660 search results for curb ramp
District Six Letting and Project Information
E6P64-R0 Miami-Dade Construction, reconstruction and removal of concrete sidewalk, driveways, curb cut ramps, curb & gutter Prequalification is not required February 27, , driveways, curb cut ramps and curb & gutters Prequalification is not required 2024 Award, E6O81 Miami-Dade Resurfacing along SR 93/I-75 from SR 826 to Ramp 87075616 Prequalification, and removal of concrete sidewalk, driveways, curb & gutters, and sound/noise barrier panels Pre
Direct. PROJECT COMMENTS Other: Curb & Gutter (Y / N): N Core No. Milepost Lane Wheel Path, . PROJECT COMMENTS Other: Curb & Gutter (Y / N): N Core No. Milepost Lane Wheel Path Pavement, ) Beg MP: 0.000 End MP: 6.035 Lgth: 6.035 Outside: PAVED Median Curbed (Y / N): N Lawn Other: Curb, : Curb & Gutter (Y / N): N Core No. Milepost Lane Wheel Path Pavement Layer (in.) Base, Median Curbed (Y / N): N Lawn Other: Curb & Gutter (Y / N): N Core No. Milepost Lane Wheel Path
are posted speeds. Connection Spacing Near Interchange Ramps: Connections and median openings located within 1,320 feet of interchange ramps require the following spacing (measured from the ramp, lanes. Minimum ramp Design Speeds for Express Lanes ramps are included in Table 201.5.2 . 201.5.2, allowed on ramps. Modification for Non-Conventional Projects: See RFP for Design Speed and Target, Controls Table 201.5.2 Ramp Design Speeds Ramp Connection Type Minimum Design Speed (mph) Loops
for projects with bridges (new or widened) (3) Toll sites (4) Ramps and service roads for projects which, projects. (12) Curb locations and types (show Type E or F Curb, not the dimension). (13) Sidewalk, roadway projects with asphalt base course Type B- 12.5 only, indicate the asphalt curb pad on the typical section and include an asphalt base curb pad detail. (6) For resurfacing projects on curbed, and for ramps. Show the following traffic data (consistent with the data used for the pavement design) below
, • crossovers, • sidewalks, • curb cut ramps, • signing, • pavement marking, • required, Width 12’ Min 24’ Max 24’ Min 36’ Max 24’ Min 36’ Max F Flare (Drop Curb) 10’ Min 10’ Min N, 24’ Min 36’ Max 24’ Min 36’ Max F Flare (Drop Curb) N/A N/A N/A R Radial Returns (Radius) 15, • The radial return radius (curb radius) may be reduced • The ability to use a larger design vehicle, intersections • Limited Access interchange ramps January 1, 2023 12 Topic #625-000-002 FDOT Design Manual
sidewalk, concrete driveways, curb ramps, curb and gutter, and sod in various locations, 50.00000 37,500.00 120.00000 90,000.00 0010 0520 1 10 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, TYPE F 600.000 LF, 4 10 REMOVAL OF EXISTING CONCRETE 750.000 SY 90.00000 67,500.00 0010 0520 1 10 CONCRETE CURB
Then… Model centric design All of the above! Curbs, Sidewalks,Curb Ramps: Bridge Deck, Beams, Piers, Slope, : Design Review – CPP TPE/PGA Contract Proposed Ramps, Gores, Guardrail: Image Source: Design Review, relationships; utilities, drainage, bridges - Improved constructability considerations; walls, slopes, ramps
https://fdotwww.blob.core.windows.net/sitefinity/docs/default-source/design/training/transportationsymposium/2024-june/2024june-fri10-modelcentricdesign.pdf?sfvrsn=84b37205_1E3Y48-R0 Bid Tab
primarily of the removal and replacement of damaged sidewalk, curb and gutter, ditch pavement, driveways, inlet tops, curb ramps and mitered end slabs. Work may include miscellaneous asphalt repair, INLET TOP, REPAIR, CURB INLET 5.000 EA 1,500.00000 7,500.00 1,000.00000 5,000.00 2,000.00000, 1,000.00000 7,000.00 2,000.00000 14,000.00 0035 0425 15 43 INLET TOP, REPAIR,CURB INLET- WALKING, 44 INLET TOP, REPAIR,CURB INLET- CURB FACE ONLY 2.000 EA 1,000.00000 2,000.00 1,000.00000
clippings, and other debris. Areas to be swept include but are not limited to; curb and gutters, valley gutters, bridge decks and curbs, inside and outside highway interchange ramps (with paved shoulders, will be sufficient to cover the entire width of curb and gutters, valley gutters, bridge decks and curbs, inside and outside highway interchange ramps (with paved shoulders greater than 12 inches
https://fdotwww.blob.core.windows.net/sitefinity/docs/default-source/specifications/maintenance/workbooks/fy-2025-26/spm1103100-725-i19878.pdf?sfvrsn=86c7872d_1MTSIH_Applications Guide_20240325
be coordinated with the applicant for incorporation in their site plan. Considerations include curb radius
https://fdotwww.blob.core.windows.net/sitefinity/docs/default-source/planning/systems/systems-management/document-repository/site-impact/mtsih_applications-guide_20240325.pdf?sfvrsn=20f4282b_1MTSIH_Application Guide_20240605
be coordinated with the applicant for incorporation in their site plan. Considerations include curb radius
UTILITY ADJUSTMENTS 2 (To Remain) Curb And Gutter Exist. Type F £ SURVEY SR 544 Exist. R/W Line, " CONCRETE UTILITY STRIP (VARIES 0'-2') 6' 11' MEDIAN (To Remain) Curb And Gutter Exist. Type F R, (To Remain) Curb And Gutter Exist. Type F 6' 0 . 0 2 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION STANDARD CLEARING AND GRUBBING Line R/W Exist. GROUND NATURAL (To Remain) Curb And Gutter Exist. Type F, ') 11' MEDIAN (To Remain) Curb And Gutter Exist. Type F R/W VARIES (57' MIN.) LIMITS
crossing separated bike lane Pedestrian curb ramp 5 6 Protected Intersections photo source: People, delay or eliminate crossings of high-volume, free-flow ramps; • Minimize pedestrian exposure to high
lane Pedestrian curb ramp 5 6 Protected Intersections photo source: People for Bikes photo, reduce delay or eliminate crossings of high-volume, free-flow ramps; • Minimize pedestrian exposure