Frequently Asked Questions

What is a PD&E Study?
A Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study is an environmental and engineering process that was developed by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), in response to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. The P
D&E study process ensures that transportation projects are developed with consideration of current engineering standards, project costs, and minimization of social and environmental impacts, while involving the public throughout the entire study process. 

What is the purpose of this study?
This study is being conducted to evaluate improvements at the I-95 and Lantana Road interchange, and to provide information necessary for FDOT to reach a decision on the type, design, and location of the proposed future improvements.  The objective of the study is to enhance overall traffic operations and safety at the existing interchange of SR 9/I-95 and Lantana Road by providing improvements that will address the existing congestion and accommodate future travel demand at the interchange.

What are the study limits?
The study limits extends along Lantana Road from High Ridge Road to Andrew Redding Road and along I-95 from north of Hypoluxo Road to south of 6th Ave South. 

Will the study consider the traffic impact from the Water Tower Commons Development currently under construction?
Yes, the study team is coordinating with the Town of Lantana as well as Palm Beach County to ensure that future traffic from this development is included in the project traffic analysis to address any potential impacts.

Will there be a Right of Way acquisition process for the affected properties?
As part of this study, several alternatives will be considered to minimize right of way impacts while providing the necessary operational and safety improvements for the interchange area. If right of way is required for future improvements, the affected businesses and residents will be duly informed following the FDOT Right of Way acquisition process and in compliance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance Act.

When will the project be built?
The project construction year will be identified as the PD&E Study moves forward. For the purpose of this study, the new project would be open to traffic in the year 2025.

How can I get involved in the process?
FDOT has embarked on a public involvement program as part of this PD&E Study to ensure public input throughout the study. This involves actively encouraging and facilitating the participation of the general public, citizen groups, interest groups, elected and appointed officials and other stakeholders. There is no need to wait until a public meeting to provide your input. Public comments and questions are welcomed at any time throughout the study. The community is encouraged to learn more about the project through this project website.

For questions or comments, contact the FDOT Project Manager, Vandana Nagole, P.E. 

How can I obtain the latest study materials?
The latest materials for the SR-9/I-95 at Lantana Road PD&E Study will be available on the Documents and Publications page of this website. Please check back regularly for updates as the study is constantly evolving.

When is the next public meeting?
Notice of public meetings will be posted on the Public Notices page of this website. Please check back often for details on upcoming meeting locations and times.