Maintenance Specifications - FY 2025-26
Maintenance Specifications Workbook
Effective July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026
Special Provisions - Specific clauses adding to or revising the Standard Specifications, setting forth conditions varying from or additional to the Standard Specifications for a specific project.
History of Revisions - To review the History of revisions for this Workbook.
Specification | File Name | Usage Note |
SPECIAL PROVISIONS | SP0000001 | All Jobs |
DEFINITIONS AND TERMS. (REV 3-9-18) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0010300 | All Maintenance Contracts |
PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS - PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS. (REV 3-15-16) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0020100 | All Maintenance Contracts, except BDI. Do not use with SP0020100BDI. |
AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT - BUDGETARY ESTIMATE. (REV 8-14-22) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0030100MBE | Use on Budgetary Estimate Maintenance Contracts. |
AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT - AWARD OF CONTRACT. (REV 4-27-16) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0030202 | All Maintenance Contracts. |
AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT - BOND REQUIREMENTS FOR MULTI-YEAR CONTRACTS. (REV 7-29-16) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0030501MY | Use on Multi-Year Maintenance Contracts. |
SCOPE OF WORK - INTENT OF CONTRACT (REV 2-15-17) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0040100M | All Maintenance Contracts, except Lump Sum. Do not use with SP0040100LS. |
SCOPE OF WORK - INTENT OF CONTRACT (REV 12-17-24) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0040100MLS | All Maintenance Lump Sum Contracts. Do not use with SP0040100M. |
CONTROL OF THE WORK - WORK DOCUMENTS (REV 4-13-20) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0050107 | All Maintenance Contracts with Work Documents. |
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC - INSECTICIDES AND HERBICIDES. (REV 11-18-24) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0070107M | Jobs with Insecticide and Herbicide Application. |
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC - INSURANCE. (REV 5-27-15) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0071302M | Use on Maintenance Contracts for reduced Commercial General Liability Insurance. Do not use with SP0071302BDI. |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS - SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNING OF CONTRACTS. (REV 10-8-15) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0080100M | All Maintenance Contracts. Do not use with SP0080100MBDI. |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS - SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNING OF CONTRACTS. (REV 10-8-15) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0080100MBDI | Use on Maintenance BDI Contracts, with the approval of the District Program Management Office. Do not use with SP0080100M. |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS. (REV 5-18-17) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0080200 | All Maintenance Contracts. |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS. (REV 4-5-18) (FY 2025-26) | Use on Maintenance Landscaping with Installation and Establishment. Do not use with SP0080200. | |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS - Equipment. (REV 8-2-19) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0080410 | All Maintenance Contracts. |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS - CONTRACT TIME EXTENSION. (REV 12-17-24) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0080703M | All Maintenance Contracts. |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS - RENEWAL OPTION. (REV 3-10-14) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0081300R | Use on Maintenance Contracts with Renewal Option. |
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT - SCOPE OF PAYMENTS. (REV 8-12-16) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0090201M | Maintenance Contracts with No Stockpiled Materials. Do not use with SP0090201M-STP. |
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT - SCOPE OF PAYMENTS. (REV 8-12-16) (FY 2025-26) | SPM0090201M-STP | Maintenance Contracts with Stockpiled Materials. Do not use with SP0090201M. |
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. (REV 1-28-15) (FY 2025-26) | SPM1000100 | All Maintenance Contracts. |
MOBILIZATION. (REV 7-29-13) (FY 2025-26) | SPM1010201 | All Maintenance Contracts. |
MOBILIZATION - EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION. (REV 12-2-14) (FY 2025-26) | SPM1010204 | Maintenance Contracts where Emergency Response may be necessary. |
MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC. (REV 1-20-25) (FY 2025-26) | SPM1020301WD | MOT for Work Document Driven Contracts. |
MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC. (REV 1-20-25) (FY 2025-26) | SPM1020504SiteSpecific | MOT for Site Specific Maintenance Contracts. Do not use with SP1020301WD. |
MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC-REMOTELY PROGRAMMABLE PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGNS. (REV 1-20-25) (FY 2025-26) | SPM1020912 | Use on Maintenance Contracts where Remotely Programmable PCMS are Needed. Use with SP9900301. |
LITTER REMOVAL AND MOWING. (REV 8-19-21) (FY 2025-26) | SPM1070000 | Maintenance Contracts including Litter Removal and Mowing. |
CLEARING AND GRUBBING. (REV 8-30-17) (FY 2025-26) | SPM1100200 | Maintenance Contracts with with Clearing and Grubbing. |
ROAD AND BRIDGE SWEEPING. (REV 8-1-13) (FY 2025-26) | SPM1103100 | Maintenance Contracts including Road and Bridge Sweeping. |
EDGING. (REV 2-12-19) (FY 2025-26) | SPM1103200 | Maintenance Contracts including Edging. |
REMOVAL OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. (REV 3-9-18) (FY 2025-26) | SPM1107000 | Maintenance Contracts including the Removal of Flexible Pavement. |
ROADSIDE DITCH OR CANAL CLEANING AND GRADING. (REV 10-1-15) (FY 2025-26) | SPM1205000 | Maintenance Contracts including Ditch or Canal Cleaning and Grading. |
INLETS, MANHOLES, AND JUNCTION BOXES. (REV 3-9-18) (FY 2025-26) | SPM4250600 | Maintenance Contract with Drainage Structure. |
SEALING OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. (REV 3-9-18) (FY 2025-26) | SPM4270000 | Maintenance Jobs involving the Sealing of Drainage Structures. |
PIPE CULVERTS - CHEMICAL GROUT. (REV 6-23-15) (FY 2025-26) | SPM4300705 | Maintenance Contracts with Chemical Grout Repair. |
PIPE CULVERTS - REMOVAL OF EXISTING PIPE. (REV 3-30-15) (FY 2025-26) | SPM4301202 | Maintenance Contract with Removal of Existing Pipe. |
DESILTING PIPES AND BOX CULVERTS. (REV 8-2-13) (FY 2025-26) | SPM4309400 | Maintenance Contracts including Desilting Pipes and Box Culverts. |
PIPE LINER. (REV2-27-20)(FY 2025-26) | SPM4310000 | Maintenance Contracts including Pipe Liner. |
INSPECTION OF EXISTING PIPES AND STORM SEWERS. (REV 9-3-19) (FY 2025-26) | SPM4320000 | Use on Maintenance Contracts for the inspection of existing pipes and storm sewers. |
CONCRETE GUTTER, CURB ELEMENTS, AND TRAFFIC SEPARATOR. (REV 3-9-18) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5200100 | Maintenance Contract with Concrete Gutter, Curb Elements and Traffic Separators. |
CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAYS (REV 2-15-24) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5220000 | Maintenance Contracts including Concrete Sidewalk. |
CONCRETE DITCH AND SLOPE PAVEMENT - REPAIR. (REV 1-28-15) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5240100 | Maintenance Contracts with Ditch and Slope Pavement Repair. |
DETECTABLE WARNINGS. (REV 12-16-24) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5270000 | All Jobs. |
GUARDRAIL. (REV 12-26-24) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5360100 | Maintenance Contracts with Guardrail Repair Work. |
CRASH CUSHIONS. (REV 12-11-24) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5440000 | All Maintenance Contract with Crash Cushions. |
FENCING. (REV 12-16-24) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5500100 | Maintenance Contracts with Fencing Work. |
FERTILIZING. (REV 3-29-21) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5705000 | Maintenance Contracts including Fertilizing. |
SODDING. (REV 12-16-24) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5750000 | Maintenance Contracts including Sod. |
REWORKING SHOULDERS, SLOPES AND ROADSIDE DITCHES. (REV 3-30-20) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5770000 | Maintenance Contracts including Reworking Shoulders, Slopes and Roadside Ditches. |
LANDSCAPING (STAND ALONE). (REV 8-5-21) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5800000 | Maintenance Landscaping with Two Year Establishment Period. Do not use with SS5800000WD. |
LANDSCAPING (WORK DIRECTED). (REV 3-9-18) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5800000WD | Maintenance Landscaping Work Directed Projects with One Year Establishment Period. Do not use with SS5800000. |
CHEMICAL VEGETATION CONTROL. (REV 6-24-15) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5803300 | Maintenance Contracts including Chemical Vegetation Control. |
TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL. (REV 3-9-18) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5804000 | Maintenance Contracts including Tree Trimming and Removal. |
TREE AND PALM RELOCATION - MAINTENANCE (REV 8-2-21) (FY 2025-26) | SPM5810000M | Maintenance Projects with Tree and Palm Relocation. |
COMMUNICATION CABLE. (REV 2-15-24) (FY 2025-26) | SPM6330600 | Use on Maintenance Contracts with fiber optic impacts (location/work type) |
HIGHWAY SIGNING. (REV 12-16-24) (FY 2025-26) | SPM7000100 | Maintenance Contracts with Highway Signing Work. |
OBJECT MARKERS AND DELINEATORS. (REV 9-28-15) (FY 2025-26) | SPM7050500 | Maintenance Contracts that include Object Markers and Delineators. |
RAISED RETRO-REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKERS AND BITUMINOUS ADHESIVE. (REV 6-23-21) (FY 2025-26) | SPM7060100 | Maintenance Contracts including RPMs. |
THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKINGS - FOR MAINTENANCE WITH REMOVAL AND HOT SPRAY. (REV 3-29-22) (FY 2025-26) | SPM7110201 | Maintenance contracts with removal of existing pavement markings and/or application of Hot Spray. |
HIGHWAY LIGHTING SYSTEM (WORK DIRECTED REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE). (REV 11-18-24) (FY 2025-26) | SPM7150000 | Maintenance Contracts with Highway Lighting System. |
TRAFFIC MARKING MATERIALS - THERMOPLASTIC MATERIAL - HOT SPRAY. (REV 3-28-22) (FY 2025-26) | SPM9711100HS | All Maintenance Contracts with application of Hot Spray |
TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE MATERIALS-REMOTELY PROGRAMMABLE PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGNS. (REV 3-23-21) (FY 2025-26) | SPM9900301 | Use on Maintenance Contacts where Remotely PCMS are Needed. Use with SP1020912. |