Roadway Design

Thank you for visiting the Florida Department of Transportation 2013 Design Update Training Website. For your convenience, we have included links to the Webinar presentations as hosted on July 2012, February 2013 and August 2013 regarding updates to our Design standards, manuals, handbooks and other related topics. Professional Development Hour (PDH) credits are not available for this Training.
If you require additional information, click on the presenter’s name to contact them directly by email. Thank you for your time and allowing us to serve your training needs.
   August 2013  
DescriptionVideo PresentationPresenter/Contact
Day 1
Plans Preparation Manual (PPM) - July 2013 Updates and Rewrite for Design BuildNot available due to technical difficultyMaria Irizarry

Mary Anne Koos

Design Build - Office of Construction, RFP development, Technical Proposal Requirements discussionAlan Autry
Conducting Public Meetings - Public Involvement, Community Awareness, elements of Public Meetings, Plain Language Initiative and mandatory requirements discussionRusy Ennemoser
Design Standards Update - Drainage and Roadway Index changesPatrick Overton
Design Standards Update - Other Various Roadway Index changesJohn Mauthner
Design Standards Update - Website Layout and Content, Roadside Barriers, Industry Review, 2014 eBook updates discussionDarren Martin
Day 2
Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Update - Review of the major changes made to  MOT Design Standards for the 2014 book.YouTube
Chester Henson
Ezzeldin Benghuzzi
Traffic Standards Update - Review of the major changes made to Traffic Design Standards for the 2014 book.
Structures Design Standards - Major updates to the 2014 Structures Related Design StandardsYouTube
Gevin McDaniel
   February 2013  
DescriptionVideo PresentationPresenter/Contact
Day 1 - AGENDA
Welcome - Roadway Design Administrator welcomes Day 1 webinar participantsYouTube
Frank Sullivan
Plans Preparation Manual (PPM) Review Process, Cross Slope Correction and Typical Sections - PPM Overview/UpdatesYouTube
Benjamin Gerrell
Maria Irizarry
Engineering Design Estimate Process, Plans Processing, Revisions to Bid Set, Re-submittal of Withdrawn Projects - PPM Vol1 Ch17, Ch20 updatesYouTube
Greg Davis
Right of Way - PPM Vol1 Ch12 updatesYouTube
Thomas Shields
Alternative Roadway Paving Treatments, Bridge Railing - PPM Vol1 Ch2, Ch25YouTube
Frank Sullivan
Design Build - Rewrite of the Structures Manual for Design Build, including the status of PPM Rewrite - New Design Bulletin - Direction to All Design-Build Project Phase Reviewers - Design-Build Frequently Asked Questions - Strategies for Writing a Flexible RFP on Design-Build Projects YouTube
Thomas Andres
Day 2 - AGENDA
Welcome - Roadway Design Administrator welcomes Day 2 webinar participantsYouTube
Frank Sullivan
Drainage - Permissible 2.0 feet per second design velocity for hardship cases on storm drain - Minimum physical slope for pressure flow storm drain systems - Parking lot design guidance - Shoulder gutter locations - Temporary Maintenance Of Traffic (MOT) drainage - French drain placement - Resilient connector restrictions - Emergency access or evacuation - New Specific Gravity for Rubble Riprap - Apply Rule 14-86 only in closed basins or in flood prone areas - Removed interim High Density Polyethylene restrictions. YouTube
Rick Renna
Median Traffic Railings, Overhead Signs, FAA Notification - PPM Vol 1 Ch7YouTube
Chester Henson
Florida Intersection Design Guide - 2013 Edition UpdatesYouTube
Gregory Prytyka
2013 Florida Greenbook - Upcoming May 2013 Edition - Overview and HighlightsYouTube
Benjamin Gerrell
Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Facilities - Urban Area Maps, Sidewalks and Crosswalks, Shared Use Paths, Shared Lane Markings, PPM Vol1 Ch8 and various related IndexesYouTube
Mary Anne Koos
Landscape and Community Aesthetic Features - PPM Vol1 Ch9YouTube
Cheri Sylvester
Jeff Caster
Crash Cushions and changes to Key Sheet - Discussing Design Bulletins, Index 430, Permanent Crash Cushions, PPM Vol1 Ch4, PPM Vol1 Ch10 and PPM Vol2 Ch3 Key Sheet RevisionsYouTube
John Mauthner
Patrick Overton


Design Update Training Website (All Years)