2414 search results for fla


Endwall Endwall (All Types) 10 0 / Continuous 2 Roadway Drainage 6548 FES Flared End Sections 10 0 / Continuous 2 Roadway Drainage 6549 FlapGate Flap Gates 10 0 / Continuous 2 Roadway Drainage, End Baseline Flag Left 0 RW-LeaderLeft 2 Common 182 BaselineFlagRT Annotation:Begin End Baseline Flag Right 0 RW-LeaderRight 2 Common 250 BaselineLeaderWt0 Annotation:Leader:Baseline Survey, Flared End Sections on Cross Sections 10 0 / Continuous 2 Roadway Cross Sections 6032 FOCBur_ex



Flange K1 J Outside Edge of Top Flange K2 J K 1 J Outside Edge of Top Flange � Beam Ø=90° � Bearing � Bearing 75°≤ Ø ≤ 90° � Beam Ø=90° � Bearing Outside Edge of Bottom Flange Outside Edge of Top Flange J K 1 of Bottom Flange Outside Edge J K 2 � Bearing � Beam 75°≤ Ø, of strands. Extend the recessed blockout to the web face and bottom of the flange for the A. Provide, in the top flange to Bars 4F and 5K within the limits of “Dim. B” (End Diaphragm) at equal spaces



Flange K1 J Outside Edge of Top Flange K2 J K 1 J Outside Edge of Top Flange � Beam Ø=90° � Bearing � Bearing 75°≤ Ø ≤ 90° � Beam Ø=90° � Bearing Outside Edge of Bottom Flange Outside Edge of Top Flange J K 1 of Bottom Flange Outside Edge J K 2 � Bearing � Beam 75°≤ Ø ≤ 90, of strands. Extend the recessed blockout to the web face and bottom of the flange for the A. Provide a 2, in the top flange to Bars 4F and 5K within the limits of “Dim. B” (End Diaphragm) at equal spaces until



drdtrd FES Flared End Sections 10 0 / Continuous 2 drdtrd FlapGate Flap Gates 10 0 / Continuous 2, Curve Data 0 0 / Continuous 2 ctlsrd BaselineFlagLT Annotation:Begin End Baseline Flag Left 0 RW-LeaderLeft / Continuous 2 ctlsrd BaselineFlagRT Annotation:Begin End Baseline Flag Right 0 RW


FLEAT SP (27) - NCHRP350 TL3 - Manual

E A A T T - - S S P P Flared Terminal R R O O A A D D S S Y Y S S T T E, and no offset is required. However to avoid nuisance impacts, a straight flare offset of 1-ft but no more than 2-ft is recommended over a 50 ft length. For TL-2 applications, the flare rate is the same, be installed on a straight flare. The allowable offset is variable anywhere between 2.5-ft and 4-ft over a 37.5 ft length. For TL-2 applications, the flare rate is the same and the allowable offset



2024-T4 b. Hex Nuts: ASTM F467, 2024-T4 a. Flat Head and Button Head Bolts: ASTM F 468, Alloy, FOUNDATION FOUNDATION NOTES: BASE CONNECTION NOTES: Specification 415. at the top and one flat turn at the bottom in accordance with replaced by D10 Spiral Wire @ 6” pitch, with three flat turns, with washers per bolt (See Base Connection Details). Assemble Post to Stub with Base Bolts and three flat 3, i n d B e a m s - 2 1 % D (Flange Width in inches) x (lb/ft) **Designation gives



2024-T4 b. Hex Nuts: ASTM F467, 2024-T4 a. Flat Head and Button Head Bolts: ASTM F 468, Alloy, and one flat turn at the bottom in accordance with replaced by D10 Spiral Wire @ 6” pitch, with three flat turns At the Contractor's option, the #4 tie bars at 12” o.c. may be Reinforcing bars, ). Assemble Post to Stub with Base Bolts and three flat 3. loosening. Treat damaged galvanizing. D. Burr, n d B e a m s - 1 5 % H T w o W i n d B e a m s - 2 1 % H (Flange Width



2024-T4 b. Hex Nuts: ASTM F467, 2024-T4 a. Flat Head and Button Head Bolts: ASTM F 468, Alloy 2024-T4, , the circular cross section shown Specification 415. at the top and one flat turn at the bottom in accordance with replaced by D10 Spiral Wire @ 6” pitch, with three flat turns At the Contractor's, Bolts and three flat 3. loosening. Treat damaged galvanizing. D. Burr threads at junction with nut, % H T w o W i n d B e a m s - 2 1 % H (Flange Width in inches) x (lb/ft


Historical Item Averages 2021

23 1 $500.00 $1,000.00 2.000 EA N FLARED END SECTION, CONCRETE, 15" 0430200 25 1 $500.00 $1,000.00 2.000 EA N FLARED END SECTION, CONCRETE, 18" 0430200 29 1 $500.00 $1,000.00 2.000 EA N FLARED END, FLAP GATES, 0-24" 0430880 02 1 $22,620.00 $90,480.00 4.000 EA N FLAP GATES, 25-36" 0430880 03 1 $30,100.00 $60,200.00 2.000 EA N FLAP GATES, 37-48" 0430880 04 1 $74,000.00 $74,000.00 1.000 EA N FLAP



the following labeling and dimensions: • Flag and station the begin and end project limits, centerline or baseline of construction. • Flag and station the begin and end of project exceptions (e.g., Culverts Bridge-sized culverts (a.k.a., bridge culverts) are defined in FDM 265.1 . Flag, bridges and approach slabs by simple outline. Flag and station the begin station and end station, . Provide the following labeling and dimensions: • Flag and station the begin and end project



. Provide the following labeling and dimensions: • Flag and station the begin and end project limits, centerline or baseline of construction. • Flag and station the begin and end of project, Culverts Bridge-sized culverts (a.k.a., bridge culverts) are defined in FDM 265.1 . Flag and station, and approach slabs by simple outline. Flag and station the begin station and end station for the bridge, the design intent of the improvements. Provide the following labeling and dimensions: • Flag



the following labeling and dimensions: • Flag and station the begin and end project limits and construction, . • Display station equations along the centerline or baseline of construction. • Flag and station, Culverts Bridge-sized culverts (a.k.a., bridge culverts) are defined in FDM 265.1. Flag and station, and approach slabs by simple outline. Flag and station the begin station and end station for the bridge, the following labeling and dimensions: • Flag and station the begin and end project and construction limits


CM-700-03 Electronic Display Sign

in submittal. 34 Maximum flash rate is 150 flashes per minute. FORMDROPDOWN Provide product, to include flashing beacons (excludes BOS). FORMDROPDOWN FORMTEXT Provide a statement, of requested information in submittal. 52 Black EWS display background is flat black (Federal Standard, ; when the alert is activated, the display is able to flash. FORMDROPDOWN Provide product literature, display background is flat black (Federal Standard 595-37038) with a reflectance value not exceeding



, Hollywood Boulevard and Van Buren / Harrison Street, including: • New railroad flashers / gates set, due to mainline track shifts o New railroad flashers / gates on the east and west sides o New, in Fort Lauderdale, south of downtown. The platform is centered on SW 16th Street between Flagler Avenue and the FEC Railway tracks. Flagler Avenue remains an alley from SW 16th Street to SW 17th, Alternatives Parking Alternative 1: Parking Alternative 1 is located between SW 1st Avenue and Flager



timber posts. Washers are not required at steel post flanges and panel lap splices. Do not place 4, may 6. MATERIALS: Use timber and steel posts and offset blocks in head contacts the flange. nail through the unused flange Bolt Hole and bend the nail so its with ASTM A153 hot-dip galvanization, W-Beam Block (Steel Post Similar) Timber Post (Shown) (See Sheet 9) Flared End Unit Panel W, . Edge of 2" Misc. Asphalt Pavt. Edge of 2" Misc. Guardrail Face of (1:10 Slope or Flatter Reqd



timber posts. Washers are not required at steel post flanges and panel lap splices. Do not place 4, may 6. MATERIALS: Use timber and steel posts and offset blocks in head contacts the flange. nail through the unused flange Bolt Hole and bend the nail so its with ASTM A153 hot-dip galvanization, W-Beam Block (Steel Post Similar) Timber Post (Shown) (See Sheet 9) Flared End Unit Panel W, . Edge of 2" Misc. Asphalt Pavt. Edge of 2" Misc. Guardrail Face of (1:10 Slope or Flatter Reqd



C1583/ACI 503R Flash Point >200 o F ASTM D6450 Thermal Compatibility No delamination of overlay ASTM, and 90 °F. Store the polymer based primers, binders and top coat away from open flames or other, feet in all directions from the contaminated area. Do not use any open flame to remove applied

20 of 2414 results