Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Data Exchange Platform

The DEP collects a myriad of data from across the state of Florida with a focus on CV data and data not otherwise readily available. It then aggregates these data into the following curated data types:
- Message: driver alerts, message boards, etc.
- MAP & SPaT: intersection geometry and traffic signal phase and timing
- Vehicle: heading, speed, etc. of individual vehicles
- Traffic: congestion, speed, etc. for a roadway:
- Roadway Event: accidents, lane closures, etc.
- Weather: roadway, spot weather, etc.
These are currently available for manual inspection and processing. For additional details or to obtain access, please send a request to the email address listed below. Messages and MAP have an existing application program interface for computer processing with SPaT becoming available later in 2024. Please review the API documentation for additional details. APIs for the remaining data types are planned to be available in 2025. Please send a request to the email address listed below to obtain access to the APIs.

Florida's investment in the V2X Data Exchange Platform has spurred a collaborative effort among Pennsylvania and other states to leverage and adapt this innovative technology. Recognizing the potential benefits of this platform, these states have embarked on initiatives to build their own customized versions, tailoring them to meet the unique needs of their transportation systems. The collaborative spirit extends beyond mere adaptation, as part of the agreement entails these states contributing enhancements and refinements back to Florida's platform.

FDOT is committed to a comprehensive V2X deployment strategy that integrates local and statewide initiatives. This multifaceted approach encompasses the deployment of the SunGuide Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) at a statewide level, providing a foundation for intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Furthermore, FDOT is championing the implementation of a statewide V2X Data Exchange Platform, strategically designed to enhance safety and mobility throughout the state. This comprehensive strategy reflects FDOT's dedication to creating a robust and interconnected V2X ecosystem that aligns with national objectives and addresses the specific needs of Florida's diverse transportation landscape.
Crucial to the Florida Department of Transportation's (FDOT) vision for the future of V2X deployment is the recognition of the need to seamlessly integrate low-latency short-range communications at the local level with near-real-time information dissemination at the statewide level. FDOT emphasizes the importance of combining these two key elements to create a comprehensive V2X ecosystem. Localized short-range communications play a vital role in enabling real-time vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) interactions, enhancing situational awareness and safety in immediate proximity. Simultaneously, FDOT understands the significance of near-real-time information dissemination at the statewide level through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), allowing for the efficient exchange of data across the entire transportation network. This dual-pronged approach ensures a holistic V2X deployment that not only addresses localized needs but also facilitates statewide coordination, providing a robust foundation for a connected and intelligent transportation future.
For V2X DEP Systems Engineering Documentation, see the following links: