Design Standards 2000 Interim

Interim Standard Index Sheets are to be included in FDOT construction plans, maintenance contracts and permits which are used to update the Standard Index Book to which they are referenced. The default print size is 11x17 on the Page Set-up option. Entire groups may be printed by selecting the group name when shown as a link. Bentley’s Microstation design file format is NOT available for distribution.  Other Indexes may be revised by Design Standards Modifications.


A prefix of "O" indicates a modification to an existing Index or Interim Index which requires a sheet replacement. Index Numbers preceded by an asterisk symbol (*) indicates the dimensions of the drawings are in English units only and will apply to both English and Metric projects.


Interim Standard Index Sheets are to be included in FDOT construction plans, maintenance contracts and permits which are used to update the Standard Index Book to which they are referenced. The default print size is 11x17 o Find No Results Code view Done CHANGE COLUMN VISIBILITY Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 1 is visible for ... Mobile Done or Cancel