Welcome to Drainage Design
Administrator: Jennifer Johnson, P.E. - State Drainage Engineer
The Central Office Drainage Section provides hydrologic, hydraulic, stormwater management, and coastal engineering services to
ensure that Florida DOT provides a safe, economical transportation system that preserves the quality of Florida's environment.
For maintenance and local inquiries, please see the Statewide Maintenance Contacts or District Drainage Information pages.
For the Drainage Connection Permit Applications and othe reference documents, please see Drainage Permits.
Submit a Revision Request
Drainage Manual Intake Form: FDOT Staff
Drainage Manual Intake Form: External Users
The Drainage Section develops and updates policies, procedures, standards, specifications, and guidelines for these practice areas:
- Prediction of bridge hydraulics and scour for riverine and tidal waterways
- Design of bank protection and bridge scour countermeasures
- Prediction of wave climates and forces on bridge
- Hydraulic and Stormwater management design of drainage systems for roads and bridges