Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Funding
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) provides $7.5 billion for EV infrastructure funding available to states with approved National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment (NEVI) Plans. This funding is Distributed through formula and competitive selection efforts by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
EV Infrastructure Deployment Program
Through the formula-based $5 billion EV Infrastructure Deployment Program, states deploy EV charging infrastructure to build a network along approved Alternative Fuels Corridors (AFC). An estimated $198 million is directed to Florida over five years to address EV charging needs for passenger vehicles and light duty trucks. Funds may be used to purchase and install EV charging infrastructure, operating expenses, purchase and installation of traffic control devices located in the right-of-way, on-premises signage, development activities, and mapping and analysis activities.
NEVI formula program provides a fixed amount of funding to each state to strategically deploy EV charging infrastructure and establish a nationwide interconnected charging network, with Florida receiving $198M over a five-year period. NEVI funds can be used for the acquisition and installation of Direct Current Fast Charge (DCFC) infrastructure and required supporting infrastructure. NEVI can also provide funding to cover operations and maintenance expenses for up to 5 years. The program will pay for up to 80% of the costs associated with deploying this fast-charging network. The remaining 20% must come from successful applicants.
Charging and Refueling Infrastructure and Community Program
The IIJA allocates $2.5 billion for competitive selection. The USDOT will administer the competitive selection efforts for installation of EV charging infrastructure, hydrogen fueling infrastructure, propane fueling infrastructure, or natural gas fueling infrastructure. The competitive selections are divided into Corridor Charging and Community Charging. For more federal information click here.