STRIDES 2 Zero, which stands for State Traffic Roadway and Intersection Data Evaluation System Toward Zero Fatalities and Serious Injuries, is a statewide initiative operated by the FDOT Traffic Engineering and Operations Office to work toward the goal of eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries on our roadways. The objectives of this initiative are to enhance highway safety management practices in Florida through a data-driven process, provide engineering-based safety solutions for different transportation facilities and modes, and encourage implementation of technological advances in highway safety.
- Leverage various data sources and create a repository of roadway segments, intersections, geometry, land use, traffic, and crash data for a comprehensive safety analysis.
- Apply state-of-the-art analytical tools and methodologies for network screening of roadway facilities and evaluating safety performance of individual sites.
- Explore and use technological advances and research-based findings to diagnose safety concerns and identify engineering countermeasures for safety solutions.
- Develop enhanced tools and techniques for a reliable assessment of safety effectiveness and prioritize projects for safety improvements from a variety of project alternatives.
- Monitor safety and operational performance of roadway facilities and evaluate benefits from the dollars invested.

Signalized Intersections
- Network Screening: As part of the STRIDES 2 Zero initiative, a network screening process has been conducted annually by developing Florida-specific Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) with recent traffic and crash data and applying the Empirical Bayes (EB)-based predictive method to determine the long-term expected safety performance of signalized intersections on the State Highway System (SHS). Find the annual network screening report below.
- 2024: Network Screening Report
- 2023: Network Screening Report
- 2022: Network Screening Report (Candidate Intersections, Sister Intersections)
- 2021: Network Screening Report (Candidate Intersections, Sister Intersections)
- 2020: Network Screening Report (Candidate Intersections, Sister Intersections)
- Systemic Approach: FDOT Systemic Safety Analysis Dashboard for Signalized Intersections – The interactive dashboard provides a means to examine roadway features associated with major crash types at signalized intersections and identify low-cost countermeasures for implementation across the target facility based on crash potential.
Roadway Segments
- Network Screening: FDOT Roadway Safety Management Application - Segment Network Screening Analysis Dashboard, built as a web map application in ArcGIS (restricted viewing), shows the network screening analysis results of roadway segments on the State Highway System (SHS), excluding freeways. The network screening process uses Florda-specific Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) and Empirical Bayes (EB)-based methodology to rank the SHS roadway segments by long-term expected safety performance.
Pedestrians / Bicyclists
- Network Screening: Statewide Top 30 Corridors – viewable in Internal eTraffic (restricted viewing)
- Field Review Tools:
For additional information, please contact the State Traffic Services Section at