Teen Driver Safety

Picture of a group of teen and speaker standing in front of a large screen

Teen Driver Safety:

Florida’s statewide Teen Driver Safety program targets teen drivers age 15 to 19, by coaching and empowering them to educate their peers, parents and communities about teen safe driving. Topics include using safety belts, driving within the speed limit and based on road conditions, not driving impaired or distracted, and the crash risk associated with driving with multiple teen passengers. Selected projects address teen driving issues from several angles, and include both statewide projects and local efforts to address problems in specific geographic areas.

Picture of two teens using distracted driving goggles to walk outsidePicture of two teens using distracted driving goggles to walk outside

Picture of teens in auditorium listening to speakersPicture of teens in auditorium listening to speakers


Teen Driver Safety Subgrants:

FDOT is focused on finding strategic ways to help educate teen drivers to stay safe on Florida’s roadways. FDOT awards subgrants to local law enforcement agencies, local community organizations, and other agencies who are committed to its vision of driving down fatalities and helping teen drivers “Arrive Alive”.

For more information on FDOT grant funding please visit the FDOT State Safety Office Subgrant’s website: http://www.fdot.gov/safety/3-Grants/Grants-Home.shtm



A group of teens sitting in a cafeteria listening to speakersA group of teens sitting in a cafeteria listening to speakers

Helpful Resources:

NHTSA Teen Driving
2017 NHTSA Traffic Safety Facts- Young Drivers
2017 NHTSA Traffic Safety Facts- Teen Drivers
Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition

Picture of Teen Safe Driving Coalition June 2024 quarterly meeting attendees 


For more information contact Brandy French at Brandy.French@dot.state.fl.us for 850-414-4092

Page updated August 29, 2024