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Florida Automated Vehicle (FAV) Summit 2023

- Raj Ponnaluri, PhD, P.E., PTOE, PMP; Manager, Emerging Technologies

The Florida Automated Vehicles (FAV) Summit assembles industry leaders worldwide to address technologies, operations, and policy issues. The FAV Summit's mission is to gain insight into what Florida is doing to create the ideal climate for testing, implementing, and deploying autonomous and connected vehicle technologies.

Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Led Panel Discussion

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) hosted five panel sessions at the 2023 FAV Summit. The panel sessions’ topics included Florida's Transportation Technology Labs, FDOT's Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) and Emerging Technology (ET) initiatives, Emerging Data, Alternate Fuel Vehicle Infrastructure, and Emerging Multimodal Applications. Panelists included experts from State and local agencies, private entities, and academic institutions. 



Rudy Powell, FDOT's Director of the State Traffic Engineering & Operations Office, moderated a panel discussion on FDOT's CAV and ET initiatives. Panelists included Raj Ponnaluri (FDOT, CO), Eric Gordin (FDOT, FTE), Jeremy Dilmore (FDOT, District 5), and Sanjay Ranka (University of Florida). The panelists discussed several initiatives the FDOT undertook in deploying CAV and ET projects across the state. Also, the panelists highlighted the importance of adopting technology through the development process of research, testing/pilots, and full-scale deployment. 

FDOT's Civil Integrated Management Officer John Krause led a panel discussion on emerging data. The panelists included Monali Shah (Google), Michael Brown (Southwest Research Institute), Bill Schumacher (HERE Technologies), and Sisinnio Concas (University of South Florida). The panelists discussed several types of emerging data and how these data can be used in transportation to improve the mobility and safety of transportation systems. Also, the panelists highlighted how emerging data in the transportation field can be used to draw insight and decisions on transportation systems. 





Rudy Powell, FDOT's Director of the State Traffic Engineering & Operations Office, moderated a panel discussion on FDOT's CAV and ET initiatives. Panelists included Raj Ponnaluri (FDOT, CO), Eric Gordin (FDOT, FTE), Jeremy Dilmore (FDOT, District 5), and Sanjay Ranka (University of Florida). The panelists discussed several initiatives the FDOT undertook in deploying CAV and ET projects across the state. Also, the panelists highlighted the importance of adopting technology through the development process of research, testing/pilots, and full-scale deployment.