Request For Applications (RFA)
Notice: When the Department's formal Request for Application (RFA) is released, it will be advertised through MyFloridaMarketPlace. Applicants must adhere to all requirements in the formal RFA solicitation to be posted on MyFloridaMarketPlace, including instructions for submittals and questions. To register with MyFloridaMarketPlace, please click here: https://vendor.myfloridamarketplace.com/register.
On June 6, 2022, the Department released a Request for Information (RFI) to solicit feedback and recommendations for the planning, coordination, and development of EV charging infrastructure within the State of Florida. To view the responses from this effort click here.
When the RFA is released, the Florida Department of Transportation, (FDOT) will seek Applicants interested in the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Program to submit an application. The funding awarded will be provided for electric vehicle (EV) charging sites along identified specific EV Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFC).
If you are interested in submitting an Application in response to the Request for Application, please ensure your firm is registered with
Applicant Resources
Doing Business with the State of Florida
Resources for applicants interested in doing business with the State of Florida.
Doing Business with the State of Florida Video
Doing Business with the State of Florida Overview (PDF 285.40 KB)
Step 1: Register with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations at www.sunbiz.org.
Step 2: Register your business in the MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendor Information Portal (VIP) at vendor.myfloridamarketplace.com
Step 3: Choose the commodity codes that fit your business. Opt in to receive free email notifications of business opportunities based on your chosen commodity codes. Options you may want to select to receive notifications of the advertisement posting:
25175000 – Electric Vehicle Charging Systems
25175002 – Electric Vehicle Charging Station
Step 4: Certified Business Enterprises. If you are a woman, veteran, or minority small business owner, visit the Office of Supplier Diversity webpage at dms.myflorida.com/osd to see if you are eligible to become a certified business enterprise with the state.
Doing Business with the State of Florida Vendor Communication (PDF 140.34 KB)
Sunbiz (Florida Division of Corporations)
Vendor Information Portal (VIP)
Commodity Codes
Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD)
Vendor Bid System (VBS)
For additional information regarding registration, please visit the Department of Management Services (DMS) Applicant Resources page.