Office of Environmental Management

Documents & Resources

Templates & Forms

Alternatives Corridor Evaluation Report (ACER) Template - August 2019
MOA Between FDOT and SHPO Template
 -  May 2018
PSM Codes and Environmental Document Schedule Templates

Preliminary Engineering Report Outline and Guidance
  - 2023
Preliminary Engineering Report QA/QC Checklist
 - March 2023
Quality Control Plan Template and Checklists for PD&E Studies

Re-evaluation QA/QC Checklist - May 2023
Special Use Locations Worksheet
 (Excel Spreadsheet)
Type 2 CE QC Guidance
 - May 2022
PD&E Standard Scope of Services - May 2024
PD&E Staff Hour Estimation Guidelines - May 2024

Guides & Handbooks

A Method to Determine Reasonableness and Feasibility of Noise Abatement at Special Use Locations
Cultural Resource Management Handbook

Cumulative Effects Evaluation Handbook

Cumulative Effects Evaluation Quick Guide
Environmental Mitigation Payment Processing Handbook - September 2024
Environmental Review and Final Approval of Interchange Access Requests
 - July 2018
FDOT Procedure for Section 4(f) de minimis Approvals

FDOT Environmental Review Guidance for Emergency Relief Projects
 - March 2023
FDOT Permit Handbook
 - 2024
FDOT Quick Guide: Transforming our State Pre-Construction Process

Guidance for using 3D technology in PD&E projects
 - August 2021
Guidance for using 2D technology in PD&E projects
 - August 2021
NEPA Assignment Quality Assurance and Quality Control Plan
PD & E Manual

Public Involvement Handbook (Web Page)

Quality Environmental Documents

Section 4(f) References and Guides

Special Use Locations Worksheet - Users Guide
 (Word Doc)
Sociocultural Effects Evaluation Handbook

Safety Analysis Guidebook for PD&E Studies
 - August 2019
Noise - Traffic Noise Modeling and Analysis Practitioners Handbook  (PDF) - December 2018
Noise - Noise Barrier Flowchart (PDF) - May 2023
Noise - Special Land Use Guidance Document (Word) - December 2023
Noise - Special Land Use Worksheet (Excel) - September 2023
Noise - Traffic Data Spreadsheet (Excel) - February 2024
USCG and FDOT Coordination Guidance

WATERSS Process Guidebook
 - September 2021


FDOT Context Classification Guide
FDOT Environmental Policy

FDOT-FDEP Memorandum of Understanding - Addressing Discharges of Petroleum Pollutants
  - June 2014
FDOT NPDES MS4 Statewide Stormwater Management Plan

Florida Wildflower Program

Historic Highway Bridges of Florida
 - 2010
Legislatively Designated Scenic Highways

MSAT Quantitative Analysis and ERLT
 - February 2018
Native American Coordination Website

OEM Software Downloads

OEM Bulletins and Memorandums

Section 106
Standard Scopes of Services

TIP/STIP/LRTP/NEPA Consistency Info

Document Archive

Section 106 Programmatic Agreement - March 2016
Section 106 PA NEPA Assignment Amendment
 - June 2017
OEM Roadmap Infographic (2023)
Application for Federal Assistance (expires 2022)
Programmatic Agreement for Categorical Exclusions under 23 CFR 771.117 between FHWA and FDOT
 (superseded by NEPA Assignment MOU December 14, 2016)