Program Overview The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Transportation Data and Analytics (TDA) Office began the development of a Statewide Non-Motorized Traffic Monitoring Program (NMTMP) in May 2018 with a need to provide bicycle and
pedestrian (non-motorized) volume counts, supporting statistics and information to new and existing data customers. TDA intends to develop the NMTMP similar to the Motorized Traffic Monitoring Program so the data can be used for
the same types of analyses such as Safety studies, planning and programming of FDOT facilities, road and trail maintenance and enhancements, etc.
TDA aims to collect statistically valid bicycle and pedestrian (non-motorized) volume data so that statistics can be calculated and published annually. Program StructureThe program is built on the following 4 pillars:
Statewide Repository FDOT TDA’s created a Non-Motorized Traffic Monitoring Dashboard to share all collected volume data with internal and external data consumers. The dashboard has multiple tabs and landing pages to explore. Please contact the Transportation Data and Analytics Office if you have any special non-motorized traffic data requests, questions, or concerns at
FDOT TDA’s Non-Motorized Traffic Monitoring GIS map will no longer be updated. We are currently in the process of transferring all information to the Non-Motorized Traffic Monitoring Dashboard.

Propose a New Count Site
The TDA Office is constantly looking for, and reviewing, new count locations to collect
Bicycle (Micromobility) and Pedestrian volume data. For this, we strongly rely on our
local partners for recommendations. If you would like to propose a new non-motorized
count location, please scan the QR code on the left, or click the link below under
resources, and fill out the form. Thank you for being a valued partner to our Non-Motorized Traffic Monitoring Program!
All proposed locations will be reviewed and added to the “NMTM Data – Proposed” layer
on the GIS map. Statewide Outreach Outreach is an ongoing dynamic process
of keeping the state and other stakeholders informed as to the program status, as well as discovering opportunities to collaborate with other entities to maximize non-motorized traffic monitoring data collection resources. Program
updates are typically provided in newsletter, webinar, in-person statewide meetings, and/or virtual meetings. See the numerous resources below.
Please contact
for more information.
Resources: - Reports
- Statewide Meetings
- 2024 FDOT Statewide Non-Motorized Traffic Monitoring Program Meeting, Auburndale: Slides
- 2022 FDOT Statewide Non-Motorized Traffic Monitoring Program Virtual Workshop: Slides | Video
- Breakout Session: Data Collection Technologies | Video
- Breakout Session: Bike to Train Connectivity | Video
- Breakout Session: Bicycle Comfort | Video
- Newsletters
- Webinars
- Webinar #1 (Feb. 2019) Statewide Non-Motorized Traffic Monitoring Program Overview - PDF
- Webinar #2 (Jan. 2020) Statewide Non-Motorized Traffic Monitoring Program Overview - PDF
- Webinar #3 (May 2021) Program Update and Continuous Counts Focus - PDF | Video
- Webinar #4 (May 2021) Short-term Counts focus and Partnership Details - PDF | Video
- Webinar #5 (May 2021) Data Application Case Studies - PDF | Video
- Webinar #6 (May 2021) National and International Perspectives - PDF | Video
Statewide Short-Term Count and Equipment Loaner Program The TDA Office has been collecting short-term non-motorized traffic data from 2019 through 2022 and continues to do so. During the 2021-2022 period, FDOT and partnering agencies collected on-peak and off-peak data from multiple locations in every district. The results of this round of short-term counts (2-week deployments) are accessible through the repository map by clicking on the blue dots of your interest.
TDA continues to coordinate with local agencies regarding where future short-term count deployments will occur. Short-term count data collection follows national guidelines so the data collected can be submitted to FHWA. Equipment Loaner Program The FDOT Traffic Data and Analytics Office has a non-motorized equipment loaner program which allows the District offices to collect and submit short term data.
This data is essential for the non-motorized program's expansion to continuous count locations around the State of Florida.
Participation from the District offices is essential to the program as they know their own areas of bicycle and pedestrian usage of sidewalks, side paths, and shared use paths.
Any local or partnering agency that wants to participate in the loaner program must first have a signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between FDOT and the partnering agency. Please find the MOA template below.
Please contact for more information.
Resources: Statewide Continuous Counts Statewide, FDOT TDA currently manages multiple non-motorized continuous counters
(red stars on the repository map). FDOT TDA will continue to coordinate with FDOT Districts and
local agencies regarding future installations. Continuous count data collection follows national guidelines so the data collected can be submitted to FHWA. See resources below.
Please contact for more information. Resources: |