2414 search results for fla


Flagler, Organization Name Website Address Contact Info Find a Ride Flagler County Board of County Commissioners 1769 East Moody Boulevard, Building 5 Bunnell FL 32110 www.flaglercounty.org/ Heidi Petito 386-313-4185 hpetito@flaglercounty.org 386-313-4185



X-TENSION Flared, X-TENSION Flared (27) - Drawings.pdf X-TENSION Flared (31) - Drawings.pdf X-TENSION Parallel and Flared - Inspection Checklist.pdf X-TENSION Parallel and Flared 31 - Inspection Checklist.pdf


CM-654-02 Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon

CM-654-02 Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon, , the two yellow indications in each RRFB have a flash rate of 75 flashes per minute using, FDOT Traffic Engineering Research Laboratory (TERL) Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB, includes two rapidly and alternately flashed rectangular yellow indications having LED-array based pulsing, conditions of FHWA MUTCD Interim Approval 21 – Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons at Crosswalks, meets the minimum specifications of SAE Standard J595 for Class 1 (Directional Flashing Optical


CM-102-01 Automated Flagger Assistance Device

CM-102-01 Automated Flagger Assistance Device, FDOT Traffic Engineering Research Laboratory (TERL) Automated Flagger Assistance Device (AFAD, Lens that alternately displays a steadily illuminated circular red lens and a flashing circular yellow, lens is illuminated and then ascends to an upright position when the flashing circular yellow lens, red and flashing yellow indication. FORMDROPDOWN Provide product literature, specifications, user, the transition from flashing circular yellow indication and the display of the steady circular red


XTENSION Parallel and Flared Inspection Checklist

XTENSION Parallel and Flared Inspection Checklist,  X-TENSION PARALLEL AND FLARED INSPECTION CHECKLIST Inventory ID District County State Road Number Section Sub-Section Roadway ID Mile Post Compliant Guardrail Terminal Element YES NO 1, ) is installed straight with flare as per design (offset between 0 to 1.2m) (0 to 4 ft). 10.Slider, tight. X-TENSION PARALLEL AND FLARED INSPECTION CHECKLIST Inventory ID:_______ Page 2 of 2 Compliant Guardrail Terminal Element YES NO 19.Post bolt at post 2 is in notched post flange


Agency Term Contract - Steel Flanged Channel Posts

Agency Term Contract - Steel Flanged Channel Posts, Contract Number CR778 Vulcan, Inc. dba Vulcan Signs Steel Flanged Channel Posts The Department wishes, Department of Transportation INVITATION TO BID STEEL FLANGED CHANNEL POSTS AGENCY TERM CONTRACT DOT, FLANGED CHANNEL POSTS____________________________________________ DMS Commodity Number: 30102900 SPECIFICATIONS: Steel Flanged Channels Posts shall meet the requirements of the State of Florida, TITLE: Steel Flanged Channel Posts IN-STATE PREFERENCE: Based on the company’s registration


PublicHearing_FLAGLER COUNTY_Summary

PublicHearing_FLAGLER COUNTY_Summary, Sorted By: Item/Segment SUBJECT TO CHANGE FLAGLER COUNTY Highways 435300-2 - CR 304 RESURFACING, 447865-1 - I-95 FLAGER WEIGH STATION - INSPECTION BARN UPGRADES Type of Work: MCCO WEIGH STATION, - District Five Page 2 Sorted By: Item/Segment SUBJECT TO CHANGE FLAGLER COUNTY Highways 450265-1 - SR 5, /Segment SUBJECT TO CHANGE FLAGLER COUNTY Maintenance 244172-1 - CITY OF BUNNELL MOA Type of Work, OF FLAGLER BCH. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Type of Work: ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Phase Funding Source 2026


PublicHearing_FLAGLER COUNTY_Summary_2024-2028

PublicHearing_FLAGLER COUNTY_Summary_2024-2028, SUBJECT TO CHANGE FLAGLER COUNTY Freight Logistics And Passenger Operations Program: Aviation 437025-3 - FLAGLER-FLAGLER CO TERMINAL BUILDING Type of Work: AVIATION REVENUE/OPERATIONAL Phase, $1,200,000 $1,200,000 Total for Project 437025-3 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 440774-1 - FLAGLER-FLAGLER CO HANGAR Type of Work: AVIATION PRESERVATION PROJECT Phase Funding Source 2024 2025 2026, - FLAGLER-FLAGLER CO PAVEMENT EXTENSION Type of Work: AVIATION PRESERVATION PROJECT Phase Funding


PublicHearing_FLAGLER COUNTY_Summary_2025-2029

PublicHearing_FLAGLER COUNTY_Summary_2025-2029, Sorted By: Item/Segment SUBJECT TO CHANGE FLAGLER COUNTY Freight Logistics And Passenger Operations Program: Aviation 437025-3 - FLAGLER-FLAGLER CO TERMINAL BUILDING Type of Work: AVIATION REVENUE, $1,200,000 $1,200,000 Total for Project 437025-3 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 440774-1 - FLAGLER-FLAGLER CO, Capital Local $250,000 State $1,000,000 Total for Project 440774-1 $1,250,000 444871-1 - FLAGLER-FLAGLER CO PAVEMENT EXTENSION Type of Work: AVIATION PRESERVATION PROJECT Phase Funding Source


XTENSION Parallel and Flared 31in Inspection Checklist

XTENSION Parallel and Flared 31in Inspection Checklist,  X-TENSION PARALLEL AND FLARED 31” INSPECTION CHECKLIST Inventory ID District County State Road Number Section Sub-Section Roadway ID Mile Post Compliant Guardrail Terminal Element YES NO 1, ft) is installed straight with flare as per design (offset between 0 to 1.2m) (0 to 4 ft, be wrenched tight. X-TENSION PARALLEL AND FLARED 31” INSPECTION CHECKLIST Inventory ID:_______ Page 2, flange and fixed with 50mm x 50mm (2 in x 2 in) washer and nut. 20.Secondary Impact Head is connected

20 of 2414 results