Statewide ITS Architecture
Periodically, FDOT embarks on the statewide effort of updating Florida's Statewide ITS Architecture (SITSA) and Regional ITS Architectures (RITSA) which chart the current and future course of ITS deployment. The SITSA and RITSA govern the planning, design, development, integration, implementation, maintenance, and operation of Florida's ITS projects. The SITSA and RITSA provide an integrated framework to ensure that various transportation technologies can work together smoothly and effectively on Florida's highways.
The rapid pace of ITS deployment in Florida makes it essential that transportation stakeholders examine the statewide framework to determine where ITS is headed and what objectives it must meet in the future. Another reason for updating the SITSA and RITSA is the requirement that architectures conform to the current national ITS architecture, which has been revised several times since 2001. The updated SITSA and RITSA also integrate ITS planning and deployment with operations, maintenance, and security subsystems.
The Florida Department of Transportation Systems Engineering and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Procedure #750-040-003 provides FDOT, other state agency, local agency, and metropolitan or transportation planning organization responsibilities for maintaining and using the SITSA and RITSA for ITS planning and projects on state and local transportation systems.
This link directs you to Florida's recent SITSA and RITSA update.
National ITS Architecture links:
For additional information, please contact James Landini at