District Five Letting & Project Information

Current Letting and Project Information

2025 Lettings

100 Series - Administrative Features (Designations)


FeatureFeature NameContact
111State Road SystemTDA
 STROADNO - State Road Number 
 STRDNUM - Secondary State Road Number 
112Federal SystemTDA
 FAHWYSYS - Federal Highway System Code 
 NATLNWK - National Network Code 
 NHSCID - National Highway System Connector 
 OLDFASYS - Old Federal Highway System 
 SPECSYS - Special Systems 
 STGHWNWK - Strategic Highway Network Code 
 TRAVLWAY - Travel Way Along Roadway 
113AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation OfficialsTDA
 USROUTE - US Route Number 
 USROUTE2 - Secondary US Route Number 
114Local SystemTDA
 LOCALNAM - Local Name of Facility 
115Special DesignationTDA
 SCENEHWY - Scenic Highway Designation 
 SCENEDTE - Scenic Highway Designation Date 
 SCENEEXT - Scenic Highway Designation Extension 
116Freight NetworkTDA
 NHFN - National Highway Freight Network 
118HPMS - Highway Performance Monitoring SystemTDA
 ATGROTHR - Other or No control At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRSIG - Signals At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRSTOP - Stop Signs At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRTYPE - At-Grade Type - First or Last 
 CURCLASx - Curves by Class (x=A-F) 
 GRACLASX - Grades by Class (x=A-F) 
 HORALADQ - Horizontal Alignment Adequacy 
 HPMSIDNO - HPMS Sample ID Number 
 LOADTDEV - HPMS Sample Type 
 PEAKLANE - Number of Lanes in Peak Direction Peak Hour 
 SIGPREV - Prevailing Type of Signalizations 
 SIT1500 - % of Passing Sight Distance >=1500 feet 
 TERRAIN - Type of Land Terrain 
 TURNLANL - Turn Lane Left 
 TURNLANR - Turn Lane Right 
 TYPEOP - Type of Parking 
 VRTALADQ - Vertical Alignment Adequacy 
 WIDEFEAS - Is Widening Feasible 
 WIDOBST - Widening Obstacles - A through G, and X 
 WIDPOTNL - Widening Potential Lanes 
119HPMS - UniverseTDA
 BASETHIK - HPMS Base Course Thickness 
 FLEXTHIK - HPMS Thickness of Flexible Pavements 
 HOVNUMLN - Number of Associated Managed Lanes 
 HOVTYPE - Type of Associated Managed Lanes Operation 
 IRIDATE - International Roughness Index Collection Date 
 OVRYTHIK - HPMS Last Overlay Thickness 
 RAMPFC - Ramp Federal Category 
 RIGDTHIK - Thickness of Rigid Pavement 
 SURFACTP - Surface Type 
 TOLLCHGS - Toll Charges 
 TOLLTYPE - Toll Type 
 YRCONST - Year of Last Construction 
 YRIMPT - Year of Last Improvement 
120Type of RoadTDA
 RTESGNCD - Route Signing 
 TYPEROAD - Type of Road 
121Functional ClassificationTDA
 FUNCLASS - Functional Classification 
122Facility ClassificationTDA
 OWNAUTH - Owning Authority 
 RDACCESS - Access Control Type 
 TOLLNAME - Name of Toll Facility 
 TOLLROAD - Toll Road Flag 
123Proposed Functional ClassificationTDA
 PROFUNCL - Proposed Functional Classification 
124Urban ClassificationTDA
 HWYLOCAL - Highway Location Code 
 MPOAREA - Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Area 
 PLACECD - Census Place (City) Code 
 URBAREA - Urban Area Number 
 URBSIZE - Urban Size 
126Preliminary Context ClassificationTDA
 CCTXTCLS - Preliminary Current Context Classification 
 FCTXTCLS - Future Context Classification 
 CCTXTDTE - Preliminary Current Context Classification Date 
 FCTXTDTE - Future Context Classification Date 
128Target SpeedTDA
 TGTSPEED - Target Speed 
 TGTSDATE - Target Speed Assignment Date 
137Maintenance Area BoundaryTDA
 CCNUMBER - Cost Center Number 
138Roadway RealignmentTDA
 NALIGNDT - New Alignment Date 
 NALIGNID - Section/Sub-section of New Alignment 
 NALNBGPT - New Alignment Begin MP 
 NALNENPT - New Alignment End MP 
139New RealignmentTDA
 OALIGNID - Section/Sub-section of Old Alignment 
 OALNBGPT - Old Alignment Begin MP 
 OALNENPT - Old Alignment End MP 
140Section Status ExceptionTDA
 OSDATE - On or Off-System Date 
 STATEXPT - Segment Status 
141Stationing ExceptionsTDA
 BEGSECPT - Begin Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 ENDSECPT - End Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 RDWYID - County, Section, Sub-section 
142Managed LanesTDA
 CMLBMP - Composite Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 CMLEMP - Composite Managed Lane End Milepoint 
 CMLRDWY - Composite Managed Lane Roadway ID 
 LMLBMP - Left Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 MAINBMP - Mainline Begin Milepoint 
 MAINEMP - Mainline End Milepoint 
 MAINRDWY - Mainline Roadway ID 
 RMLBMP - Right Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 RMLEMP - Right Managed Lane End Milepoint 
 RMLRDWY - Right Managed Lane Roadway ID 
143Associated Station ExceptionTDA
 BEGSECPT - Begin Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 ENDSECPT - End Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 RDWYID - County, Section, Sub-section 
146Access ManagementSIO
 ACMANCLS - Access Management Classification 
147Strategic Intermodal SystemSIO
 SISFCTPx - SIS Facility Type Level (x=1-9) 
 SISMPID - SIS Facility Map ID Level (x=1-9) 
148Memorial DesignationsSIO
 BILLNUM - Bill Number 
 MEMDESIG - Memorial Designation Name 
 MEMEDATE - Memorial Designation Date 



2025 Award & Posting / Bid Tabulations

100 Series - Administrative Features (Designations)


FeatureFeature NameContact
111State Road SystemTDA
 STROADNO - State Road Number 
 STRDNUM - Secondary State Road Number 
112Federal SystemTDA
 FAHWYSYS - Federal Highway System Code 
 NATLNWK - National Network Code 
 NHSCID - National Highway System Connector 
 OLDFASYS - Old Federal Highway System 
 SPECSYS - Special Systems 
 STGHWNWK - Strategic Highway Network Code 
 TRAVLWAY - Travel Way Along Roadway 
113AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation OfficialsTDA
 USROUTE - US Route Number 
 USROUTE2 - Secondary US Route Number 
114Local SystemTDA
 LOCALNAM - Local Name of Facility 
115Special DesignationTDA
 SCENEHWY - Scenic Highway Designation 
 SCENEDTE - Scenic Highway Designation Date 
 SCENEEXT - Scenic Highway Designation Extension 
116Freight NetworkTDA
 NHFN - National Highway Freight Network 
118HPMS - Highway Performance Monitoring SystemTDA
 ATGROTHR - Other or No control At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRSIG - Signals At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRSTOP - Stop Signs At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRTYPE - At-Grade Type - First or Last 
 CURCLASx - Curves by Class (x=A-F) 
 GRACLASX - Grades by Class (x=A-F) 
 HORALADQ - Horizontal Alignment Adequacy 
 HPMSIDNO - HPMS Sample ID Number 
 LOADTDEV - HPMS Sample Type 
 PEAKLANE - Number of Lanes in Peak Direction Peak Hour 
 SIGPREV - Prevailing Type of Signalizations 
 SIT1500 - % of Passing Sight Distance >=1500 feet 
 TERRAIN - Type of Land Terrain 
 TURNLANL - Turn Lane Left 
 TURNLANR - Turn Lane Right 
 TYPEOP - Type of Parking 
 VRTALADQ - Vertical Alignment Adequacy 
 WIDEFEAS - Is Widening Feasible 
 WIDOBST - Widening Obstacles - A through G, and X 
 WIDPOTNL - Widening Potential Lanes 
119HPMS - UniverseTDA
 BASETHIK - HPMS Base Course Thickness 
 FLEXTHIK - HPMS Thickness of Flexible Pavements 
 HOVNUMLN - Number of Associated Managed Lanes 
 HOVTYPE - Type of Associated Managed Lanes Operation 
 IRIDATE - International Roughness Index Collection Date 
 OVRYTHIK - HPMS Last Overlay Thickness 
 RAMPFC - Ramp Federal Category 
 RIGDTHIK - Thickness of Rigid Pavement 
 SURFACTP - Surface Type 
 TOLLCHGS - Toll Charges 
 TOLLTYPE - Toll Type 
 YRCONST - Year of Last Construction 
 YRIMPT - Year of Last Improvement 
120Type of RoadTDA
 RTESGNCD - Route Signing 
 TYPEROAD - Type of Road 
121Functional ClassificationTDA
 FUNCLASS - Functional Classification 
122Facility ClassificationTDA
 OWNAUTH - Owning Authority 
 RDACCESS - Access Control Type 
 TOLLNAME - Name of Toll Facility 
 TOLLROAD - Toll Road Flag 
123Proposed Functional ClassificationTDA
 PROFUNCL - Proposed Functional Classification 
124Urban ClassificationTDA
 HWYLOCAL - Highway Location Code 
 MPOAREA - Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Area 
 PLACECD - Census Place (City) Code 
 URBAREA - Urban Area Number 
 URBSIZE - Urban Size 
126Preliminary Context ClassificationTDA
 CCTXTCLS - Preliminary Current Context Classification 
 FCTXTCLS - Future Context Classification 
 CCTXTDTE - Preliminary Current Context Classification Date 
 FCTXTDTE - Future Context Classification Date 
128Target SpeedTDA
 TGTSPEED - Target Speed 
 TGTSDATE - Target Speed Assignment Date 
137Maintenance Area BoundaryTDA
 CCNUMBER - Cost Center Number 
138Roadway RealignmentTDA
 NALIGNDT - New Alignment Date 
 NALIGNID - Section/Sub-section of New Alignment 
 NALNBGPT - New Alignment Begin MP 
 NALNENPT - New Alignment End MP 
139New RealignmentTDA
 OALIGNID - Section/Sub-section of Old Alignment 
 OALNBGPT - Old Alignment Begin MP 
 OALNENPT - Old Alignment End MP 
140Section Status ExceptionTDA
 OSDATE - On or Off-System Date 
 STATEXPT - Segment Status 
141Stationing ExceptionsTDA
 BEGSECPT - Begin Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 ENDSECPT - End Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 RDWYID - County, Section, Sub-section 
142Managed LanesTDA
 CMLBMP - Composite Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 CMLEMP - Composite Managed Lane End Milepoint 
 CMLRDWY - Composite Managed Lane Roadway ID 
 LMLBMP - Left Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 MAINBMP - Mainline Begin Milepoint 
 MAINEMP - Mainline End Milepoint 
 MAINRDWY - Mainline Roadway ID 
 RMLBMP - Right Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 RMLEMP - Right Managed Lane End Milepoint 
 RMLRDWY - Right Managed Lane Roadway ID 
143Associated Station ExceptionTDA
 BEGSECPT - Begin Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 ENDSECPT - End Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 RDWYID - County, Section, Sub-section 
146Access ManagementSIO
 ACMANCLS - Access Management Classification 
147Strategic Intermodal SystemSIO
 SISFCTPx - SIS Facility Type Level (x=1-9) 
 SISMPID - SIS Facility Map ID Level (x=1-9) 
148Memorial DesignationsSIO
 BILLNUM - Bill Number 
 MEMDESIG - Memorial Designation Name 
 MEMEDATE - Memorial Designation Date 



2024 Lettings

100 Series - Administrative Features (Designations)


FeatureFeature NameContact
111State Road SystemTDA
 STROADNO - State Road Number 
 STRDNUM - Secondary State Road Number 
112Federal SystemTDA
 FAHWYSYS - Federal Highway System Code 
 NATLNWK - National Network Code 
 NHSCID - National Highway System Connector 
 OLDFASYS - Old Federal Highway System 
 SPECSYS - Special Systems 
 STGHWNWK - Strategic Highway Network Code 
 TRAVLWAY - Travel Way Along Roadway 
113AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation OfficialsTDA
 USROUTE - US Route Number 
 USROUTE2 - Secondary US Route Number 
114Local SystemTDA
 LOCALNAM - Local Name of Facility 
115Special DesignationTDA
 SCENEHWY - Scenic Highway Designation 
 SCENEDTE - Scenic Highway Designation Date 
 SCENEEXT - Scenic Highway Designation Extension 
116Freight NetworkTDA
 NHFN - National Highway Freight Network 
118HPMS - Highway Performance Monitoring SystemTDA
 ATGROTHR - Other or No control At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRSIG - Signals At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRSTOP - Stop Signs At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRTYPE - At-Grade Type - First or Last 
 CURCLASx - Curves by Class (x=A-F) 
 GRACLASX - Grades by Class (x=A-F) 
 HORALADQ - Horizontal Alignment Adequacy 
 HPMSIDNO - HPMS Sample ID Number 
 LOADTDEV - HPMS Sample Type 
 PEAKLANE - Number of Lanes in Peak Direction Peak Hour 
 SIGPREV - Prevailing Type of Signalizations 
 SIT1500 - % of Passing Sight Distance >=1500 feet 
 TERRAIN - Type of Land Terrain 
 TURNLANL - Turn Lane Left 
 TURNLANR - Turn Lane Right 
 TYPEOP - Type of Parking 
 VRTALADQ - Vertical Alignment Adequacy 
 WIDEFEAS - Is Widening Feasible 
 WIDOBST - Widening Obstacles - A through G, and X 
 WIDPOTNL - Widening Potential Lanes 
119HPMS - UniverseTDA
 BASETHIK - HPMS Base Course Thickness 
 FLEXTHIK - HPMS Thickness of Flexible Pavements 
 HOVNUMLN - Number of Associated Managed Lanes 
 HOVTYPE - Type of Associated Managed Lanes Operation 
 IRIDATE - International Roughness Index Collection Date 
 OVRYTHIK - HPMS Last Overlay Thickness 
 RAMPFC - Ramp Federal Category 
 RIGDTHIK - Thickness of Rigid Pavement 
 SURFACTP - Surface Type 
 TOLLCHGS - Toll Charges 
 TOLLTYPE - Toll Type 
 YRCONST - Year of Last Construction 
 YRIMPT - Year of Last Improvement 
120Type of RoadTDA
 RTESGNCD - Route Signing 
 TYPEROAD - Type of Road 
121Functional ClassificationTDA
 FUNCLASS - Functional Classification 
122Facility ClassificationTDA
 OWNAUTH - Owning Authority 
 RDACCESS - Access Control Type 
 TOLLNAME - Name of Toll Facility 
 TOLLROAD - Toll Road Flag 
123Proposed Functional ClassificationTDA
 PROFUNCL - Proposed Functional Classification 
124Urban ClassificationTDA
 HWYLOCAL - Highway Location Code 
 MPOAREA - Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Area 
 PLACECD - Census Place (City) Code 
 URBAREA - Urban Area Number 
 URBSIZE - Urban Size 
126Preliminary Context ClassificationTDA
 CCTXTCLS - Preliminary Current Context Classification 
 FCTXTCLS - Future Context Classification 
 CCTXTDTE - Preliminary Current Context Classification Date 
 FCTXTDTE - Future Context Classification Date 
128Target SpeedTDA
 TGTSPEED - Target Speed 
 TGTSDATE - Target Speed Assignment Date 
137Maintenance Area BoundaryTDA
 CCNUMBER - Cost Center Number 
138Roadway RealignmentTDA
 NALIGNDT - New Alignment Date 
 NALIGNID - Section/Sub-section of New Alignment 
 NALNBGPT - New Alignment Begin MP 
 NALNENPT - New Alignment End MP 
139New RealignmentTDA
 OALIGNID - Section/Sub-section of Old Alignment 
 OALNBGPT - Old Alignment Begin MP 
 OALNENPT - Old Alignment End MP 
140Section Status ExceptionTDA
 OSDATE - On or Off-System Date 
 STATEXPT - Segment Status 
141Stationing ExceptionsTDA
 BEGSECPT - Begin Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 ENDSECPT - End Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 RDWYID - County, Section, Sub-section 
142Managed LanesTDA
 CMLBMP - Composite Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 CMLEMP - Composite Managed Lane End Milepoint 
 CMLRDWY - Composite Managed Lane Roadway ID 
 LMLBMP - Left Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 MAINBMP - Mainline Begin Milepoint 
 MAINEMP - Mainline End Milepoint 
 MAINRDWY - Mainline Roadway ID 
 RMLBMP - Right Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 RMLEMP - Right Managed Lane End Milepoint 
 RMLRDWY - Right Managed Lane Roadway ID 
143Associated Station ExceptionTDA
 BEGSECPT - Begin Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 ENDSECPT - End Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 RDWYID - County, Section, Sub-section 
146Access ManagementSIO
 ACMANCLS - Access Management Classification 
147Strategic Intermodal SystemSIO
 SISFCTPx - SIS Facility Type Level (x=1-9) 
 SISMPID - SIS Facility Map ID Level (x=1-9) 
148Memorial DesignationsSIO
 BILLNUM - Bill Number 
 MEMDESIG - Memorial Designation Name 
 MEMEDATE - Memorial Designation Date 



2024 Award & Posting / Bid Tabulations

100 Series - Administrative Features (Designations)


FeatureFeature NameContact
111State Road SystemTDA
 STROADNO - State Road Number 
 STRDNUM - Secondary State Road Number 
112Federal SystemTDA
 FAHWYSYS - Federal Highway System Code 
 NATLNWK - National Network Code 
 NHSCID - National Highway System Connector 
 OLDFASYS - Old Federal Highway System 
 SPECSYS - Special Systems 
 STGHWNWK - Strategic Highway Network Code 
 TRAVLWAY - Travel Way Along Roadway 
113AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation OfficialsTDA
 USROUTE - US Route Number 
 USROUTE2 - Secondary US Route Number 
114Local SystemTDA
 LOCALNAM - Local Name of Facility 
115Special DesignationTDA
 SCENEHWY - Scenic Highway Designation 
 SCENEDTE - Scenic Highway Designation Date 
 SCENEEXT - Scenic Highway Designation Extension 
116Freight NetworkTDA
 NHFN - National Highway Freight Network 
118HPMS - Highway Performance Monitoring SystemTDA
 ATGROTHR - Other or No control At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRSIG - Signals At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRSTOP - Stop Signs At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRTYPE - At-Grade Type - First or Last 
 CURCLASx - Curves by Class (x=A-F) 
 GRACLASX - Grades by Class (x=A-F) 
 HORALADQ - Horizontal Alignment Adequacy 
 HPMSIDNO - HPMS Sample ID Number 
 LOADTDEV - HPMS Sample Type 
 PEAKLANE - Number of Lanes in Peak Direction Peak Hour 
 SIGPREV - Prevailing Type of Signalizations 
 SIT1500 - % of Passing Sight Distance >=1500 feet 
 TERRAIN - Type of Land Terrain 
 TURNLANL - Turn Lane Left 
 TURNLANR - Turn Lane Right 
 TYPEOP - Type of Parking 
 VRTALADQ - Vertical Alignment Adequacy 
 WIDEFEAS - Is Widening Feasible 
 WIDOBST - Widening Obstacles - A through G, and X 
 WIDPOTNL - Widening Potential Lanes 
119HPMS - UniverseTDA
 BASETHIK - HPMS Base Course Thickness 
 FLEXTHIK - HPMS Thickness of Flexible Pavements 
 HOVNUMLN - Number of Associated Managed Lanes 
 HOVTYPE - Type of Associated Managed Lanes Operation 
 IRIDATE - International Roughness Index Collection Date 
 OVRYTHIK - HPMS Last Overlay Thickness 
 RAMPFC - Ramp Federal Category 
 RIGDTHIK - Thickness of Rigid Pavement 
 SURFACTP - Surface Type 
 TOLLCHGS - Toll Charges 
 TOLLTYPE - Toll Type 
 YRCONST - Year of Last Construction 
 YRIMPT - Year of Last Improvement 
120Type of RoadTDA
 RTESGNCD - Route Signing 
 TYPEROAD - Type of Road 
121Functional ClassificationTDA
 FUNCLASS - Functional Classification 
122Facility ClassificationTDA
 OWNAUTH - Owning Authority 
 RDACCESS - Access Control Type 
 TOLLNAME - Name of Toll Facility 
 TOLLROAD - Toll Road Flag 
123Proposed Functional ClassificationTDA
 PROFUNCL - Proposed Functional Classification 
124Urban ClassificationTDA
 HWYLOCAL - Highway Location Code 
 MPOAREA - Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Area 
 PLACECD - Census Place (City) Code 
 URBAREA - Urban Area Number 
 URBSIZE - Urban Size 
126Preliminary Context ClassificationTDA
 CCTXTCLS - Preliminary Current Context Classification 
 FCTXTCLS - Future Context Classification 
 CCTXTDTE - Preliminary Current Context Classification Date 
 FCTXTDTE - Future Context Classification Date 
128Target SpeedTDA
 TGTSPEED - Target Speed 
 TGTSDATE - Target Speed Assignment Date 
137Maintenance Area BoundaryTDA
 CCNUMBER - Cost Center Number 
138Roadway RealignmentTDA
 NALIGNDT - New Alignment Date 
 NALIGNID - Section/Sub-section of New Alignment 
 NALNBGPT - New Alignment Begin MP 
 NALNENPT - New Alignment End MP 
139New RealignmentTDA
 OALIGNID - Section/Sub-section of Old Alignment 
 OALNBGPT - Old Alignment Begin MP 
 OALNENPT - Old Alignment End MP 
140Section Status ExceptionTDA
 OSDATE - On or Off-System Date 
 STATEXPT - Segment Status 
141Stationing ExceptionsTDA
 BEGSECPT - Begin Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 ENDSECPT - End Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 RDWYID - County, Section, Sub-section 
142Managed LanesTDA
 CMLBMP - Composite Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 CMLEMP - Composite Managed Lane End Milepoint 
 CMLRDWY - Composite Managed Lane Roadway ID 
 LMLBMP - Left Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 MAINBMP - Mainline Begin Milepoint 
 MAINEMP - Mainline End Milepoint 
 MAINRDWY - Mainline Roadway ID 
 RMLBMP - Right Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 RMLEMP - Right Managed Lane End Milepoint 
 RMLRDWY - Right Managed Lane Roadway ID 
143Associated Station ExceptionTDA
 BEGSECPT - Begin Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 ENDSECPT - End Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 RDWYID - County, Section, Sub-section 
146Access ManagementSIO
 ACMANCLS - Access Management Classification 
147Strategic Intermodal SystemSIO
 SISFCTPx - SIS Facility Type Level (x=1-9) 
 SISMPID - SIS Facility Map ID Level (x=1-9) 
148Memorial DesignationsSIO
 BILLNUM - Bill Number 
 MEMDESIG - Memorial Designation Name 
 MEMEDATE - Memorial Designation Date 



Previous Lettings

2023 Letting Information:  Letting, Project, Addenda, Award & Posting Information

2022 Letting Information:  Letting, Project, Addenda, Award & Posting Information

2021 Letting Information:  Letting, Project, Addenda, Award & Posting Information

2020 Letting Information:  Letting, Project, Addenda, Award & Posting Information

2019 Letting Information:  Letting, Project, Addenda, Award & Posting Information

2018 Letting Information:  Letting, Project, Addenda, Award & Posting Information


Addenda & Amendments

Contractors will be notified of all Amendments and are required to download the Amendments from the  CPP Online Ordering System per these instructions: Amendment Instructions (PDF)

Amendment files can be downloaded by clicking on the links.  Amendments must be downloaded to the location of your original EBS file prior to preparing the bid.


If you do not have Acrobat Reader you can download it free at Get Acrobat Reader.

100 Series - Administrative Features (Designations)


FeatureFeature NameContact
111State Road SystemTDA
 STROADNO - State Road Number 
 STRDNUM - Secondary State Road Number 
112Federal SystemTDA
 FAHWYSYS - Federal Highway System Code 
 NATLNWK - National Network Code 
 NHSCID - National Highway System Connector 
 OLDFASYS - Old Federal Highway System 
 SPECSYS - Special Systems 
 STGHWNWK - Strategic Highway Network Code 
 TRAVLWAY - Travel Way Along Roadway 
113AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation OfficialsTDA
 USROUTE - US Route Number 
 USROUTE2 - Secondary US Route Number 
114Local SystemTDA
 LOCALNAM - Local Name of Facility 
115Special DesignationTDA
 SCENEHWY - Scenic Highway Designation 
 SCENEDTE - Scenic Highway Designation Date 
 SCENEEXT - Scenic Highway Designation Extension 
116Freight NetworkTDA
 NHFN - National Highway Freight Network 
118HPMS - Highway Performance Monitoring SystemTDA
 ATGROTHR - Other or No control At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRSIG - Signals At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRSTOP - Stop Signs At-Grade Intersections 
 ATGRTYPE - At-Grade Type - First or Last 
 CURCLASx - Curves by Class (x=A-F) 
 GRACLASX - Grades by Class (x=A-F) 
 HORALADQ - Horizontal Alignment Adequacy 
 HPMSIDNO - HPMS Sample ID Number 
 LOADTDEV - HPMS Sample Type 
 PEAKLANE - Number of Lanes in Peak Direction Peak Hour 
 SIGPREV - Prevailing Type of Signalizations 
 SIT1500 - % of Passing Sight Distance >=1500 feet 
 TERRAIN - Type of Land Terrain 
 TURNLANL - Turn Lane Left 
 TURNLANR - Turn Lane Right 
 TYPEOP - Type of Parking 
 VRTALADQ - Vertical Alignment Adequacy 
 WIDEFEAS - Is Widening Feasible 
 WIDOBST - Widening Obstacles - A through G, and X 
 WIDPOTNL - Widening Potential Lanes 
119HPMS - UniverseTDA
 BASETHIK - HPMS Base Course Thickness 
 FLEXTHIK - HPMS Thickness of Flexible Pavements 
 HOVNUMLN - Number of Associated Managed Lanes 
 HOVTYPE - Type of Associated Managed Lanes Operation 
 IRIDATE - International Roughness Index Collection Date 
 OVRYTHIK - HPMS Last Overlay Thickness 
 RAMPFC - Ramp Federal Category 
 RIGDTHIK - Thickness of Rigid Pavement 
 SURFACTP - Surface Type 
 TOLLCHGS - Toll Charges 
 TOLLTYPE - Toll Type 
 YRCONST - Year of Last Construction 
 YRIMPT - Year of Last Improvement 
120Type of RoadTDA
 RTESGNCD - Route Signing 
 TYPEROAD - Type of Road 
121Functional ClassificationTDA
 FUNCLASS - Functional Classification 
122Facility ClassificationTDA
 OWNAUTH - Owning Authority 
 RDACCESS - Access Control Type 
 TOLLNAME - Name of Toll Facility 
 TOLLROAD - Toll Road Flag 
123Proposed Functional ClassificationTDA
 PROFUNCL - Proposed Functional Classification 
124Urban ClassificationTDA
 HWYLOCAL - Highway Location Code 
 MPOAREA - Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Area 
 PLACECD - Census Place (City) Code 
 URBAREA - Urban Area Number 
 URBSIZE - Urban Size 
126Preliminary Context ClassificationTDA
 CCTXTCLS - Preliminary Current Context Classification 
 FCTXTCLS - Future Context Classification 
 CCTXTDTE - Preliminary Current Context Classification Date 
 FCTXTDTE - Future Context Classification Date 
128Target SpeedTDA
 TGTSPEED - Target Speed 
 TGTSDATE - Target Speed Assignment Date 
137Maintenance Area BoundaryTDA
 CCNUMBER - Cost Center Number 
138Roadway RealignmentTDA
 NALIGNDT - New Alignment Date 
 NALIGNID - Section/Sub-section of New Alignment 
 NALNBGPT - New Alignment Begin MP 
 NALNENPT - New Alignment End MP 
139New RealignmentTDA
 OALIGNID - Section/Sub-section of Old Alignment 
 OALNBGPT - Old Alignment Begin MP 
 OALNENPT - Old Alignment End MP 
140Section Status ExceptionTDA
 OSDATE - On or Off-System Date 
 STATEXPT - Segment Status 
141Stationing ExceptionsTDA
 BEGSECPT - Begin Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 ENDSECPT - End Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 RDWYID - County, Section, Sub-section 
142Managed LanesTDA
 CMLBMP - Composite Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 CMLEMP - Composite Managed Lane End Milepoint 
 CMLRDWY - Composite Managed Lane Roadway ID 
 LMLBMP - Left Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 MAINBMP - Mainline Begin Milepoint 
 MAINEMP - Mainline End Milepoint 
 MAINRDWY - Mainline Roadway ID 
 RMLBMP - Right Managed Lane Begin Milepoint 
 RMLEMP - Right Managed Lane End Milepoint 
 RMLRDWY - Right Managed Lane Roadway ID 
143Associated Station ExceptionTDA
 BEGSECPT - Begin Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 ENDSECPT - End Section Milepoint of Exception Field 
 RDWYID - County, Section, Sub-section 
146Access ManagementSIO
 ACMANCLS - Access Management Classification 
147Strategic Intermodal SystemSIO
 SISFCTPx - SIS Facility Type Level (x=1-9) 
 SISMPID - SIS Facility Map ID Level (x=1-9) 
148Memorial DesignationsSIO
 BILLNUM - Bill Number 
 MEMDESIG - Memorial Designation Name 
 MEMEDATE - Memorial Designation Date