Holiday / Special Events
The use of creative safety messages on Dynamic Message Signs are being developed with the intent to modify driver behavior. However, there is limited evidence to support the effectiveness that creative messages have on changing behavior. With this in mind, FDOT is conducting research on the topic, "Human Factors Study on the Use and Effectiveness of Innovative Safety Messages on Dynamic Message Signs." The results of this research can be used by FDOT, as well as other state and local agencies to develop guidelines on the appropriate use of creative safety messages.
The following messages are approved, but are included in the above-mentioned research topic:
General Safety Themes

Use only during week prior to Valentine's Day

Use only during week prior to St. Patrick's Day

Use only during week prior to Mother's Day

Use only during week prior to Father's Day

Use only during week prior to Spring Break

Use only during week prior to Independence Day

Use only during week prior to Start of School

Use only during week prior to Halloween

Use only during week prior to elections

Use only during week prior to Thanksgiving

Use only during week prior to Christmas

Use only during week prior to New Year's Day

Use only during National Boat Safety Week

Use only during Sporting Events

National Campaigns