NEVI Formula Program
As of February 6, 2025, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has suspended the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program to review its compliance with President Trump’s recent Executive Orders to ensure prudent use of taxpayer dollars.
National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) established a NEVI Formula Program to provide funding to States to strategically deploy electric vehicle infrastructure. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT or Department) is estimated to receive $198 million over the next five years to support the development of a network of electric vehicle charging stations along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors.
To access these new funds, the Department is required to submit an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan by August 1, 2022. This Plan details how the state of Florida will use its NEVI Formula Program funds, consistent with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidance. Development of the Plan is underway, and the Department is leveraging all available resources to perform needed analysis and coordinate with stakeholders. The effort expands upon the FDOT Electric Vehicle Master Plan (EVMP) prepared in accordance with F.S. 339.287.
FHWA published a Memorandum outlining guidance for the implementation of the NEVI Program. Key state requirements include:
- Focusing on passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks
- Prioritizing charging locations along the Interstate Highway System
- Targeting rural, underserved, and disadvantaged communities for electric vehicle charging infrastructure
- Considering locations with publicly available restrooms, appropriate lighting, and sheltered seating areas
Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure must meet the following requirements:
- Located along a designated Alternative Fuel Corridor (AFC)
- Open to the public or to authorized commercial motor vehicle operators from more than one company
- No greater than 50 miles between one station/site and the next on corridor.
- No more than 1 mile from Interstate exits or highway intersections along the corridor.
- Stations should include four Combined Charging System (CCS) connectors - Type 1 ports (simultaneously charging four electric vehicles).
- Site power capability should be no less than 600 kW (supporting at least 150 kW per port simultaneously across 4 ports).
- Maximum charge power per DC port should not be below 150 kW.
NEVI Formula Program
Funding Amount: $198 million ($29 million in FY22)
Period of Availability: Available until funds expended
Mechanism: Formula Grant Fund
Recipients: States
Description: NEVI Formula Program funds are to be used for the strategic deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and the establishment of an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability. 10-percent of funding is set aside for discretionary grants to State and local governments that require additional assistance.
Eligible Uses: The acquisition and installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure to serve as a catalyst for the deployment of such infrastructure and to connect it to a network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability; proper operation and maintenance of electric vehicle charging infrastructure; data sharing about electric vehicle charging infrastructure to ensure the long-term success of investments.