Freight Mobility and Trade Plan


The Freight Mobility & Trade Plan (FMTP) is a comprehensive plan that identifies freight transportation facilities critical to the state’s economic growth and guides multimodal freight investments in the state. Draft documents are posted below, thanks again to everyone that provided input during public comment! Revised FMTP documents will be submitted to FHWA for plan approval soon.  

To receive funding under the National Highway Freight Program (23 U.S.C. 167), the FAST Act requires the development of a state freight plan which must comprehensively address the state’s freight planning activities and investments both immediate and long-range. Bringing together the perspectives and knowledge of public and private partners, including shippers, carriers, and infrastructure owners and operators, is necessary for developing a  comprehensive and relevant State Freight Plan. Our Florida Freight Advisory Committee and regional outreach events play a critical role in achieving this aim. 


Freight Mobility and Trade Plan 

The currently approved FMTP includes a visual state freight plan suitable for all audiences, and a series of technical memorandums that address all requirements and provide additional detail. The Investment Element is updated as needed to show the latest projects for National Highway Freight Program funding.