Traffic Incident
Management /
Program Manager
605 Suwannee St.,
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Tel: (850) 410-5631
Road Ranger
The Road Ranger Service Patrol provides traffic incident
management response services and limited no-cost
highway assistance to motorists to improve highway safety
for emergency responders and the motoring public.
If you're on the roadway and need assistance, call *347 on
your mobile phone. If you’ve received assistance, please
comment so we can continue to improve our service.
If you have a question that is not answered below, please contact us .
How do I request Road Ranger services?
To request a Road Ranger, please click here or dial *347 (FHP) on your cell phone. Please note that Road Ranger service availability varies throughout the state. Click here for the current Road Ranger service availability. |
What do the Road Rangers do?
The Road Ranger Service Patrol conducts temporary traffic control operations for incidents, removes debris from the roadways, and provides assistance to stranded motorists. When Road Rangers are not responding to calls, they continuously patrol the expressways in their respective coverage areas, monitor traffic conditions, and report any new incidents they observe. |
How much does the service cost motorists?
Motorists are not charged for the service. Also, while motorists are being assisted, they can make up to two local phone calls for free. |
How long will it take after I've contacted them?
They should be able to locate you within 15 to 30 minutes unless they are detained because of an emergency situation such as a crash. |
What is my responsibility if I am stranded on the expressway?
If your vehicle is blocking a travel lane, Florida law requires that you shall make every effort to move your vehicle so as not to block the regular flow of traffic. Once out of the flow of traffic, stay inside your vehicle and wait for help to arrive. |
What happens when a repair exceeds the services offered?
The Road Rangers truck will move the disabled vehicle out of the travel lane, and, at the motorist expense, the FHP will contact another towing service to assist further. |