2414 search results for fla


Variation. (b) Existing 1:3 or flatter slopes within the clear zone may remain. (c) Flattening, extended. Therefore, the terrain surrounding crash cushions must be flat (1:10 or flatter) in advance, : (a) Recoverable Traversable Slope, 1:4 or flatter (b) Non-Recoverable Traversable Slope, 1:3 or flatter, of roadside hazards, as defined in FDM 215.3 . Traversable Back Slopes 1:3 or flatter may be located, Projects: 1.5 feet 4.0 feet Drainage Structures (e.g., wingwalls, endwalls, flared end sections) Refer



crash cushions must be flat (1:10 or flatter) in advance of and along the entire design length, : (a) Recoverable Traversable Slope, 1:4 or flatter (b) Non-Recoverable Traversable Slope, 1:3 or flatter and steeper than 1:4 (2) Non-Traversable Slope – Rough terrain, obstructed, or slopes steeper, be free of roadside hazards, as defined in FDM 215.3 . Traversable Back Slopes 1:3 or flatter may, , endwalls, flared end sections) Refer to the FDOT Drainage Manual Mailboxes Locate



’ the report will be flagged as involving a CMV. This will result in the fields ‘Haz. Mat. Placard,’ ‘Number, , the placard should have one of the following names: - Explosives - Gases - Flammable Liquid - Flammable Solid - Dangerous - Oxidizer - Poison - Radioactive - Corrosive - If not applicable



 990 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE MATERIALS. (REV 7-6-23) (FA 12-5-23) (FY 2024-25) SUBARTICLE 990-3.7.1 is deleted and the following substituted: 990-3.7 Automated Flagger Assistance Devices (AFAD): 990-3.7.1 General: AFAD’s shall meet the physical display and operational requirements in the MUTCD and be listed on the APL. Manufacturers seeking evaluation of their product for the APL must include detailed vendor drawings showing typical application of the device in accordance



Flom, e Eirp.Strlisor r•rol sift& I &Ma flange A &weft ar-o• xr-o• I -s• *Mt 1 far, ITPE CPI (toothy UprforkAI sorra" A-A 1.6r1rX r1,0 ¨ • Erl.Clrefr sr -0;• flAng SteA I



Ft. õ 40 Ft. Mounting Height Luminaire FOUNDATION DEPTHS 1 flat turn bottom. spiral @ 6" pitch, 3 flat turns top and 12" centers (max.) or D10 (or W10) 2. Foundation Tie Bars: #4 Tie Bars @ shown. 1:2 add 2'-6" to foundation depths than 1:4 and equal to or flatter than or flatter than 1, " 45-50 Ft. õ 40 Ft. Mounting Height Luminaire FOUNDATION DEPTHS 1 flat turn bottom. spiral @ 6" pitch, 3 flat turns top and 12" centers (max.) or D10 (or W10) 2. Foundation Tie Bars: #4 Tie



& I75 Flavia Magalhaes Maritza Tardi Broward County (954) 958-7632 (954) 626-3590 US 27, Movable Bridge Doug Shockley Greg Craig Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Seminole, Volusia Counties (386) 740-3463 (386) 804-7293 State Primary Roads Mark Keane Basil Saghorchi Flagler & Volusia Counties, (321) 634-6097 (321 ) 750-3989 I-95 Mark Keane Alexander Gonzalez - Tubens Flagler & Voluisa



Sustaita Palm Beach County (561) 370-1156 (321) 246-0204 I-95, I-595 & I75 Flavia Magalhaes, Greg Craig Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Seminole, Volusia Counties (386) 740-3463 (386) 804-7293 State Primary Roads Mark Keane Basil Saghorchi Flagler & Volusia Counties (386) 740-3419 (386) 846-8388, Alexander Gonzalez - Tubens Flagler & Voluisa Counties (386) 740-3419 (321)750-3989 State Primary



, I-595 & I75 Flavia Magalhaes Maritza Tardi Broward County (954) 958-7632 (954) 626-3590 US 27, Movable Bridge Doug Shockley Greg Craig Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Seminole, Volusia Counties (386) 740-3463 (386) 804-7293 State Primary Roads Mark Keane Basil Saghorchi Flagler & Volusia, County (321) 634-6097 (321 ) 750-3989 I-95 Mark Keane Alexander Gonzalez - Tubens Flagler & Voluisa



I-95, I-595 & I75 Flavia Magalhaes Maritza Tardi Broward County (954) 958-7632 (954) 626-3590 US, 346-201-2953 Movable Bridge Doug Shockley Greg Craig Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Seminole, Volusia Counties (386) 740-3463 (386) 804-7293 State Primary Roads Tracy Rosenburg Basil Saghorchi Flagler, Flagler & Voluisa Counties (386) 740-3425 (321) 750-3989 State Primary Roads Misty Mahan Donnie



William Sustaita Palm Beach County (561) 370-1128 (321) 246-0204 I-95, I-595 & I75 Flavia Magalhaes, Shockley Greg Craig Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Seminole, Volusia Counties (386) 740-3463 (386) 804-7293 State Primary Roads Tracy Rosenburg Basil Saghorchi Flagler & Volusia Counties (386) 740-3437 (386, ) 750-3989 I-95 Ali Rodriguez Alexander Gonzalez - Tubens Flagler & Voluisa Counties (386



Flavia Magalhaes Maritza Tardi Broward County (954) 958-7632 (954) 626-3590 US 27, Wayside Parks, Bridge Doug Shockley Greg Craig Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Seminole, Volusia Counties (386) 740-3463 (386) 804-7293 State Primary Roads Tracy Rosenburg Basil Saghorchi Flagler & Volusia Counties (386, ) 634-6097 (321 ) 750-3989 I-95 Ali Rodriguez Alexander Gonzalez - Tubens Flagler & Voluisa



Flavia Magalhaes Maritza Tardi Broward County (954) 958-7632 (954) 626-3590 US 27, Wayside Parks, Bridge Doug Shockley Greg Craig Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Seminole, Volusia Counties (386) 740-3463 (386) 804-7293 State Primary Roads Tracy Rosenburg Basil Saghorchi Flagler & Volusia Counties (386, (321) 634-6097 (321 ) 750-3989 I-95 Ali Rodriguez Alexander Gonzalez - Tubens Flagler & Voluisa



Flavia Magalhaes Maritza Tardi Broward County (954) 958-7632 (954) 626-3590 US 27, Wayside Parks, Bridge Doug Shockley Greg Craig Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Seminole, Volusia Counties (386) 740-3463 (386) 804-7293 State Primary Roads Tracy Rosenburg Basil Saghorchi Flagler & Volusia Counties, (321) 634-6097 (321 ) 750-3989 I-95 Ali Rodriguez Alexander Gonzalez - Tubens Flagler & Voluisa



(321) 246-0204 I-95, I-595 & I75 Flavia Magalhaes Maritza Tardi Broward County (954) 958-7632 (954, 772-429-4940 346-201-2953 Movable Bridge Doug Shockley Greg Craig Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Seminole, Flagler & Volusia Counties (386) 740-3437 (386) 846-8388 I-75 Chad Kalins Kevin Cox Sumter County, - Tubens Flagler & Voluisa Counties (386) 740-3425 (321) 750-3989 State Primary Roads Misty Mahan



County (561) 370-1175 (786) 459-2408 I-95, I-595 & I75 Flavia Magalhaes Maritza Tardi Broward, , Flagler, Lake, Seminole, Volusia Counties (386) 740-3463 (386) 804-7293 State Primary Roads Tracy Rosenburg Basil Saghorchi Flagler & Volusia Counties (386) 740-3437 (386) 846-8388 I-75 Chad, Trivett Alexander Gonzalez - Tubens Flagler & Voluisa Counties (386) 740-3482 (321) 750-3989 State



MoffoAnthony Heard Palm Beach County (561) 370-1175 (786) 459-2408 I-95, I-595 & I75 Flavia Magalhaes, Greg Craig Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Seminole, Volusia Counties (386) 740-3463 (386) 804-7293 State Primary Roads Tracy Rosenburg Basil Saghorchi Flagler & Volusia Counties (386) 740-3437 (386, ) 750-3989 I-95 Heidi Trivett Alexander Gonzalez - Tubens Flagler & Voluisa Counties (386

20 of 2414 results