District 1 Freight Resources

Regional Projects & Initiatives
Freight Activity Center Definition & Evaluation – The report summarizes methods used to identify and evaluate Freight Activity Center (FAC) Connectors in FDOT District One. FAC Connectors are defined as local and state roadways connecting freight trip generating uses within FACs with Freight Mobility Corridors (FMCs) designated in the District Freight Mobility and Trade Plan (FMTP). The definition and evaluation process were undertaken to identify issues impacting transportation and freight logistics along key corridors as part of the District’s ongoing efforts to provide more efficient and safe freight movement in the region. The report provides a review of FAC Connector conditions district-wide and offers more detailed information on conditions of FAC Connectors in FACs with high levels of existing and potential industrial development activity.
Port Manatee Site Utilization & Network Analysis Study – The purpose of this study was to research and identify future capability and capacity improvements utilizing current and future Port Manatee properties, existing infrastructure, and identification of new infrastructure and facilities to maximize Port Manatee’s freight movement and handling capabilities. The study identifies transportation requirements as a result of forecasted growth to include specific projects on and off port property to improve cargo and traffic flow on existing roadways and port connectors. A Needs Assessment Study for Piney Point Road (Port Connector) was conducted as a result of recommendations in this study and will be followed by a PD&E in preparation for future improvements to this important SIS Highway Connector.
Airport Regional Transportation & Industrial Development Analysis (ARTIDA) – The purpose of this study is to research and identify future capability and capacity improvements to the state road network that may be required to accommodate the growth and expansion of transportation related activities at and within the study area (five miles) of five select airports. Research includes a review of on and off airport property infrastructure and uses and the identification of new infrastructure and facilities to maximize those airport properties cargo movements and handling capabilities. The process will also identify transportation project recommendations as a result of forecasted growth to include specific projects on and off airport properties to improve cargo and traffic flow on the existing roadways and airport connectors. Airports in the study are Lakeland Linder International Airport, Southwest Florida International Airport, Sebring Regional Airport and Multimodal Logistics Center, Winter Haven Regional Airport, and Punta Gorda Airport.
Annual Freight and Ag-Transport Trucking Forum – In an ongoing series of engagement activities to provide updates on major projects and plans to the general freight and ag-specific trucking industry, District One hosts the Annual
Freight Trucking Forum (typically in August) at Polk State’s Corporate College Campus in Bartow. In the morning session we partner with the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association to focus specifically on ag-transport issues and
concerns with participants from Florida Citrus Mutual, Florida Cattlemen’s Association, the Florida Trucking Association, Florida Highway Patrol, Florida Dept of AG Law Enforcement, and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. The
afternoon session focuses on general freight issues with the same participants plus other offices within FDOT, the FBI, local Sheriff’s Departments, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, representatives from trucking companies/carriers and
other industry segments from across the district and beyond.
Documents & Publications
Studies & Reports
Trucking Forum 2025 Slideshow
Working Groups
Trucking Forum 2025 Slideshow
Stakeholder Forums