Traffic Incident
Management /
Program Manager
605 Suwannee St.,
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Tel: (850) 410-5600
Road Ranger
The Road Ranger Service Patrol provides traffic incident
management response services and limited no-cost
highway assistance to motorists to improve highway safety
for emergency responders and the motoring public.
If you're on the roadway and need assistance, call *347 on
your mobile phone. If you’ve received assistance, please
comment so we can continue to improve our service.
Road Rangers is a service provided by the Florida Department of Transportation. The Road Ranger Mission is to provide free highway assistance services during incidents to reduce delay and improve safety for the motoring public and responders. The Road Rangers are roving vehicles that patrol congested areas and high incident locations of the freeway, and provide a direct service to motorists by quickly clearing travel lanes of minor incidents and assisting motorists. Services can include the following:

- Change flat tires
- Jump-start vehicles and make minor repairs
- Provide stranded motorists two free local calls
- Clear disabled vehicles from travel lanes
- Clear debris from travel lanes
- Supply emergency gasoline, diesel, water
- Monitor abandoned vehicles and notify FHP
- Provide maintenance-of-traffic (MOT) services during incidents
Although each contractor has a different make of vehicle, all vehicles are white in color with the Road Rangers logo affixed to the rear and sides of the vehicle.

Service patrol drivers are all in uniform, courteous, and most have or are in training for first aid and CPR. Each service patrol driver provides a comment card to every stranded motorist that is assisted, which can be mailed back to the Department. Since the program's inception in the year 2000, the Road Rangers have made over 6.1 million service assists. The benefits of the Road Ranger program have been as follows:
- Reduction of crashes
- Reduction of incident duration by assisting the Florida Highway Patrol
- Assistance to disabled or stranded motorists
- Removal of road debris
- Increased safety at incident scenes
The Road Ranger Service Patrol is funded by the Florida Department of Transportation and its partners and is bid out to private contractors. For employment, contact your local contractor.