Traffic Railing - (Vertical Face Retrofit) Narrow Curb 481 
521-482  Traffic Railing - (Vertical Face Retrofit) Wide Curb 482 
521-483  Traffic Railing - (Vertical Face Retrofit) Intermediate Curb 483 
521-484  Traffic Railing - (Vertical Face Retrofit) Spread Footing Approach 484 
521-509  Traffic Railing/Noise Wall (8'-0") - Bridge 5210SPI 
521-660  Light Pole Pedestal - Bridge 21200SPI 
521-820  27" Concrete Parapet Pedestrian/Bicycle with Bullet Railing 820SPI 
521-825  42" Concrete Pedestrian/Bicycle Railing 825SPI 
  Fencing - Type R
550-010  Bridge Fencing (Vertical) 810SPI 
550-011  Bridge Fencing (Curved Top) 811SPI 
550-011  Bridge Fencing (Enclosed) 812SPI 
550-013  Bridge Fencing (Over Railroad) 812SPI 

Traffic Control Signals and Devices

630-010   Conduit Details - Embedded 21210SPI 

Signing, Pavement Markings and Lighting

  Highway Lighting Systems
715-240  Maintenance Lighting for Box Girders 21240SPI