For Immediate Release
April 2, 2024
Statement from FDOT Secretary Jared W. Perdue, P.E. on Federal Courts in
Kentucky and Texas Striking Down USDOT's Unlawful Rule Forcing States to Track
Drivers' Tailpipe Emissions
Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT) Secretary Jared W. Perdue, P.E. issued the following statement following two
separate Federal Court decisions that ruled in favor of twenty-two states,
including Florida, who sued the federal government to block the implementation
of the unlawful greenhouse gas emissions program.
"Florida is glad to see both Texas and
Kentucky federal courts rule against federal overreach by striking down USDOT's
Rule forcing state DOTs and local partners to allegedly reduce greenhouse gas
emissions by way of tracking drivers' tail pipe emissions. We've been clear for
over a year that USDOT overstepped its legal authority by promulgating this
Rule. Floridians have no desire for the government to track what they drive,
where they drive, and how often they drive. Florida will continue to stand up
for our freedoms and ensure Federal Green New Deal initiatives don't impact
The greenhouse gas emissions tracking program,
which Congress removed from consideration before voting on and passing the 2021
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), was unlawfully implemented by
the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) and the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), in an attempt to circumvent congressional intent and
force states to set arbitrary goals to track tailpipe emissions.
www.fdot.gov | Twitter: @MyFDOT | Facebook: @MyFDOT
The Florida Department of Transportation’s mission is to provide a safe transportation system that ensures the mobility of people and goods, enhances economic prosperity and preserves the quality of the state’s environment and communities. The department is committed to building a transportation system that not only fits the current needs of Florida’s residents and visitors but also enhances mobility throughout the state to accommodate its consistent and rapid growth. The unique nature of the Sunshine State and its year-round warm climate provides numerous opportunities to achieve the department’s mission through multiple transportation modes including highways/streets, air, rail, sea, spaceports, transit, and the ever-expanding deployment of bicycle & pedestrian facilities.