ILC Infrastructure Support Program


The purpose of the Intermodal Logistics Center (ILC) Infrastructure Support Program is to provide funds for roads, rail facilities, or other means for the conveyance or shipment of goods through a seaport to or from an ILC. Beginning in fiscal year 2024-2025, $15 million shall be made available from the State Transportation Trust Fund for each of the next 5 years (2024/2025 – 2029/2030).

To be considered eligible for funding under the ILC Infrastructure Support Program, a Project must meet the criteria established in Section 311.101(3), F.S., and in 14-118 Florida Administrative Code (FAC).

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Submissions will be reviewed for funding consideration in order of applications received. All submissions may be considered for funding in current and future years.

What is an ILC?

Per 311.101, F.S., the term “intermodal logistics center,” including, but not limited to, an “inland port,” means a facility or group of facilities serving as a point of intermodal transfer of freight in a specific area physically separated from a seaport where activities relating to transport, logistics, goods distribution, consolidation, or value-added activities are carried out and whose activities and services are designed to support or be supported by conveyance or shipping through one or more seaports listed in 311.09, F.S..

Key Resources


Contact us for information about the process or to submit applications:


For additional funding opportunities related to ILCs, please visit the Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Web page.