2414 search results for fla


control features, auditory devices, reflective surfaces, flashing lights, moving parts or moving, , flashing lights, moving parts, or moving illumination. (6) CAF installations that are visible from, and Flag Poles Blue Star Memorial Markers and Flag Poles are not considered Community Aesthetic



, flashing lights, moving parts or moving illumination. (3) The feature must not contain any, lighting must not include any strobe effects, flashing lights, moving parts, or moving illumination, Memorial Markers and Flag Poles Blue Star Memorial Markers and Flag Poles are not considered



Features Curb Flare* Flush Radial Yes +39.8% Flared curbed driveways generally have low driveway, 306 32.62 383 44.90 Curb Flare 5619 53.03 463 49.36 254 29.78 Wide-open frontage or Other 1250, to more potential conflicts at driveways. • Driveway Design Feature: With curb flare design, is based on roadway type and driveway traffic volumes. Flared driveways are used on curbed, traffic greater than 600 trips per day. Flared or radial return designs are also associated


Chapter11 WorkZoneSafety 2024

TMP Development 11-4 Figure 11 – 2 Two-Lane Roadway, Single Lane Closure Using Flaggers 11-25, devices Temporary barriers (see Chapter 4 – Roadside Design) The usage of flaggers or temporary, the required signs, channelizing devices, and flagging operations in the work zone. They are most, : Figure 11 – 2 Two-Lane Roadway Lane (Closure Using Flaggers) Figure 11 – 3 Multi-Lane Roadway Lane, to 70 25 50 50 100 Figure 11 – 2 Two-Lane Roadway, Single Lane Closure Using Flaggers Notes



both front and back slopes are 1:6 or flatter. The minimum ditch bottom elevation is one foot above, at locations farther along in the system. If other modifications, such as landscaping or providing flat slopes, have flanking inlets on one or both sides. Locate the flanking inlets to satisfy spread criteria when, - 30" to 72" Pipe Outside Clear Zone See Index for "Location Reference" 430-020 Flared End Section, transitions when the roadway slope must be flattened to place end section outside clear zone. See



or flatter. The minimum ditch bottom elevation is one foot above the estimated seasonal high groundwater, modifications, such as landscaping or providing flat slopes, can eliminate the potential hazard, flanking inlets on one or both sides. Locate the flanking inlets to satisfy spread criteria when the sag, See Index for "Location Reference" 430-020 Flared End Section ≤ 15" Diameter Inside Clear Zone, be flattened to place end section outside clear zone. See Standard Plans, Index 430-021 for detail



are 1:6 or flatter. The minimum ditch bottom elevation is one foot above the estimated seasonal, in the system. If other modifications, such as landscaping or providing flat slopes, can eliminate, ) must have flanking inlets on one or both sides. Locate the flanking inlets to satisfy spread



mowers. Do not use V-bottom ditches unless both front and back slopes are 1:6 or flatter, at locations farther along in the system. If other modifications, such as landscaping or providing flat, ) must have flanking inlets on one or both sides. Locate the flanking inlets to satisfy spread



, Polk, Santa Bay, Citrus, De Soto, Flagler, Franklin, Glades, Gulf, Hardee, Hendry, Hernando, 2 L e n g t h S e c t i o n 1 POLE DESIGN TABLES * Diameter Measured Flat to Flat, is based on level ground (flatter than 1:5). NOTE: Slope Ground 1:5 1:4 1:3 1:2 Diameter 4'-0, " 4 " Drilled Shaft (Max.) (1) Bolt Diameter Thickness Base Plate Bolt Circle Measured Flat to Flat Base Diameters Tip Diameters or Thickness Wall 0.6 x Wall Thickness Center of Arm 5



, Polk, Santa Bay, Citrus, De Soto, Flagler, Franklin, Glades, Gulf, Hardee, Hendry, Hernando, 2 L e n g t h S e c t i o n 1 POLE DESIGN TABLES * Diameter Measured Flat to Flat, is based on level ground (flatter than 1:5). NOTE: Slope Ground 1:5 1:4 1:3 1:2 Diameter 4'-0, Circle Measured Flat to Flat Base Diameters Tip Diameters or T 0.6 x T Center of Arm 5 " 7


Section9.3V2-721 Revised

) Use moisture meter readings, speedy moisture tester or Chapman flask for fine aggregate moisture, and by method (2) below. Verify the accuracy of the Chapman flask and s peedy moisture tester at least, by gas or oil flame or on sheet metal over fire. Do not heat the aggregates or water



aggregate free moisture: (1) Use moisture meter readings, speedy moisture tester or Chapman flask, manufacturer's recommended method and by method (2) below. Verify the accuracy of the Chapman flask and speedy, is not detrimental to the mix. Do not heat the aggregates directly by gas or oil flame or on sheet metal



tester or Chapman flask for fine aggregate moisture. The moisture meter readings may be used, of the Chapman flask and speedy moisture tester at least weekly by method (2) below. (2) Calculate, in a manner which is not detrimental to the mix. Do not heat the aggregates directly by gas or oil flame



moisture: (1) Use moisture meter readings, speedy moisture tester or Chapman flask for fine, recommended method and by method (2) below. Verify the accuracy of the Chapman flask and speedy moisture, by gas or oil flame or on sheet metal over fire. Do not heat the aggregates or water



1 FIXTURE ARM ASSEMBLY Alloy Group 2, Condition CW1. flat washers per ASTM F593G & F594G, bolts, . For precast foundations, the circular bottom. 6" pitch, 3 flat turns top and 1 flat turn centers, depths shown. 1:4 and equal to or flatter than 1:2 add flatter than 1:4. For slopes steeper than 1



OF RAILING be burned off 1" below existing concrete and grouted over. finished flat by grouting, Slab (Location Varies) Edge of Existing Approach (See Note 1) Transition Block shown, Flared, Existing Flared Wing Begin or End Bridge Front Face of Backwall & Begin or End Bridge Front Face, OR INTEGRAL SIDEWALK LESS THAN 6" THICK RAILING END TREATMENT FOR PARALLEL OR FLARED CURBS, and on bridges with flared Approach Slab Curbs. Shape and height of Transition Block or Curb shall



" below existing concrete and areas and shall be finished flat by grouting or grinding as required, of similar) shown, Flared Curb remain (Parallel Curb Approach Slab Curb to Plans for Details, or Integral Sidewalk Wing Wall similar shown, Existing Parallel Existing Flared Wing Wall Begin or End, " THICK RAILING END TREATMENT FOR PARALLEL OR FLARED CURBS WITH DETACHED SIDEWALKS SCHEME 2 (Existing, to maintain 2" top and side clearance ends with no opposing traffic and on bridges with flared Approach Slab



been removed shall match adjoining areas and shall be finished flat by Intermediate Deck Joints, 2) Double Dowel Bars 4D (10" similar) shown, Flared Curb remain (Parallel Curb Approach Slab, Flared Wing Wall Begin or End Bridge Front Face of Backwall & (Type Varies) Existing Traffic, OR FLARED CURBS WITH DETACHED SIDEWALKS SCHEME 2 (Existing Wing Post and Traffic Railing not shown, with no opposing traffic and on bridges with flared Approach Slab Curbs. Shape and height



match adjoining areas and shall be finished flat by at Intermediate Deck Joints Detail, Index 460-470, Block Embedment) (See Note 2) Double Dowel Bars 4D (10" shown, Flared Curb similar) remain, Wall shown, Existing Existing Flared Wing (Type Varies) Existing Wing Post (Type Varies, FOR PARALLEL OR FLARED CURBS WITH DETACHED SCHEME 2 (Existing Wing Post and Traffic Railing not shown, ends with no opposing traffic and on bridges with flared Approach Slab Curbs. Shape and height



" below existing concrete and areas and shall be finished flat by grouting or grinding as required, Existing Edge of similar) shown, Flared Curb remain (Parallel Curb Approach Slab Curb to Plans, Sidewalk or Integral Sidewalk Wing Wall similar shown, Existing Parallel Existing Flared Wing Wall, LESS THAN 6" THICK RAILING END TREATMENT FOR PARALLEL OR FLARED CURBS WITH DETACHED SIDEWALKS, as required to maintain 2" top and side clearance ends with no opposing traffic and on bridges with flared

20 of 2414 results