Florida's Turnpike Freight Resources

Turnpike Freight Projects
Truck Parking at Canoe Creek Service Plaza
The project expands truck parking at the Canoe Creek Service Plaza. In addition, the project will add passenger parking spaces near the Service Plaza. Work includes concrete pavement, potential Florida’s Turnpike Mainline/SR 91 plaza ramp improvements, pond and ditch reconstruction, and lighting upgrades at the plaza. This project is in Design. Utilities and Construction are funded in Fiscal Year 2026. For more information: justin.relitz@dot.state.fl.us
Truck Parking at West Palm Beach Service Plaza
The project expands truck parking at the West Palm Beach Service Plaza on Florida’s Turnpike Mainline/SR 91. The project includes additional personal vehicle parking for the restaurant building. Work includes concrete pavement, improved interior parking circulation, pond and ditch reconstruction, widening of Turnpike Mainline northbound from two to four lanes within the limits of the plaza, and lighting improvements at the West Palm Beach Service Plaza. This project is in Design. Utilities and Construction are funded in Fiscal Year 2024. For more information: justin.relitz@dot.state.fl.us
Other Turnpike Freight Contacts
Tandem Truck Permitting
(954) 934-1243
Utility and Rail Administrator
(407) 264-3007