Cove Road from State Road (SR) 76/Kanner Highway to SR 5/US-1 Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Four has initiated a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study that is evaluating the widening of Cove Road from76/Kanner Highway to SR 5/US-1. This widening will reduce traffic congestion and delays, and improve multimodal mobility and safety in Martin County. This PD&E Study will develop viable alternatives and alignments to widen Cove Road from two to four lanes as well as evaluate the addition of multimodal features such as sidewalks and a shared use path. The project also includes upgrades to existing signalized intersections and will evaluate and propose new signalization where needed. New drainage systems and signing and pavement markings will also be evaluated.

Click here to learn more about the study.
Public involvement is a critical component of the PD&E Study process, and we encourage you to become involved and stay connected throughout the entire project. Please visit this website often to get the most up-to-date information on the Cove Road from SR 76/Kanner Highway to SR 5/US-1 PD&E Study. Project meetings, workshops, and hearings will be advertised on this webpage.
Project Development Process

Public Hearing
The Public Hearing for this project is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, April 22, 2025 (Virtual), and Wednesday, April 23, 2025 (In-Person). More details to follow.

Steven C. Braun, P.E.
District 4 Secretary
Tel: 954-777-4143
Additional Contacts
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