2414 search results for fla

FDOT Collections and Curation Guidelines_April2024

file transfer to OEM CR Staff as OEM is not able to accept CDs or flash drives per IT computer, FOSS Fossil Fossil GLAS Glass Flat Glass, Blown Glass, Molded Glass Bottle, Cup, Decorative, Dish, , Biface, Biface Fragment, Core Fragment, Flake, Hammerstone, Modified Flake, Stone To ol, Tine, Uniface



STREET FLAGLER DEMONSTRATION PROJECT FLAGLER STREET SMART DEMONSTRATION PROJECT In early 2022, FDOT, to provide additional data for the continuation of the Flagler Street Bus Rapid Transit study from, a resolution supporting the implementation of a Flagler Street SMART Demonstration Project, DESCRIPTION PROJECT SCOPE STATUS PROJECT NUMBER FLAGLER STREET PD&E SR 968/FLAGLER STREET PREMIUM, - Flagler Street and SW 1 Street from 24 Avenue to 6 Avenue. Based on the TPO Resolution of support


87072000_3R Safety_Loc 5_SR 985 NW 107 Ave from MP 6.827 to MP 7.604 - Final S&S (1)

985/NW 107 Avenue from North of Flagler Street to North of SR 836/Dolphin Expressway Resurfacing, No. 5 SR 985/NW 107 TH AVENUE FROM NORTH OF FLAGLER STREET TO NORTH OF SR 836/DOLPHIN EXPRESSWAY, of Flagler Street to North of SR 836/Dolphin Expressway TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION, Avenue from North of Flagler Street to North of SR 836/Dolphin Expressway LIST OF TABLES TABLE 4.1, SR 985/NW 107 Avenue from North of Flagler Street to North of SR 836/Dolphin Expressway Page i


App A BCR_South_SCE

flashers / gates set outside the new siding track on the east and west sides. • New or relocated advance, track shifts o New railroad flashers / gates on the east and west sides o New or relocated advance, Lauderdale, south of downtown. The platform is centered on SW 16th Street between Flagler Avenue and the FEC Railway tracks. Flagler Avenue remains an alley from SW 16th Street to SW 17th Street, is located between SW 1st Avenue and Flager Ave alley close to the station platform in the block south


ET Plus (27) - NCHRP350 TL3 - Drawings

constructed with curb the alignment of the ET-PLUS will be flared over the first 25' at a rate of 1, the option to construct any FDOT approved parallel assembly. Where a flared end anchorage is called


ET Plus (27) - NCHRP350 TL3 - Manual

the Guardrail is installed in-line with edge of the shoulder (without any offset), a 25:1 or flatter straight flare over the length of the systems can be used to position the ET-PLUS™ Extruder (Head) further, , where the centers of the four (4) yielding holes through the flange are at the ground line, at locations required for the systems with the four (4) yielding holes (through the flange, ™, or PN-33795G for HBA™/SYTP™) on the outside flanges of the HBA™ posts or the SYTP™ at locations 1


ICYMI: Florida Response to Hurricane Ian Continues

ICYMI: Florida Response to Hurricane Ian Continues  TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron, – Lane closed, both directions Flagler County SR-100 Eastbound at N. Central Avenue – All lanes, Johns County Flagler County Service Operating: Lynx (Central Florida/Orlando) Gainesville, , flashlights, and other materials. Additionally, 30 fuel trucks are staged at Lowe’s store, Florida CareerSource Citrus Levy Marion CareerSource Flagler Volusia CareerSource Brevard


FLEAT MT Inspection Checklist

 FLEAT-MT INSPECTION CHECKLIST Page 1 of 2 Inventory ID District County State Road Number Section Sub-Section Roadway ID Mile Post Compliant Guardrail Terminal Element YES NO 1. The rail height is in accordance with the plans (generally 27-3/4" above the edge of the shoulder). 2. The rail at post #1 is placed at a straight single-sided flare offset 2'-0" beginning at post #4. 3. The rail is not attached to the post at post location #3 or post location #1. 4. The rail


MFLEAT Checklist

 20 5 MFLEAT Inspection Checklist State: __________________________ Date: _______________________ Project #: _______________________ Location: ___________________________________  The rail height is in accordance with the contract plans. This should be 31"  1" above the edge of the finished grade.  There is no radiused rail within the MFLEAT 39'-7" length.  All rails are lapped in the proper direction with traffic.  The MFLEAT has been placed with a 3'-0" straight flare offset



Automated Flagger Assistance Device ----------------- D ----------------- Grd. Ground AISC American, Of Way THW or THWN Insulation (Flame Retardant, Moisture MPH or mph Miles Per Hour RC Reverse



Automated Flagger Assistance Device ----------------- D ----------------- Grd. Ground AISC American, Of Way THW or THWN Insulation (Flame Retardant, Moisture MPH or mph Miles Per Hour RC Reverse Crown


QF-74-02-2 NEMA TS2 2.2.7-2.2.9 Checklist

Units / Cabinet Monitoring Units, Bus Interface Units, Cabinet Power Supplies, Load Switches, Flashers, Supplies, Load Switches, Flashers, and Detectors/Detection Equipment. 23 Test unit cycles, Power Supplies, Load Switches, Flashers, and Detectors/Detection Equipment. 31 Test unit, / Cabinet Monitoring Units, Bus Interface Units, Cabinet Power Supplies, Load Switches, Flashers



of Florida. 220.1.2 Work Near or Within Railroad R/W A flagger must be present while any work within, , pavement markings, flashing light signals, and automatic gates. Consider the following when designing, movements. • Ensure placement of all signs allow a clear sight line to all rail signal flasher units, the project is connected to the crossing’s flashing light signal and gate. 220.2.5 Bicycle and Pedestrian



of Florida. 220.1.2 Work Near or Within Railroad R/W A flagger must be present while any work within, of signs, pavement markings, flashing light signals, and automatic gates. Consider the following when, of all signs allow a clear sight line to all rail signal flasher units. Sight line distance requirements, is connected to the crossing’s flashing light signal and gate. 220 .2.5 Bicycle and Pedestrian



and grouted over. and finish flat by grouting or grinding as required. Exposed existing reinforcing steel, Sleeve Assembly Expansion Dowel (Typ.) Bars 4C Retrofit Railing Vertical Face Existing Flared Wing, Guardrail Transition Retrofit Railing of Vertical Face Begin Flared Portion Surface Final Riding, Retrofit of Transition Limiting Station Face Retrofit Railing Begin Flared Portion of Vertical, FOR FLARED CURBS SCHEME 4 (Existing Wing Post, Railing Reinforcing and Expansion Dowel Assemblies

20 of 2414 results