Documents and Publications

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Documents and Publications

Bulletins Memorandums
Office of Design

Production Support
Roadway Design
Structures Design

Bulletins and Memorandums detail changes to our many Publications, facilitate changes in policies and procedures and promote effective communication with our Customers to ensure they have the latest up to date information available. The links to the left lead to the discipline based Bulletin & Memorandum websites.
Standard PlansStandard Plans issued by the Office of Design for FY2018-19 to Present.
Design StandardsDesign Standards issued by the Office of Design from 1976 to FY2017-18.

Roadway Design

FDOT Design Manual
FDOT Design Manual (FDM) since 2018
Plans Preparation Manual
Plans Preparation Manual (PPM) 1967 to 2017
Florida Urban Area 1 Mile Buffer Maps
Maps depicting Florida’s Urban Areas (places with a population of 5,000 or more persons) plus a 1-mile buffer from those Urban Areas. This data is comprised using the 2010 Census data.
Traditional Neighborhood Communities Handbook
Traditional Neighborhood Communities handbook (TND) provides planning-level guidance for the design of Traditional Neighborhood communities that are inherently walk-able and bike-able
Florida GreenbookManual of Uniform Minimum Standards for Design, Construction and Maintenance for Streets and Highways - For use on all public roads that are not part of the State Highway System. Includes links to Committee Member and Event information and Subcommittee Member and event information. Includes Minutes and Meeting packages from the past
Temporary Traffic Control (Maintenance of Traffic)
Provides links to the TTC/MOT Administration website for Providers, Students, various course offerings and other training resources
Drainage Manuals, Handbooks, Design Aids
Policy and Criteria for the design of Florida Department of Transportation drainage facilities. This site offers an all inclusive list of our Manuals, Handbooks and Design Aids
Pavement Management Publications
Pavement Management Publications issued by the State Roadway Design Office which includes Rigid Pavement Design Manual, Pavement Type Selection Manual and the Flexible Pavement Design Manual. The Rigid and Flexible Pavement Design Manuals include information necessary to design a new pavement or develop a properly engineered rehabilitation project. The Pavement Type Selection Manual includes methods and computations to properly develop a Pavement Type Selection Report.
Quality Assurance Training Help site
Training materials/sites used by the State Roadway Design Office
Quality Assurance Help Tools
Tools used by the State Roadway Design Office in the evaluation of QA Section Review Activities
Quality Assurance Help Links
Publications used by the State Roadway Design Office in the evaluation of QA Section Review Activities
Accessibility/ADA Forms
FDOT Facility or State Highway System comment forms

Rest Area Program Long Range Plan
Long range plan for rest area facilities
Rest Area Study Executive Summary
2005 Rest Area Assessment Study to update existing 1993 - 30 year study

Production Support

Errors, Omissions, and Contractual Breaches by Professional Engineers on Department Contracts Policy
Procedure to identify, evaluate and document resolution of errors, omissions and contractual breaches by Design consultants and Construction Engineering and Inspection consultants
Professional Services Consultant Work Performance Evaluation
Procedure to evaluate and report to FDOT work performance of professional services consultants under contract
Project Management HandbookProvides guidelines and recommended practices for both Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and consultant Project Managers. This comprehensive resource covers all FDOT project phases, from planning to maintenance. The handbook contains references to further information on the Department's project development and implementation process
Value Engineering ProgramValue Engineering is a systematic process used by a multidisciplinary team to improve the value of a project through the identification and analysis of functions. This procedure provides a consistent and uniform process for executing the Value Engineering (VE) Program during the development of a project
Project Management Benchmarking Report

A study which identified Project Management best practices and improvement opportunities that FDOT might consider evaluating for implementation
Standard Scope of Services and Staff Hour Estimation Guidelines
Detailed descriptions of the work efforts (Activities and Tasks) for uniform and consistent project scoping and a basis or range of staff hours required to complete every project task. The Guidelines consist of the Scope of Services files (MS Word documents), the Staff Hour Forms and the Staff Hour Estimation Basis (MS Excel spreadsheets)
CADD Manual The CADD Manual addresses the requirement to utilize Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) for production and delivery of digital project data for the Florida Department of Transportation.

Structures Design

Structures Design Research Reports
Post-Tensioning Reports, Structures Research Laboratory Project Reports, Current Structures Research Laboratory Research Projects
Structures ManualIncludes Structures Design Guidelines, Structures Detailing Manual, Modifications to LTS, and Fiber Reinforced Polymer Guidelines
Soils and Foundation Handbook
A guide to the proper procedures for performing geotechnical services for Florida Department of Transportation
Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall Inspector's Handbook
General guidelines used in the construction inspection process
Last updated 07/15/2021