PD&E Study for Willoughby Boulevard Extension from State Road (SR) 714/Monterey Road to US 1/SR 5/Federal Highway, Martin County, Florida
Project Updates:
The project is currently progressing through the Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study stage. The study is expected to be completed by August 2028. Below are current project updates.
The Public Kick-Off Meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, May 21, 2025, (Virtual), and Thursday, May 22, 2025, (In-Person).
Study Overview:
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is currently conducting a PD&E Study for the Willoughby Boulevard Extension from State Road (SR) 714/Monterey Road to US 1/SR 5/Federal Highway. A PD&E Study is FDOT’s process to evaluate the social, economic, and environmental impacts associated with a planned transportation improvement project. The purpose of this project is to provide system linkage in the roadway network by extending Willoughby Boulevard from its northern terminus and improve multimodal connectivity and mobility. A secondary purpose of the project is to address safety for bicyclists.
Purpose and Need:
The purpose of this project is to provide system linkage in the roadway network, reduce area congestion by providing an additional north-south corridor to improve movement of people and goods, improve mobility, and safely accommodate bicycles and pedestrians to support the surrounding community's transportation needs.
District Office
Federal Aid Project No.: D423 042B
District Four (Southeast Florida)
Phone: (954) 777-4677
Orlando, FL. 32801