Federal Discretionary Grants

There are times when local agencies are awarded federal funding outside of our FHWA federal core programs and a LAP agreement is not appropriate. See Program Management Bulletin 18-07 for more information on federal grant program applicability. Additional details are available through Federal Aid Technical Bulletin 15-02 and the Work Program Instructions Part IV, Chapter 4.
Under 2 CFR 200, funding passed through to another entity requires the FDOT grant manager to perform a risk assessment and to develop and implement a risk monitoring plan. Below is a PowerPoint presentation that outlines the requirements of 2 CFR 200 and a risk assessment template.
For more information on the Department's approach to federal grant applications or to request a letter of consistency for a grant application, please visit the Office of Policy Planning, Federal Discretionary Grants page.
Federal discretionary grants that fund capital projects under Title 23 or Title 49, US Code must be in the TIP and STIP before executing a grant agreement with USDOT. For more information, please visit the STIP Information page.
Required Forms
- Exhibit A: Project Description and Responsibilities
- Exhibit B: Schedule of Financial Assistance
- Exhibit C: Title VI Assurances
- Exhibit D: Recipient Resolution
- Exhibit E: Federal Financial Assistance (Single Audit Act)
- Exhibit F: Contract Payment Requirement
Local Programs Project Monitoring Status Report FDOT Form No. 525-010-54
Local Programs Invoicing Template FDOT Form No. 525-010-53
Option 1: Non-Traditional Federal Risk Assessment Template
Option 2: Non-Traditional Federal Risk Assessment Template
**Optional or custom exhibits may be included with approval by Office of Comptroller, Office of General Counsel, and Central Office Local Programs.
AGA Subrecipient Monitoring and Self-Assessment Guide
FDOT Grants Procedure No. 350-020-060
Grant Management Training 2 CFR 200 PowerPoint
For more information regarding Federal Discretionary Grants, Please contact the
Central Local Programs Office
For immediate assistance please contact
Kathleen Khazraee - Local Program Coordinator
(850) 414-4127