1173 search results for forms

ITS Facility Management

transportation departments. Form Downloads ITSFM Attribute Forms Feature Import Forms


District Four Request for Proposal (RFP) Contracts

Procedure SOP Attachment Forms d4.designbuild@dot.state.fl.us 10/07/2024 10/14/2024 Intent, Samples of IT Deliverables ATTACHMENT VII District 4 Regional Fiber Allocation Map Attached Forms


Project Cost Redistribution (PCR)

CO-PCMAdmins@dot.state.fl.us . The forms available in PDF require the use of Adobe Reader which is available from, forms available in Excel and Powerpoint require the use of the appropriate Microsoft Office Viewer


FDOT Surveying and Mapping Documents and Publications

, Cover and Forms Classification Handbook (PDF, 7.6 MB) 1999 FLUCCS by FWC 2009 Florida County, Surveying and Mapping Handbook Forms (ZIP, 8.4 MB) Surveying and Mapping CAD Feature Codes


Cultural Resources Manuals and Guidance

) Checklists, Templates & FORMS STIPULATION VII CHECKLISTS (October 2023) CRAS Report, Template COLLECTIONS FORMS (April 2024) Access Database Form Artifact Deaccessioning Form Artifact


Title VI

Language Assistance Plan Title VI Policy Title VI Nondiscrimination Title VI Complaint forms Complaint forms may be submitted to Stefan Kulakowski, State Title VI Coordinator


Consultant Marketing Home

119, Florida Statute. The forms available in PDF require the use of Adobe Reader, in and printed manually.The forms available in Excel and Powerpoint require the use of the appropriate


Local Programs

Resources and Deadlines All application instructions and forms can be found on the Florida, (LAP) LAP Manual LAP Forms & Documents LAP Training Resources State Safety Office State Safe Routes


Walking School Bus

Videos Documents Walking School Bus Guide Sample Forms Blank Forms FL Safe Routes to School


Examples of Acceptable Certifications

INDEX A-Z Search Examples of Acceptable Certifications The below forms pertain to Specification 6-1.3.1 Producer Certification. These forms are intended to be an example of a certification with the minimum required information.* Sorted by Specification Number Specification # Sample Form Format 105 Manufactured


Contract Compliance

. COMPLIANCE QUICK LINKS EEO Officer List DBE EO Plan Approvals FHWA Forms including 1391 & 1392 23 CFR Part 230 Forms Library Notice to FDOT of EEO Officer Contract Compliance Contact List Contract



.........................................................................................................1-4 1.11 FormsAccess, from the District Drainage Engineers. Prior to release, the Forms and Procedures Office coordinates, System . 1.10 TRAINING Thereisno mandatory training required. 1.11 FORMSACCESS Thereare no forms related to this Manual . Topic No. 625-040-002 Effective: January 2023 Drainage Manual i, present maximum velocities for the various forms of soils and channel linings. When design flow


Safety Analysis Methods

impacts. ICE resources on this page include: • Manual on Intersection Control Evaluation • ICE Forms, • For data collection, use MUTS Forms 750-020-05a to 750-020-05h • Chapter 11: Rural Multilane Highways 750-020-21b • For data collection, use MUTS Forms 750-020-05a to 750-020-05h • Chapter 12: Urban and Suburban Arterials (2-5 lanes) 750-020-21c • For data collection, use MUTS Forms 750-020-05a, • For data collection, use MUTS Forms 750-020-05l to 750-020-05n • Chapters 18-19: Freeways, Interchange



://www.dep.state.fl.us/water/stormwater/npdes/permits_forms.htm In accordance with the requirements, of SWPPP construction inspection reports (f)Executing associated certification forms provided



substituted: 400-14 Removal of Forms. Use the table below as the criterion for minimum time or compressive strength required before removal of forms or supports. When using the time period criterion, , top slabs of culverts and bottom of caps, forms under sidewalks, and safety curb overhangs extending, , remove forms in accordance with Section346. ** Reference 400-16.4 ***Do not place additional load, removal, the Contractor may remove the forms. When the ambient air temperature falls 15ºF or more



substituted: 400-14 Removal of Forms. Use the table below as the criterion for minimum time or compressive strength required before removal of forms or supports. When using the time period criterion, , top slabs of culverts and bottom of caps, forms under sidewalks, and safety curb overhangs extending, , remove forms in accordance with Section346. ** Reference 400-16.4 ***Do not place additional load, removal, the Contractor may remove the forms. When the ambient air temperature falls 15ºF or more



to the Manual and Forms ................................................. 1-1-2 1.1.2 Creating, ................................................................................................................. 1-1-4 FORMS, but change minimum standards. 1.1.1 Making Changes to the Manual and Forms The responsible, All revisions made to the Manual and Right of Way forms must be coordinated with the Policy and Process Management Unit. The Manual and forms are available on the Infonet and Internet. NOTE: Some



. Stay-In-Place Metal Forms are required to be used to form the deck within the individual Florida-U, details for the forms within the individual Florida-U Beams. Design and detail a thickened deck edge, Forms: Design includes allowance for 20 PSF non-composite dead load over the projected plan area of the forms for the unit weight of metal forms and concrete required to fill the form flutes



. Stay-In-Place Metal Forms are required to be used to form the deck within the individual Florida-U, details for the forms within the individual Florida-U Beams. Design and detail a thickened deck edge, Forms: Design includes allowance for 20 PSF non-composite dead load over the projected plan area of the forms for the unit weight of metal forms and concrete required to fill the form flutes

20 of 1173 results