Developmental Specifications

Developmental Specifications are specifications developed around a new process, procedure, or material approved for limited use by the State Program Management Office. These specifications are signed and sealed by the professional engineer responsible for authorizing their use and monitoring their performance in the field.

NOTE: Developmental Specifications must be requested from the District Specifications Office, for approval by the CO Specifications Office, on a project-by-project basis. 

Project specific pay items will be provided upon approval of the specification.


 Developmental SpecificationUsage NotesMonitor
 Standard Plans/IDDS

 Dev102SWZ - Smart Work Zone (SWZ) System (Maintenance of Traffic)

 Dev990SWZ - Smart Work Zone (SWZ) System (Materials Component)

Must Be Used Together
FY2023-24 is effective for July 1 and later.  Furnish and use Smart Work Zone Devices as shown in the Plans.
Derek VollmerN/A

 Dev102TPSC - Temporary Portable Access Mats and Temporary Portable Curb Ramps (Maintenance of Traffic)

 Dev990TPSC - Temporary Portable Access Mats and Temporary Portable Curb Ramps (Materials Component)

Must Be Used Together
Use for projects with pedestrian or bicycle special detours using temporary portable access mat surfaces or temporary portable curb ramps.
 James McGinnisN/A

Dev102WZCD - Work Zone Collision Detection and Avoidance System for Paving Operations (Maintenance of Traffic)

Dev990WZCD - Work Zone Collision Detection and Avoidance System for Paving Operations (Materials Component)

Must Be Used Together

Effective only for interstate resurfacing projects let January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025; Do not use with Dev102SWZ and Dev990SWZ or Dev102TPSC and Dev990TPSC.

Olivia TownsendN/A
 Dev125TL BF - Excavation for Structures and Pipe - Thick Lift BackfillFor thick lift backfill above the Spring Line.Jason RussellN/A
 Dev173SSPI - Shallow Subsurface Polyurethane InjectionProvides the material and construction requirements for injecting polyurethane to fill voids, seal drainage structures and nonstructural wall openings, lift roadway panels and approach slabs, and correct pavement alignment issues.Rodrigo HerreraN/A
 Dev332FDR - Full Depth ReclamationAllows base course construction by in-place pulverizing and blending of the existing bituminous pavement and a predetermined portion of the underlying materials. Introduce asphalt emulsion, cement, and other additives.Greg SholarN/A
 Dev305BCJS - Bituminous Crack and Joint SealingClean and seal joints and cracks in asphalt concrete roadway surfaces using the Cut and Seal method or the Crack Fill method.Greg SholarN/A
 Dev318HDMB - High Density Mineral Bond (HDMB)For use on limited access shoulders, parking areas, and shared use paths. Do not use on interstate shoulders designated for emergency shoulder use. Engineers should carefully consider the friction requirements of their project when considering the use of this Specification.Howard MoseleyN/A

 Dev330-475mix - Hot Mix Asphalt – General Construction Requirements

 Dev334-475mix - Superpave Asphalt Concrete 

 Dev337-475mix - Asphalt Concrete Friction Courses

Must Be Used Together
Allows the use of Type SP-4.75 and FC-4.75 mixtures.
Greg SholarN/A
  Dev330SE - Safety EdgeMust have prior approval from the State Roadway Design Engineer
Construct a pavement safety edge by attaching a device to the screed of the paver to confine and extrude the asphalt material at the end gate to create a compacted wedge shape pavement edge as detailed in the Plans.
Mary Jane HaydenN/A

 Dev330TL - Hot Mix Asphalt - General Construction Requirements – Thick Lift

 Dev334TL - Superpave Asphaltic Concrete – Thick Lift

Must Be Used Together
Allows for the placement of a single lift of asphalt up to six inches in thickness.
Howard MoseleyN/A
 Dev331BPM - Bituminous Patching MaterialUse for repair on spalled areas, raveled areas, cracks, potholes, rumble strips, and/or joints on asphalt pavements using a polymer modified bituminous patching material, bulking aggregates, and final surface aggregates.Howard MoseleyN/A
 Dev333HFST - High Friction Surface Treatment (HFST)

This work consists of furnishing and applying a high friction surfacing system in accordance with this Section and in conformity with the lines and details shown in the Plans.

Please contact Charles Holzschuher for project specific requirements to use this Specification.
Guangming WangN/A

 Dev334FRA - Superpave Asphaltic Concrete - Fuel Resistant Asphalt

 Dev337FRA - Asphalt Concrete Friction Courses - Fuel Resistant Asphalt

 Dev916FRA - Bituminous Materials – Fuel Resistant Asphalt

Must Be Used Together
Allows the use of fuel-resistant mix.
Greg SholarN/A

 Dev334RFA-ACE - Superpave Asphaltic Concrete – Reinforcing Fiber in Asphalt

 Dev337RFA-ACE - Asphalt Concrete Friction Courses – Reinforcing Fiber in
                              Asphalt FC

Must Be Used Together
Allows the use of reinforcing fiber in mix. (ACE).
Greg SholarN/A

 Dev334RFA-FORTA - Superpave Asphaltic Concrete – Reinforcing Fiber in

 Dev337RFA-FORTA - Asphalt Concrete Friction Courses – Reinforcing Fiber in
                                   Asphalt FC

Must Be Used Together
Allows the use of reinforcing fiber in mix. (FORTA)
Greg SholarN/A
 Dev335RS - Micro-Surfacing for Rumble StripingProvides construction details on micro surfacing mixture for placement into rumble striping depressions.Greg SholarN/A
 Dev351FRPPM - Fiber Reinforced Polymer Patching MaterialRepair spalled areas, cracks, corner breaks, potholes, and joints on concrete pavements using a fiber reinforced polymer patching material, bulking aggregates, and final surface aggregates as specified in 351-1.Oliver ChungN/A


 - Volumetric Mixers (Materials Manual component)


 Dev105VM - Volumetric Mixers (Contractor Quality Control General
                      Requirements component)

 Dev346VM - Volumetric Mixers (Structural Portland Cement Concrete

Must Be Used Together
Allows the use of volumetric mixers with Structural Concrete Class I and II only.

Oliver Chung

Dev346FRC - Fiber Reinforced ConcreteTo be used with precast deck slabs and link slabs.Steven NolanN/A

 Dev349UHPC - Ultra-High-Performance Concrete

 Dev927UHPC - Prepackaged Ultra-High-Performance

Must Be Used Together
Allows the use of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete.
Oliver ChungN/A
 Dev403EO - Epoxy Overlay for Sealing and High Friction Surface Treatment on
                Concrete Bridge Decks
Provide and apply an epoxy as an overlay system over concrete bridge decks.Oliver ChungN/A

 Dev416PIAS - Installation of Post-Installed Anchor Systems and Dowels
                for Structural Applications in Concrete Elements

 Dev937PIAS - Post-Installed Anchor Systems and Dowels for Structural
                Applications in Concrete Elements (Materials component) 

Must Be Used Together
This specification includes the use of Undercut Anchor Systems.
Steven NolanN/A
 Dev425RCIS - Retractable Curb Inlet Screens and Drainage Structure Outlet
                 Pipe Connection Screen
Retractable Curb Inlet Screens are for use on roadways with a posted speed limit of 40 mph or less. Drainage Structure Outlet Pipe Connection Screens may be
used independently from the retractable curb inlet screens.
Jennifer GreenN/A
 Dev455PIC - Structures Foundations - Coating of Pile Indentations

This specification calls for coating of indentations on prestressed concrete pile.

NOTE: Use with Developmental Design.

Rodrigo HerreraIDDS-20603

 Dev455ACP - Auger Cast Piles

 Dev346ACP - Auger Cast Piles (Grout)

 DevMM9.2ACP - Auger Cast Piles (Materials Manual)

Must Be Used TogetherRodrigo Herrera
  Dev455MP - Micropiles FoundationsUse with all micropile foundations.Rodrigo HerreraN/A
  Dev564DCSS - Duplex Coating for Structural SteelCoat structural steel in accordance with the requirements of this Section using a duplex coating system. The duplex system must consist of a thermal spray coating (TSC) aluminum base coat, and an epoxy seal coat with an aliphatic polyurethane top coat. Use a clear top coat if included as part of the approved top coat paint system.David CerlanekN/A

 Dev520RC - Raised Crosswalk Concrete Gutter, Curb Elements,
                    and Traffic Separator

  Dev711RC - Thermoplastic Pavement Markings

Use with Developmental Standard Plans, Index D520-030 (Raised Crosswalk).Ben GerrellD520-030
  Dev531FF - Fabric Formed Revetment SystemsFurnish and install a fabric formed revetment system in accordance with this Section and in conformance with the lines, grades, design, and dimensions shown in the Plans.Tim HolleyN/A
  Dev540HTCB - High Tension Cable Barrier SystemFurnish and install a high tension cable barrier system in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents and the manufacturer's recommendations.Derwood SheppardD540-001
  Dev549GRSAW - Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Abutments and WallsConstruct geosynthetic reinforced soil abutments and walls (GRS) in accordance with this Section and in conformance with the lines, grades, design, and dimensions shown in the Contract Documents or established by the Engineer.Rodrigo HerreraIDDS-D6025
  Dev550FNC - FencingUse on jobs when Developmental Standard Plan Index D550-804 is called for in the Plans.Richard SteppD550-804

Dev650ATCC - Advanced Transportation Controller Cabinet

Must Be Used Together
Use when installing an Advanced Transportation Controller (ATC) cabinet or ATC compatible traffic signal equipment.

Derek VollmerN/A
  Dev655WGS - Warning Gate SystemFurnish and install a Warning Gate System (WGS) as shown in the Plans.Derek VollmerN/A
  Dev660TPDS - Vehicle Detection System - Truck Parking Detection SystemFurnish and install a Truck Parking Detection System as shown in the Plans.Derek VollmerN/A
  Dev678DIMS - Traffic Controller Accessories - Data Interface
                         Monitoring System
Furnish and install a Data Interface Monitoring System as shown in the Plans.Derek VollmerN/A

Dev681CVRSE - Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment

Dev995CVRSE - Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Materials

Must Be Used Together
Use on jobs that require connected vehicle (CV) equipment and CV applications.

Derek VollmerN/A
  Dev688RWIS - Road Weather Information System (RWIS)Furnish and install a Road Weather Information System (RWIS) as shown in the Plans.Derek VollmerN/A
  Dev528DTWS - Directional Tactile Walking Surface IndicatorsUse for Hardened Centerlines when Channelizing Curb is called for in the Plans.Ben GerrellD528-001

  Dev703CC - Channelizing Curb

  Dev991CC - Channelizing Device Materials

Must Be Used Together
Use for Hardened Centerlines  or Separated Bicycle Lanes when Channelizing Curb is called for in the Plans.
Ben GerrellN/A

  Dev705LBD - Object Markers and Delineators

  Dev993LBD - Object Markers and Delineators (Materials component)

Must Be Used Together
For use on ramps or other locations with tight radii as a mitigation strategy for substandard horizontal geometry and/or superelevation rates. For use also where conditions are not ideal for the use of chevrons or barrier delineators in conditions such as median barriers separating bidirectional ramps, or where an opaque visual barrier is located on the top of the median barrier.
Rick JenkinsN/A
  Dev709TRCPM - Two Reactive Components Pavement Markings N/ASteven MarshallN/A

  Dev712IMP - Integrated Multi-Polymer Pavement Markings

  Dev971IMP - Integrated Multi-Polymer Pavement Marking
                        (Materials component)

Must Be Used Together
Allows application of new Integrated Multi-Polymer (IMP) pavement markings to portland cement concrete pavement.
Rick JenkinsN/A
  Dev971WSP - Pavement Marking Materials N/ASteven MarshallN/A

 *NOTE: This Developmental Specification has been implemented into the FY 2024-25 Standard Specifications.

  Dev714GCPM - Green - Colored Pavement Markings

  Dev976GCPM - Green - Colored Pavement Marking Materials (Materials Component)

Must Be Used Together
Allows application of new green-colored pavement markings.
Guangming WangN/A
  Dev902BSS - Blended Sand ScreeningBlended sand screenings may be substituted for silica sand for use in concretes, except for concrete pavements, approach slabs, bridge decks and precast superstructure segments.John ShoucairN/A
  Dev930MMA - Materials for Concrete Repair - Methyl Methacrylate (MMA)
                         Polymer Materials for Concrete Repair
Methyl methacrylate (MMA) polymer materials used to repair concrete including defects or purposely placed openings in concrete elements.David CerlanekN/A